Sunday, October 27, 2013

Red Mist


  1. Autumn comes with mist and the dying year has a blaze of colour. You even have a red squirrel there by the look of it. I've never seen one of those here, though I did see a pine martin jump into a tree on dartmoor once. It surprised the hell out of me.

  2. Hi john,

    there's a few red squirrels, in the parks in the city, one ran past me only a couple of yards away the other day.

    Certainly the trees are ablaze with leftover summer.

    Its pretty warm here too


  3. That red squirrel looks familiar.

    - Aangirfan

  4. have u and the squirrel met?


  5. I have met that red squirrel previously!
    On many occasions. ;)

    they make such an interesting noise

  6. Hi penny

    they do make an interesting noise, but rarely I hear it.

    Are there many reds where u are?


  7. Hey Aferris

    Yes, there are lots of red squirrels where I live

    They make that weird rattling noise
    And squeaky sounds
    And they burrow rather then nest in trees like the grey/black squirrels do

    Just recently: There was a little young red squirrel alongside one of the bike trails I use

    tucked under his tail, seemed quite disoriented or something

    I got off my bike and he/she left, but, didn't scurry just sort of wandered off the path

    Not to much I could do for it, but, hope it was ok

    they are super cute

  8. They're great to watch. This one is in the middle of the city, which is encouraging.


  9. Hi Fez ;) Howza goin'?
    Haven't been around much but just dropping in to say Hi.
    We don't get squirrels here, but the crocodiles are pretty this time of year ;)building up to the monsoon , and the crickets about to start in a few days (the ashes) so i'm getting the excites!! I was very silly and deleted all of my blog posts, and i've started again..All the best to you and yours and hello to everyone :)who drops in here too..See ya round like a rissole ;)
    Cheers A13

  10. Hi A-thirs

    Ahh, the test match, so , ummm, who'll u be supporting :)

    Though 2 Ashes in one year seems a bit much

    anyhow good to hear from you

