Friday, September 19, 2008

Casting Out Nines to the Octave Wave [ Corrected]

Filched from STARMUMMY , courtesy of Blob+Nosis, the date GIZA 1928, which may or may not be when Starmummy got made. Philip K.DicK [KK or K times 2 thus K2 - pyramountain] got made in 1928, though , his twin sister died in childbirth, and led to a deep longing within PKDK.
MISTAKE - I received this comment correcting what I wrote above >>>

Just a small erratum: Phil's twin sister Jane died January 26, 1929. Are you suggesting that their mother's childbirth lasted six weeks?

~~ Tessa B. Dick

The idea that Twins may be put to profitable use in 'Mind-Control' programmes leads one to wonder if the Germanic Dick entered into this miasma via the literary world, and as such into the Movie Mythology of the late 20th & early 21st centuries, wittingly, voluntarily, coerced , driven, or just not at all. He broke into the Movie world with BLADE RUNNER , a film that popularised the post-apocalyptic, semi-cynical techno-state that seems all the rage still, esp. with counter-culture fashion and lifestyle ethos - fashionihilism . The state likes it as it image-criminalises, great network flash-news reality flick stroke ads - urbane terrorism.
PKD , came into the world in 1928 and then departed , twinningly, in 1982, some of his psyche-soul residue powering forth the BLADERUNNER and future dystopias. Marilyn Monroe also shares this synch, birthing in 1926, signing out in 1962.
1928 = a subtle 911, take out the nine , the rest = 11

While those 2 wrote and acted, Bucky-Fuller played with numbers. Below we see part of his CONGRUENCY tables.

If one , for examples , creates rows of numbers, beginning at 1 and stopping at 7 [ 2nd table], then going to the 2nd row , continuing with 8 to 14 and on and on, a pattern evolves. To apprehend the pattern one has to convert the number into INDIGS - a number such as 53 added until it becomes a single number - 5+3=8, so 53 Indig = 8. This creates a series of numbers that go from 1 - 9 [ and has no zero], so 8 is 2 away from 1 and 6.
Congruence in Modulo 7 - all rows in 7s. We must now look to the columns , Column 1 = 1,8,6,4 - so 1 - 2 = 8 , 8 -2 = 6, 6-4 = 2 and so on. Therefore Cong. in Modulo 7 - each row lose 2.
When we get to Cong. in Modulo 9 each row loses 0.
The whole process from 1 - 9 = 1- Each row Gains +1, 2-each row gains +2, 3 gains +3, 4 gains +4, 5 LOSES -4, 6 loses -3, 7 loses - 2, 8 loses -1 and NINE [ NEIN] lose/gains 0. From this and other obsevations Fuller felt that there are only 4 Absolute numbers that express themselves as an Octave Wave and NINES [ Outside-outing zeros] punctuate each Octave Wave.
For the info >>> SYNERGETICS,Vol II - Chapter: NUMEROLOGY

As all = frequency waves then 9 acts as a 'gate' through which frequencies of differing rates may pass through each other - like a diver plunging into water, cosmic rays passing through humans and planets, blogs synching in harmony.
9 appears to have Stargate characteristics - and now might be a good time to watch the 4th dimensional synchromystic sweep-out GENETIC HYBRIDIZATION, THE NINES AND THE AMNESIAC GODHEAD - can be found at all good Psychonaut outlets or the Local Blob - hurry while shocks last.
That bit of maths proves quite easy , thus all can take part and innerstand it. Only 4 absolute numbers eXist [ see Wise Womans - MAY THE FOURS BE WITH YOU for other quadraplicitous behaviour], and they wave in octaves, which may pass through other frequencies via the 9.

If one repairs to a previous post - TELI'S ON THE BLINK, I used a pic of 'Goodbye Yellow Brick Road', by the synchromazing rockstar ELTON JOHN. Looking again at it, I noticed the nose of a 'plane jumboing through the sky, above the left-hand pillar synch. Below the plane we see factory chimneys smoking a tad like the WTC buildings, while it flies on a bearing towards the G of Goodbye , tying in the 9/11 atttacks to the Masonic G.

