Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Sly Ontology

Reading a bit about the beginnings of Scientology I acme across this passage: " In 1938, in an unpublished manuscript Excalibur, he [ L. Ron Hubbard ] delineated the common denominator of existence as "survive" and outlined the theory that "life is composed of two things: the material universe and an X-factor...that can evidently organize and mobilize the material universe." This fundamental concept was to be the basis of his later researches for both Dianetics and Scientology. "

reminding me of the ubiquitous, like-a-rash, talunt show title , the 'X-Factor' which organizes the 'material' of fraught attention-seeking sorts and then mobilizing them into all kinds agenda-dripping situation.

The chosen, birthright elite develop the frightfully mundane who live such unglamouress existences yet keep a tight hold of the resulting financial windfalls - Whitney's , Amy's, Michael's record sales "soar" after death - almost soul-like.

The show tries to find the talent nestling within ordinary folks who are judged by super-folks. Apparently the show swings between intense emotional happiness, through crying for no reason doused with glib critique, + the de rigeur elevated spite followed by the audience screaming in mockery , laughing at the night's cowering victim. ' Burn them hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! '

Some may see a connexion between that and the 'personality test' administered by Scientologists when looking to recruit , uhhhhh, talent.

The one Scientology uses is called the ' Oxford Capacity Analysis '


Apparently most results are negative thus requiring improvement via Scientology, at your expense. Organs such as Scientology seem to work on the newcomer by stripping the personality of its past and then rebuilding along 'good' programming.

Some will deal with their 'unacceptable' ratings in different ways.


I assume most joining such organizations feel less than happy about themselves and require a sort of exclusive , group stability based on the same programming.

As far as being a member of humanity as group this rarely ever seems to be enough - one must belong to the 'correct' group

I wonder if they practice the personality stripping scenario with contestants who do well [ i.e.: 'get chosen' ]on 'X-Factor' , just to make them ready for the rigours of 'show-business'.

The creator of 'X-factor' seems to be one Simon Cowell , perhaps so-named for his trademark 'scowl'.
Perhaps he wears a 'cowl'

He calls his company SYCO which I assume stands for Simon Cowell , though replacing the 'i' with a 'Y' lest it should read ' SIC[k]O '

'Syco' may well be short for 'psychopath' -

definition via Wiki:

'Psychopathy (/saɪˈkɒpəθi/[1][2]) is a personality disorder characterized by a pervasive pattern of disregard for, or violation of, the rights of others. It is defined in different ways, but can involve a lack of empathy or remorse, false emotions, selfishness, grandiosity or deceptiveness; it can also involve impulsiveness, irritability, aggression, or inability to perceive danger and protect one's self.'

An essential for prospective 'winners' perhaps - this thread melds scientology, x-factor and lying together:



Simon shares his surname with Theodore Robert Cowell [ after his mother] better known as Ted Bundy, a prolific killer amongst other talents. He adopted the name of his mothers second beau - Johnny Culpepper Bundy, a hospital cook. Neverthless some wonder if he wasn't related to the more well-off Bundys who pepper US history.


Allegedly he would 'change' in appearance throughout his trials, his smell would alter, facial features looked different. One judge apparently referred to him as a 'changeling'. He administrated a number of personalities, a requisite for 'fooling the public', gaining their trust and their 'consent'.

Like television and Pop 'person'alities , there's a whole lotta 'hoodwinking' goin' on!

Next pleeeeze!!


  1. X was the symbol/Sigil/Glyph of/for Osiris.

    Interesting post and still would connect least to the Simon (Cow - Moo - Aliens Slaughtering Cows etc...) part of your Theory.

  2. agree these "game" shows are mass manipulations/rites, cow-el = god or baal of hathor (priest or servant of mammy moo)

    The show tries to find the talent nestling within ordinary folks who are judged by super-folks. Apparently the show swings between intense emotional happiness, through crying for no reason doused with glib critique, + the de rigeur elevated spite followed by the audience screaming in mockery , laughing at the night's cowering victim. ' Burn them hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! '

    yup they are horrible to witness, but extremely popular with women (and docile hubbies)

    these shows used to puzzle me, given that there's more musical/artistic talent at the local open-mike . . . but that's the idea, that any viewer could be onstage and feted -- talent is almost inconseqential

    these are mass psycho-dramas, what the public now embraces as part of its "religion" (esp females) and the rabid viewer indeed undergoes a mini catharsis by proxy

