Looking over and aiming into a deeper place I snapped a fly-by. Bird I assumed, though concentrating on capturing the brickwork in crept this glowrie. I assume - bird, limited experiences of shiny flying other-things, though I have myriad fotos of birds under high-speed conditions but none so whoosh and fly-me-bright as this
Wow Moon...
See my post on Friday for how this entrains with my slice of the sync web..
Awesome Pic
Moon, Re: Comment at NO - I mean the post I plan to post this Friday the 6 of March.
Wow - that really looks mechanical & metal - reminds me of something my son might have once played with from a space toy set - most intriguing!
I agree with wise-it reminds me of a toy-metallic a fly by MIG or perhaps that beautiful-but I am sure extremely deadly TU-160 the Russians have "The White Swan" they call it I think-best to you as always!!
nice capture.
Instantly made me think of this, from the video game Ikaruga. A (fictional?) ship which switches between black and white polarities. Even has the rear propulsion burst...
Cheers jake, I was trawling through the Iris post for the relevant.
It does look mechanical, ans simply built.
Have been staring at it , at all sizes, but no closer to any conclusion.
The problem is , is that I didn't notice it when i took the foto, it was just there when I loaded to computer
Thanks D will check the White Swan
Interbreasting - u think its got a wishbone?
Not too far off the japanese 'ship'.
I wonder if its some sort of insane reflection-deflection-reflection. Lots of glass buildings around
As to a bird, I remember [ or think I remember] a black-headed gull swooping up to mu right. But the foto shows no hint of markings and there's gaps between the 'wings' and the 'body' / fuselage
Similar ?
Hi News, took me to the site but didn't take me to the page
Reports coming in now - seems most likely could be 'reflection' by various angles - perhaps the 3 sticks of the umbrellas below, or something out of shot
Also things never seen before cannot be adequately described as no 'resonance package' exists.
LOL, Quidditch anyone? Better grab it, LOL.
Sorry, the North Berwick incident.
very cool! synchs with jakes bluebird rhythm
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