Note only did the diminutive pianist synch with CROCODILE ROCK he now synchs with the ROCKETEER - a post just recently emerging from GOSPORN]. This post flicked my synchro-gland to focus on Eltons 3rd mighty synch ROCKET MAN.
Below on the right we see Elton sporting RocketMan regalia, one of his more functional costumes.
Rocket Man lyrics [ some of them] -

She packed my bags last night pre-flight
ZERO hour NINE a.m.
And i'm gonna be high as a kite by then
I miss the earth so much i miss my wife
It's lonely out in space
On such a timeless flight

MARS ain't the kind of place to raise your kids
In fact it's cold as hell
And there's no one there to raise them if you did
And all this science i don't understand
It's just my job five days a week
A rocket man, a rocket man

Some time later these words spake William Shatner

Elton took the middle name HERCULES which synchs with the 'pillars' on the 'Goodbye Yellow Brick Road' album cover.
The pillars of the ancient world seem broken

Changing Tack for a mo' , may I introduce u to a piece from The STARK Foundation collection of arts and other things. This piece ROCKWOOD POTTERY produced before they went out of business. I read James Shelby Downard's THE CARNIVALS OF LIFE AND DEATH in which he describes a trip to Rockwood with his father. Being young he sneaked off only to find some men burning human remains in a large kiln. He later surmised that perhaps ROCKWOOD made some very special BONE CHINA indeed.

Over at the Blobs post SCARLET DRAGON we get treated to some meat on Tony STARK [ St.Ark or Star.K], the businessman-scientist whose alter=ego = IRONMAN. El Blobbo notes that Gwyneth Paltrow finds SHANGRI-LA [ in Sky Captain etc] in the Karakorum [ K2-ville]. She acts as Pepper Potts in IronMan.
In 1937[Hindenburg disaster] LUTCHER.STARK designed his own gardens in ORANGE, TEXAS [ remember Phil K. Dick lived near Orange County, Ca. when getting VALIS transmissions]. He called them SHANGRI-LA. They got destroyed in a freak snowstorm in 1958, oddly the same year that many players from MANCHESTER UNITED [ at present sponsored by AIG] lost their lives in a snowstorm-planecrash in MUNICH.Shangri-La aka Tibet is full of Lamas/ Monks and Munich means MonksTown in German.
Below the logo of the Stark Foundation [ synchronous with many rich superheroes having 'foundations' to cover their wierd science etc] created in 1961 [ 1-96-1]. [ see old post TOOT AND COME IN, ITS SHANE GORILLA for extra on Stark].
1+9+6+1 = 17 = 8 ; 1+6+1 = 8 , because 9s = 0. This process = 'casting out nines' or numbers totalling to 9.

Blob's H[AMENDED] post reitirated this ship, the USS NewYork , which they made from old bits of twisted metal, lightly dusted with human remains, from the 9/11 atatatatacks - found objects [ art school ]
Looking at it in this bigger detail it seems to resemble an Eagle's face.
Th hilts of the swords play the eyes, and I notice that one looks like the MOON-eye, and the other the SUN-eye, adding a little 'gyptian detail.

Geroge and the DRagon have made brief appearances inthe past couple of posts alluding to the idea that afoementioned George spears the Dragon's Maw in pictorial metaphor of the constellation Draco and trajectories aimed at Galactic centre.
His spear in icons gets drawn as a very thin line inferring a bearing or trajectory. This spear has the name ASHKELON, named apparently, after this town in the Holy Land.
Below shines the very Water-gatey themed emblem of modern-day Ashkelon. Askelon in Israel synchs with the very prominent military backing and troop-training Israel has given Georgia prior to the conflict]

On 8/8/8 Georgia and Russia [ who BOTH have ST.GEORGE, the Dragon-Tickler as a patron saint] locked horns in territorial disagreement over South [ Aus] OSsetia. A few days later, in my post PENTADRAGONS, I noted that Georgia played WALES in football - synchronous as Wales proffers the Dragon as national symbol. Georgi prevailed 2-1.
A couple of weeks ago The WORLD CUP Qualifiers began [ for South Africa 2010] , and Wales played Azerbaijan, on the other side of the Caspian Sea to Georgia]
MISTAKE 2 - Georgia has its coast on the BLACK SEA while Azerbaijan,neighbouring Georgia , lies on the CASPIAN SEA

followed a couple of days later by the match against ........RUSSIA, who won 2-1. Thus Wales the Dragon have played 2 countries sporting St.George and lost to them both equally. The withdrawal of all troops seems to proceed in a regular and orderly fashion.
When the Dragon yields, doors open.


  1. All the things I forgot to say are 9s


  2. A brillo is a scouring pad Jake.

    A synchromystically Freudian comment perchance ?


  3. Great stuff. You gave me the consclusion to my syncblog post I was looking for! [Claps] Check it out
    The Ninth Doctor

  4. Freakin' gr8! I was walking my dog Oliver down by the river 2 days ago "the day the financial world stood still", which was imbued with a strange orangey light - we blamed it on particulates. Anyhoo, this guy walked by us, and my honey says (I swear to MIn) "That guy looks like Elton John!"

    Thanks for the Rocket Man syncs. I'm currently musing about Elton's "Your Song", and him sitting on the roof, kicking off the moss. We have a bay in Kirkland called Moss Bay, which was the scene of my most infamous defeat: the capsize of my catamaran at the Moss Bay Regatta. Somehow Kate Moss is a part of it...