    . . . emotional rollercoasters with flashes of glory interspersed by tons of mockery and self-righteous shaming of the next victim uh contestant (look how superior WE are, honey!)

    not unlike the social dynamics of the girls' section of an elementary school playground


  3. I did the tour of cereal killers a few years back. Bundy of course stood out. Was it he that dated Tony Blairs x girl friend..i may be wrong here..but one of the best known cereal killers did date blairs ex..

    i think she then went on to make a film about stolen children..

    for me though of all the cereal killers out there, the zodiac killer was the most interesting in a morbid conspiracy theory type way..

    imagine this..a killer appears called the zodiac killer..yet the police never once looked at star positions in their investigation..

    it would seem to me like they werent trying..i did look at the star configs of all the murders..there is much to be said that sadly a comment wouldnt do justice to..

    my reason for commenting is that well occasionally i watvh british tv..recently whenever cowell has been mentioned on brit tv he has been compared to satan..or on 3 occasions i have heard mention of satan recently in programs someone has commented that simon cowell is in the US..weird i know but it would seem brit tv personalities do like to compare him to the beast with alarming regularity.

  4. imagine this..a killer appears called the zodiac killer..yet the police never once looked at star positions in their investigation..

    the three main investigative units were v parochial back then esp about occult aspects of murder -- two were small-town units, vallejo and napa pd

    the vallejo times-herald newspaper did, in a sense, "cover" the astrology aspect, partly for pop value -- but not astronomy (out of the league of investigators)

  5. Ta Quark, rising up via talent show to be variously emasculated/dewomanised at some point in the future, by a tabloid.

    Its more like the shredding of King someone by the Bacchanalian cult [ or maenads].

    Cowell had Jewish roots and the name Cowell comes from a word meaning 'smith' - a manipulator of metals.

    Ray - any photos of the Beatles being welcomed at an airport resonates the mass hysteria cult. Like the pic at the bottom of yer present post.

    'Flashes of glory' - the film clip set to music, even serial killers look good. A few kilers once caught have admitted they just wanted the fame. IT WORKS.

    Hi G.

    Blair-Bundy - Macro-Micro, as above so below.

    Bundy was shadowed by Ann Rule , who's worth checking out - she don't seem altogether truthful.

    Zodiac and the astronomical 'positions' of his victims I imagine would have been hard to swallow for law enforcement but does with the 'new age' movement of the '60s. auspicious ritual and all that.

    If you've any info on the positions would be interesting to see.

    cheers all

  6. i had an entire file of astro incidents as i call them ranging from all our fav conspiracy deaths

    i.e madeline mccann venus conjunction..ledger mercury conjunction..all the way back to abe lincoln which was a venus conjunction if memory serves..i also did the positions of each zodiac victim..mordib shit,

    2 weeks ago my pc was hacked..i realised id been hacked 2 days b4 a windows killer virus was downloaded by my pc..when i realised something was amiss..i typed in google..search box as i was being keylogged...

    "do your worst i know you are watching my pc activities whoevr you are" 2 days later my pc downloaded a win kill virus and that laptop is now toast..

    this is why i put the link to the software on my site again as i have had to reinstall it..so for now no pics..but frankly the zodiac killer who was investigated by ledgers costar in the gay cowboy flick doesnt interest me..theres no answrs to be found in that case..there is no why apart from ritualist sacrifice to the stars..least not that i could find..

  7. I don't think its morbid to investigate these killings, though they are so awful that people ARE put off and as such any amount of crapola may be written as fact by the media.

    And some ask ' Why are u into such morbid stuff' while blithely writing off 911 as a 'terrorist attack' - end of story, move along etc.

    Heath Ledger - a Zodiac victim?

    Maybe not 'answers' but 'leads'.

    Perhaps its not so much the event but the relationships to that event that may be investigated, as in Quantum physics


  8. IDK, I actually enjoy some of the talent shows. I don't watch programmed TV much at all. Haven't in like 3 or 4 years.

    When I say not much I really mean it. I like celeb reality and also talent shows. I actually like Simon and actually kinda wondering how long Howard Stern will last as a judge on Americas Got Talent.

    I think I may have followed 3 or 4 shows in the part 3 or 4 years and 'Americas Got Talent' was one of the ones I was watching religiously like 2 years ago with my wife... I think it is great that there is some shows out there that try to redefine what talent it, but that is just me.

