Tuesday, September 23, 2008

WomanIZer [ a bit changed]

Stole this from Ben at PSEUDOCCULTMEDIA - Britney: Victim of the Womanizers. Ben often works at near light-speed so the post is already old, articles fast-paced helter-skelter, take a ride.

Her feet travel to OZ to meet the WIZ.
There are 9 LIGHTS visible on the left and 11 visible on the Right, so a very pushy 9/11 OZ thread.
Does this mark a definite swing amongst the world of Media Mind Kontrol away from their butterflies and into the 911OZ phenom. While I might be somewhat biassed [ low-level MK] this posterette seems overtly 911OZ rather than just 911 or OZ

Re - ISIS INCOGNITO by A SHOT TO THE SHAMAN, the colours gold and red he mentioned quite abit, and then there's the colours of Ironman gold-infused cozzie.
Her legs and the semi-fired circle seem frivolously ferris wheel, perhaps they will build the world's biggest designed like the picture, though doubtless not in Dubai. Ny guess is one across the US-Mexican border , the other straddling the US-Canada border joining the NAU together in plastic divinity.
Or perhaps one thousands of miles high , one leg in Venezuela the other in Anchorage.


  1. Frank Oz directed the Stepford Wives...Mind control anyone?

  2. haha awesome,you forgot to mention the capstone to pyramid.

  3. KN -So Frank Oz connects with Puppets/muppets and then simulacrums as in the Stepford Wives
    Terry - a snugfit

  4. Heh, I didn't even notice where her feet were positioned which is usually the kind of thing I go out of my way to notice! Great eye and analysis! [also thanks for the plug]

    And to 'know nothing', Stepford Wives looks like total mind control to me [nice post on it in your blog, synching up to other mind control movie Eyes Wide Shut good stuff], need to give that one a proper watch I think. I recently caught another Oz, Oz Scott (check out his Oz/MK related things he directed such as scarecrow/rainbow/Disney type tings) directing the latest episode of the show Eureka which I need to do posts on (too many shows and whatnot out at the moment!).

    Great work as always aferrismoon.

  5. I had to read it twice to check that u hadn't put it in somewhere. Anyhow I didn't get the 9/11 lights til a few hours later.
    Whatever we call this bogosphere it's evident we 'need' each other to move along.
    Great pic find , as usual


  6. wow the light sync is crazy, good I's.

  7. Bloody marvellous spotting.

    The curtain at the back (although striped) reminded me of the red curtains in Twin Peaks - "In these haunting dreams Cooper is continually displayed sitting in a room in a parallel universe containing black and white striped floors, red curtains..."
    Perhaps the floor is behind the curtain!


  8. Terry - the light synch just raised the level a bit- OZ ok, fair bit of that in showbiz, but linking it with 9/11 - highly sus.

    WW-Cheers , I've just walked past a couple of cheap Kyle McClachlan vids, might pick them up now.
    The colours of Prague, capital of Bohemia = red and yellow


  9. This crossed my mind yesterday but thought it too vague, but your mention of Prague colours decided me.
    I recalled the colours of the pantaloons of the Swiss Guards in Raphael's 'The Mass of Bolsena' - not sure how good internet colours are, but the clarity in my school books was so amazing I've always remembered it. Found a link you might like as it seems the protagonist is Peter of Prague.


  10. Creepy picture, the Oz-9/11 is pretty obvious. Her legs also seem to break the 21 stars along the bottom into 7-7-7.

  11. Cheers Vio - creepy indeed, though respectfully it took me a while to count the lights. At first I counted one side and assumed the 22 lights, then bothered to count what was given.
    7x7x7 = 343, which seems to creat a flickering 77

    Via the Hebrew numbers 777 represents the 3 glyphs Z, O and N and perhaps alludes to the essence of life/death . that of Indeterminancy

