Sunday, May 15, 2011

".. but that's not meant to be."

What to make of a remark settling at the bottom of an article:

The shuttle program's end, and the uncertainly surrounding the future of NASA and the U.S. space program, have been hot topics in recent months. NASA's shuttle launch director Michael D. Leinbach acknowledged Saturday that "the mood is a little bit downcast" in the space agency, especially with some NASA employees getting notices this week warning them that they could lose their jobs.

"The timing is a little unfortunate, but we've all known it's been coming," he said.

Endeavour entered service in 1992 as a replacement for the ill-fated Challenger, which exploded in 1986.

Leinbach, who was a test director for Endeavour's inaugural mission, said the orbiter remains in prime condition 19 years later.

"She still looks awfully good out there," he said. "She's got a lot of life left in her, but that's not meant to be."

Challenger - Jan 28 1986
Chernobyl - April 26 1986
Fukushima - March 11 2011
Endeavour - May 16 2011

With it being the last flight by Endeavour, its 'death' so to speak, it appears in the same year as a major nuclear accident. Many other shuttles have probably been decommissioned without attendant nuclear fallout, but due to Mrs Giffords shooting, the event has taken on extra attention.

Maybe they need some extra rads on Earth to highlight something they will record from space.


  1. "President Obama, who came for the initial launch try, will not attend today. He will be in Memphis visiting residents flooded out of their homes."

    also, from yr article--

    'NASA Space Shuttle Program Launch Integration Manager Mike Moses told reporters. "In our minds, we are good to go."'

    Pharaoh in Memphis ResurrectUS on launch moonday w/coagula by Moses hisself! :O)

    Launch Weather Officer is Kathy Winters, ka hathor winter (kore, arisen from hadean winter)

    thanks for updated info and photo, newest photo clearer but yr original version and interp still tell the tale

    that bike cop might live in houston but his soul is in khem



  2. re our discussions of Giffords shooting, Kopper King, Joe Arpaio, AZ law enforcement, copper mines--

    on May 5, an ex-Marine was shot dead by a SWAT team in Tucson, under v dubious circumstances -- report sez he had just come off the "graveyard shift at the nearby Asarco Mine"

    Asarco owns two copper mines in AZ w/plans for expansion

    smells like more goat AF, i'm not thrilled and will be looking into this



  3. Here's a well-written article about the SWAT shooting [ the blogger has a lot of well-written articles about the prison and police state]


    The pic is clearer and shows the O-phiser in his shorts with his bike-helmet. Things go in and out of focus - one minutes it P'Tah [ a bald-god] next its Ophiser Potter , defender of the Faith.

    Mem is 'water' in Hebrew, and links to Mem-ory.

    memphis comes under P'Tah's [ The Potter] protection, so the Bald one at the airport seems to ring in the annual inundation, which perhaps is what the deliberate flooding represents.

    His great temple Hut-Ka-Ptah is believed to be the original etymology of the word Egypt.

    Obie 1 gets his birth certificate from the west [ Hawaii] and rekindles his presidential standing. The floods, centred around Memphis mimic the flooding of the Nile and the time of regrowth.
    The Pharobie continues his symbolic ascension via the space launch.

    The father killed defending his home and family [ terrorist] has the name Guerena, which implies 'war' via the Spanish.

    Anyhow a 4-yr old girl , present at her father's death, now just as the state want her - fatherless and traumatised.


  4. ptah and his Kopper Mine Korrections Komplex

    youre good when you go in, but by the time you come out...

    yes thanks, found it originally thru yr link

    "Anyhow a 4-yr old girl , present at her father's death, now just as the state want her - fatherless and traumatised."

    not really useful, tho, unless she's also empowered


  5. She won't be, wrong 'bloodline'.


  6. she already has been, assuming mom has teevee and daughter hasnt been living in a kopper mine

    in a couple years, her formal empowering education will start


  7. Hi ferris, here's something for you

    qoute by Mark kelly(hubby)
    "she loves to play with my ring"

    cheers A13

    ps:Mark Kelly's twin brother looks like uncle fester :)

  8. "Things go in and out of focus - one minutes it P'Tah [ a bald-god] next its Ophiser Potter , defender of the Faith.

    "Mem is 'water' in Hebrew, and links to Mem-ory."

    "memphis comes under P'Tah's [ The Potter] protection, so the Bald one at the airport seems to ring in the annual inundation, which perhaps is what the deliberate flooding represents."

    agree, Ptah, no question

    numerically, there are more masonic cops and lawyers than any other "profession" so the flipflopping from Kopper Kop to Ptah makes sense -- AZ and Texas being "zero tolerance" strongholds

    ptah's is the fertility/resurrective deity of craftsmen, eets a shocker eh?

    as Anubis announces, Ptah officiates over installations of pharaohs or changes in pharonic dynasties

    Endeavor launch date was re-scheduled so Ptah could make his "Love Field" runway appearance on Royal Marriage weekend, witnessing as goddess gabby re-ascended the Star Stairway

    the actual launch was always set for yesterday (may 16) to accord with Pharobama's visit to Memphis and its overswollen Nile uh Miss Isis Ippi

    Ptah's cult was centered in Memphis, which the Egyptians called "Hikuptah" from which comes the English word "Egypt"


  9. just as i tried to post that comment 40 mins ago, connection konked out (v rare indeed)

    i called phone co they advised an outage in the ONE TINY TOWN out of all the u.s. providing my service


    no shit eh sherlock?

    i went to the window made it clear i'd just start yelling it all out, stand on the corner and wake the whole fucking town

    came back into room, green light back on, posted

    guess they likes theys sleep!


  10. A13 - as I'm out didn't have sound up but noticed that he's actually taken off his ring and twizzles it round his fingers.

    Mark Kelly , future politico - double header with GG. Her injury will , I assume , prevent her from becoming President but perhaps a real live spaceman would fit the bill.

    Ray -

    'the actual launch was always set for yesterday (may 16) to accord with Pharobama's visit to Memphis and its overswollen Nile uh Miss Isis Ippi '

    Yes it was an auspicious date but not a 'famous' one like the Witches Sabbath or May 1. As its a decision taken 'on the lam' only those in the know knew.

    Nev'theless in 1966 it marked the beginning of the Cultural Revolution [ called MAY 16 NOTICE].

    Rising waters - Rising flames

    Re: The outage - that's their problem , they can't sever the connexion.

    One of their own seems to be toddling up to the sacrificial altar , Strauss-Kahn ' Le Seduceur' getting his from the GG [ GynoGulag]. Got a penthouse 'sweet' on Riker's. 'Liberty' provides 'homeland security' with her watchful gaze and bright torch, watching one of her own - A Frenchie.

    Also May 16 is 2 months before July 16 , Moon launch and Trinity


  11. Ray - also u mentioned something about coneheads and france in comments to last post.


  12. In the Conspiracy Theory movie, Mal Gibson points out that "every major earthquake has coincided with a space shuttle launch" - if I remember correctly most the 'theories' were pretty damned close to truths.

    When NASA adds a 't' to it's name, it becomes devilishly interesting.


  13. Cheers Alex

    This time the launch coincided with the flooding of large parts of southern US to offset the possibility of worse floods in urban areas.

    Very Nile inundation marked by a firework show over at Cape Canaveral.

    Satan = As Ant