    By the way I have nothing against Jewish people and never have. Just clearing that up.

    I did watch a season or two of American Idol and Simon was a breath of brutal fresh air IMO. My wife watches that X-Factor show and I may catch it when I walk by the TV, seems like it has a low production value.

    Far as cereal killers go 'Green River Killer' - Convicted of 49, confessed to 71, presumed to be 90+

    Charles Manson - 0 (less you belive he ordered murders)

    Not here to argue that, but just to point out the fact that if you go to any book story or look up any book on mass murders or sometimes serial killers he is featured on the cover.

    This one is creepy and odd if you never watched it before...

    '1/3 The Iceman Confessions Of A Mafia Hitman 2001' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McMLWkOMIN8

    Always found the shit about the ice cream truck guy odd/interesting. They even have a similar character in the GTA video game series.

  9. re cowl = monks hood

    Monkshood aka Aconite & wolfsbane - "herbaceous perennial plant growing to 1 m tall, with hairless stems and leaves":

    "contains several poisonous compounds, including enough cardiac poison that it was used on spears and arrows for hunting and battle in ancient times ...has a long history of use as a poison, with cases going back thousands of years. During the ancient Roman period of European history the plant was often used to eliminate criminals and enemies"

    "Wolf's bane is used as an analogy for the power of divine communion in Liber 65 1:13-16, one of Aleister Crowley's Holy Books of Thelema:
    Wolf's bane is not so sharp as steel; yet it pierceth the body more subtly. Even as evil kisses corrupt the blood, so do my words devour the spirit of man. I breathe, and there is infinite dis-ease in the spirit. As an acid eats into steel, as a cancer that utterly corrupts the body; so am I unto the spirit of man"

    Also as I know you read him:
    "An overdose of aconite was the method in which Rudolph Bloom, father of Leopold Bloom in James Joyce's Ulysses, committed suicide"


  10. Ps if that was directed at me, just so you know. I have read mostly biographical stuff about Crowley. the only book I have read of his is 'The Book of The Law'... I care more about the man/spirit, then the books. I take him very very very slowly! Sip by sip.... The quote that got me into Crowley here... http://img7.imagebanana.com/img/vx0rwbeg/dfggfdgfgfdgf.jpg I never and don't take it literally.

    Good Day, long day... tired.

  11. Interesting links.

    - Aangirfan

  12. QO - Perhaps they could actually discover 'talent' that's useful for the world, science, medicine etc

    This 'talent' is really about getting attention , it seems to me.

    As Ray points out 'mass psycho-drama' + utter superficiality.

    Alex - "Even as evil kisses corrupt the blood, so do my words devour the spirit of man. I breathe, and there is infinite dis-ease in the spirit. As an acid eats into steel, as a cancer that utterly corrupts the body; so am I unto the spirit of man"

    Is that from the description of X-Factor et al? If not , it should be.

    Ta Aang

    Cheers all

  13. There is an episode of Sliders like that. Where the scientist are worshiped like the athlete. IDK, I could go on all day about my views on "talent", but somehow at the end of the day I think it would all be in vein. I focus on family and 'The Next World'....

  14. My thoughts exactly mr moon, along with the "used to eliminate criminals and enemies" - the tongue is far more vicious than the sword.


  15. Interesting. I've been thinking about the term "x factor" for a while. I was not aware of the Hubbard connection. I thought maybe it was just a British thing and couldn't figure out where it came from. It seemed odd that a term I'd never heard before was being used for such a massively hyped show.

    I don't like Simon Cowell because I just can't trust a man in 2012 who still keeps his third button undone.

  16. Alex - though it does give us the remedy - learn to use words, speech, communication in an incisive way, as opposed to using words in the media's deformed way just because one's voice is beamed into the minds of millions.

    Their 'power' breeds complacency.

    Psi Monk Owl

    Jeez Cheryl I had the 3 undone buttons down as debonaire , y'know , like Jonathan King :)

    I was flicking through some blurb on the Scientologists and though the 'X-Factor' is like the hi-energy pozitivity-confrontational thang of that 'religion', as shown by Tom Cruise jumping up and down on a sofa on Oprah.


  17. OMG are you people serious? Have you even seen this yet? hold on to your seats, this just FLOORED ME! http://youtu.be/KfritzQ7dA4