    Cheers, Michael

  5. Just a small erratum: Phil's twin sister Jane died January 26, 1929. Are you suggesting that their mother's childbirth lasted six weeks?

    ~~ Tessa B. Dick

  6. I'll take your reference to 1928, an airship & a crash in the snow & raise you the airship 'Italia' which crashed into pack ice on May 25th, 1928 returning from the North Pole. Roald Amunsden boarded a plane to help find survivors & was never seen again. 33 years later on another May 25th (1961) Kennedy announced plans to out a man on the moon (another rocketman?)

    Great read, am still pondering.

  7. Pepper Potts.... PP.....

    Can we find a Double T, TT, in Tony sTark, or 2K in staRK with the R forming a 2 or I2?

    Making RR 2II2...

  8. Archie - I had that thought too, checked them on the net.
    Michael - That's great. Many things seem to twist and turn via Elton, Hercules, those H-looking pillars. I await your Tack.
    Tessa - Fair cop! Superficial research + assumption. I assumed his sister died in childbirth, for no reason.
    I have used PKDick and his life in furtherance of this blog, and have perhaps been less than careful in what I've written.
    I also managed to get the geography of Azerbaijan and Georgia wrong.
    6 weeks would be very long
    Thanks for letting me know.
    Wise - fine merger, is that some kind of synchromystic takeover bid. U wrote ' kennedy announced plans to OUT a man on the moon - one can only wonder
    B and T - RR = 2112 to my look, and that synchs it back with the RUSH album 2112.

    Merci Buckets

  9. Now, checking my faulty memory, is aferrismoon a reference to R.A. Heinlein's novel Double Star?

    BTW, PKD was not German; he had Scottish ancestry

    ~~ Tessa

  10. Aferrismoon is a play on the Hebrew for A Persimmon.
    Thanks for the ancestry tip. He did seem to lean to German poetry at times, and he played on Dick meaning Dich , German for fat, though I notice I didn't imply any Greek to him [ thinking about it he did speak in Koine too]


  11. LOL Aferrismoon, it was supposed to be but 'put' a man on the moon - but who knows.

    No, not a take over bid just for fun. So that's where your name comes from, I did wonder.


  12. well, anyway, I like the name, aferrismoon

    -- actually, I studied koine Greek, and it was very difficult, but I did know more about it than Phil did, so he was always askng me for help with it

    ~~ Tessa


  13. I noted heaps of connections to Manchester United and the Ninth Doctor. (The First Doctor in Nine Years)

    For what it's worth,Eccleston is a huge supporter of the team, planned to play for it & was born near their home ground....

    I'm still adding stuff to my blog on him...he's a great Nine.

  14. Dr.Do - Its odd that now there's this 'battle' of the finances in City at the mo'. The Abu Dhabis are like the Daleks as they've got shares in the defence industry of the US whose govt. has just bailed out ManU's sponsors.
    Ferguson is the Master though - he doesn't require regeneration
    The Transfer Market window represents travelling through wormholes of time.
    Got into the Torchwood and Cardiff City link, as Cardiff played in last years FACup losing to Portsmouth,and I have Portsmouths logo on the blog as it makes me think of the Stargates
    Eccles is in Lancashire.

    Tessa - thanks again for the info, perhaps , having gleaned the Valis trilogy again, I might pick your brains.
    As an aside I 'teach' English in Czech Republic and thought I would rename 'English' as World Around Language Integration Systems, and a few seconds after realised that sounded like Valis. Via etymology WAL = foreigner in Anglo-Saxon , found in WALes, where I was born.
    I imagine that WALIS and VALIS can be considered similar, and that perhaps language itself = Valis. And yet it has the element of foreigness about it.
    WW - I made it quite some time ago though it seems to connect with things like Ferris wheels which i ahdn't planned on. Numerolovingly it = 437 = 19x23, two primes dancing in liquid live as 19 = ChVH [ Eve] while 23 = ChYH [ living].

    All aboard the SkyLark

  15. And I always thought that aferrismoon was some sort of esoteric reflection on the moon's movements and a ferris-wheel.

    Honestly, I did/do!


  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Some syncs to this post and comments.

    Elton John played in Winnipeg this past weekend.
    I believe I saw Kate Moss in a bar in London once...


  18. The Bar was the Elbow Room near Notting Hill...

  19. Excellent, didn't even check what he was actually doing now - oh! the little things

    Elbow room - L - Bow , Sagittarius again.


  20. Never cease to AH-MAZE me Aferris!

    So all the 9s eh? What of the 9 from Minas Morgul?

    Minas Morgul was also called the Dead City and the Tower of Sorcery.


    Great work mate, cheers!

  21. By the way, thats one of the FEW times I've seen Sir John without his "Sun Glasses" on, he looks like a Fish out of Water!

    Be well my man!
