Sunday, December 11, 2011

Look Her Like ?

Lauri Ann Martinez. a prison psychologist, with a friend , faked her own rape to convince her husband that the area they were living in was too rough and that they should move, acc. to the news

To me she looks not unlike:

Zippy Livni - Leader of the opposition in Israel, took part, and would again, in Operation Cast Lead, a cynical, vicious and criminal attack, using nasty weapons, watched by picnicking Israelis, as they attempted to ethnically cleanse future Jewish land, rather like her parents who took pleasure in terrorizing the local inhabitants some years ago.

Anyhow, cynicism aside, they do seem remarkably similar [ u don't have to agree] and continues in the vein of media lookalikes, imaginary people and stories, a vast cloning and/or interbreeding industry churning out royalty, celebrities, public figures etc etc.


  1. Yiickes..they have the most creepy psycho looking eeyyes..
    very creepy, sepparated at birth kinda "spirit" perhaps..
    There is something xtra specially crepy in those creatures eyes that's for sure..first glance and comparrison was like a "jolt" of disgust..
    Hope you are well Ferris..
    a big prost to you with a glass of Bohemia sekt..Czech champers which is awesome..Cheers and regards

  2. Again, maybe the same "demon" posseseth them both? It's in the eyes.
    down deep.

  3. It was Martinez' eyes and mouth that made me immediately think of Zippy - photos are snapshots in time but they still both seem to have a very deadpan stare, possessed possibly of their own self-righteousness.

    A politician and a prison psychologist - both professions requiring control of others [ for their own good]


  4. very interesting, she absolutely looks like livni.

    i was following aan's links the other day about the Mark Bingham 911 obit.

    this video is interesting, shows face morphing technology:

    found here:

  5. Martinez's behavior, if she did, sounds like someone with bipolar disorder.

    Now I don't know what prescription drugs Zippy take. Maybe Lithium?

  6. Ta for links AP, she really does look like Zippy.

    HB - not only that her friend hit her to make it look convincing. I wonder if its actually a true story , read the article , its odd


  7. They look very similar; unlike the two Saif Gaddafis.

    - Aangirfan

  8. both have hard faces and cold eyes... tho Martinez' mouth is off-the-charts cruel, the hate just pours outta that face

    psychologist no less! sufficiently stable mentally to fake her own rape so she could climb the social ladder (first degree) to a Better Neighborhood

    sounds sane to me! we'd all try it if we could, no? why not make her Governor? having vast power over people in cages seems insufficient, from a satanic p.o.v.

    she's There to Help! Maria Shriver's lunch buddy, formulating more Womans Nation plans! god help us all

    i already had Lauri Ann Martinez (LAM) in my queue for a post . . . reminds me of the piece freedominourtime did on the prison-guard gangs in california (along with Trial Lawyers Assn, prison guards are probably the most powerful lobbying group in the state)

    as for Zippy Livni, females have no business making policy for any nation, and nations that employ them as such will regret it

    on to the good news -- my crack(head) team of investigators researched the comparison fully, and discovered that both women indeed DO have a common father

    now, no need to thank me, the glittering Clarity of Truth is reward enough!

  9. try again

  10. Aang - amazingly similar and yes less of the discrepancies so easily found in lookalikes.

    Ray -
    Defo 'Cruelty Corner'

    Prison psychologist in a male prison - imagine the staffroom banter. Doubtless assumes the prisoners are children who need to take part in 'empathy games' or solitary confinement.

    Her actions [ viz. the rape] are a form of logical insanity. She validates telling her husband that some guy penetrated her with the move to housing more in line with her job , which I assume was meant to 'help' prisoners. Her husband's opinion is 'inconsequential' , of no use unless it acquieces with her needs. Meanwhile she has the gall to tell men how to think.

    As for Zip the Livni - Israeli Army leads the way in women in the army followed closely by USUK Alliance.
    Women are now empowered to take part in illegal wars !? When the war's over they can become Law Enforcement and Prison guards - well done Feminism!

    In UK we also have a famous Zippy


  11. Her actions [ viz. the rape] are a form of logical insanity.

    nature o' the beest alrightee, made perfect sense to her, Hyperuniverse II

    thousands of nurse ratcheds, providing their 'expertise' and 'help' to a captive audience, but crazier than concrete shoes themselves

    with a generous pension plan!

    when i was in enchantment land for a couple years in the nineties, the local state prison was advertising all over for female guards... no high school diploma necessary, we will train! many of the guards were former inmates

    oh how the Lady loveth her cages

    economic salvation for small town amerika!

    As for Zip the Livni - Israeli Army leads the way in women in the army followed closely by USUK Alliance.

    why am i not surprised... the Way of the Androgyne, the Working worked

    hm, wonder if Zippy the Muppet was bred with Zippy the Pinhead, a la crowley's working? producing the twins you pictured... they sure are a sore for sight eyes


  12. Whoa, they definitely look alike! And what a bizarre story!

    "She split her own lip with a pin, scraped her knuckles with sandpaper, had her friend punch her in the face, and even wet her pants to give the appearance she had been knocked unconscious, authorities said Friday."


  13. I've had a theory for awhile that people who look and sound (voice) alike will tend to have had similar experiences and similar personalities.

  14. I've had a theory for awhile that people who look and sound (voice) alike will tend to have had similar experiences and similar personalities.

  15. I've had a theory for years that people who look and sound alike tend to have had the same experiences and very similar personalities. Time and again you'll find that these people will even have the very same possessions. There are only so many types of people.

  16. Ray - who better than a prison psychologist to be an Israeli minister - they got an open prison with views of the sea.

    John - perhaps she got advice from the inmates, they say prison just makes better criminals

    Pendo - could be correct, a minimum of say 300,000 'different' human models, each model the root for a number of 'lookalikes', personality-prepared for certain roles.


  17. ferris, sorry to go off topic but i saw this pic and thought of you:

    ad exec crushed by elevator. definitely a gruesome, freak accident. also freaky for the fact that all the tenants had within the month decided to vacate the building because it is about to be sold by a Dublin-based company. hmm. any i'm not sure how this tragedy compares to all the people getting crushed and otherwise ripped apart by bombs and wars in Libya, Syria, Gaza, Belgium, etc etc etc. not as interesting i suppose.

  18. Hi AP - must have been going at a hell of a speed + 2 others injured.

    If the buildings getting sold then possibly maintenance took a back seat.

    It reminds me of the Martini advert - Anytime Anyplace A-ny-where


  19. do you think the arial shot of the big long vehicle with 3313 on the roof was strange? aren't those special numbers for the initiated?

  20. I believe so, at least an eyecatcher, though I balk at the idea that anyone is actually initiated into anything other than 'something else'


