Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Laughs Last

Somebody knocked its top off

' Can u move a little to the left'
' Sure Jared'

'ISTANBUL (AFP) – Famous Turkish singer Ibrahim Tatlises, popular across the Middle East, was clinging to life Monday after being shot in the head in Istanbul, media reported.'


Friday brought news of Jared Loughner and the status of charges against him.
"The indictment charged Loughner in the murders of U.S. District Judge John Roll and Giffords aide Gabe Zimmerman, and with causing the deaths of four others who were not federal employees, including a 9-year-old girl.
Loughner also was charged with causing the death of a participant at a federally provided activity; injuring a participant at a federally provided activity; and using a gun in a crime of violence.
Loughner had pleaded not guilty to earlier federal charges of trying to assassinate Giffords and kill two of her aides."

Apparently 'federal' means he can be sentenced to death. Thus his 'not guilty' plea is more likely to get him sentenced to death than had he pled 'guilty'. [ I think that's how it goes]

Gabby lives, Gabe dies.

2405 people [ in the US] have died between the Tucson shootings and March 14th.

Recent photos of Loughner don't look so much like Glen Beck any more [ right-wing pundit : ) ], his and Loughner's apparent similarities served merely to push the 'right-wing lunatic' agenda, the eventual purpose of which is to belittle all independent research as essentially the ramblings of would-be killers, 'spiracy theorists, whistleblowers, nearly anything but the bilious one-dimensional garbage that passes for modern discourse, debate, intellect, reportage, causes belli, etc etc. One wonders if they 'shopped Loughners photo, distorting it enough to fit in with Beck's features, but that would imply the eVent had been organized.

The pic of Beck is not Beck but Loughner's face superimposed. Its similar to the way the MSM reports, superimposing their agenda on top of news events

The most obvious disparity between Jan 10 when the 1st foto appeared and the 2nd one on Feb 22nd is his neck. His neck, in the Jan 10 foto , on his left, seems to go from jaw to shoulder at an angle that doesn't match his neck in the lower foto. There seems to be an extra 'size' to the first foto.

Some discrepancy over his eye-colour was made when the first foto came out - internetters claimed he had blue eyes in an old foto while in the first 'arrest' foto they look brown. Now in the second 'arrest' foto they revert to blue once more.

The lighting is stark , contrasts marked, compared with the softer lighting in the second. I'm inclined to think the 'neck' in foto1 has been manipulated, check where it connects to the body / t-shirt collar.

It seems that his nose has changed shape some time between the taking of these photos.

Different ears? Lighting makes such a difference

Has a mark on his forehead, on the right.
Still smiling!! Still shaving his eyebrows - still has access to a razor?
Again it appears to be his mugshot but there's no height markings.

the mugshot above and the same one below - 1 is longer , the other rounder

"Gabriella Carillo said he had "caused a lot of trouble" in all his classes except for music. "If he tried, he would probably be at the top of our class. But he kind of just wasted his life. There are some guys who are just angry. I never really saw a smile on his face at all," she told AP."

' Jared'
'Yes Boss' [still smiling]
'I just don't think you're taking this seriously. You killed 6 people?'
' Not guilty '
' Not guilty, there's twenty witnesses saw you do it'
' 2nd shooter?'
' There was no 2nd shooter!'
' He was undercover!'
' Undercover?'
'I had to cover for him , so he could get away, that's why the cops took so long to arrive.'
' Do you know his name?'
' Ray Davies' [ now giggling uncontrollably]
'RAY FUCKIN' DAVIES??!!, who's been arrested in Pakistan?!'
'Or the guy from the Kinks' [ on floor writhing in laughter]


Those who have had contact with him have said that he went a bit 'crazy' over a year or so.
"..fellow student Lynda Sorenson described Mr Loughner as a "mentally unstable person" who could be "one of those whose picture you see on the news after he has come into class with an automatic weapon".
Jared's last name has been spelt 'Laughner' on occasion, some have pronounced it that way. In nearly all his photos he smiles, most notably after arrest. Another Gabby , Gabriella carillo says she 'never really saw a smile on his face at all'.
In the Bible Yitzhaq is about to be sacrificed by Abraham when the tribal deity steps in delivering a ram in the final act. The root of Yitzhaq YTzChQ is TzChQ - ' laugh'. Does Jared think that he elude sacrifice?
RAID AVIS [ Rent-a-car[nage]

She said that she sat close to the door when he entered as Mr Loughner "scares the living crap out of me."
"In October , he was asked to provide "a mental-health clearance" to show that he would not be a danger to himself or others if he returned to college."
Around which time he seemingly became or chose to become ostracized and in November trundled off to a sports store and bought a Glock 19 9 semi-automatic pistol.
In the photo from the Book-Fair Loughner stands upright, in a strong though not aggressive stance . He competently holds the crossword board, and open body, smile , all making for a well-composed photo. It seems unlikely 'a loner' would sign up for what I assume is voluntary work. It does key in with his manifesto promoting grammar and good literacy

Compare this with his character in the desert whose posture and stance are deformed, corrupted while he conceals his appearance with a mask, hood and black bin-liners covering his legs.
"..both are martial stances, hers closed/away, jared’s open, an attacking stance of balance on balls of both feet, leaning slightly forward (towards her), right arm steadying the Big Board, left arm in (as you pointed out) napoleonic gesture

arm-across-chest or crossed to opposite shoulder were once common mongst amerindians, and jareds gesture has a practical application –covers solar plexus, a vulnerable spot physically and “magickally”

jared’s not looking at Ms Storrer, hes not looking at the Big Board, he’s looking right at...

US! "
From Ray in last post's comments

The Tucson Festival of Books took place on March13/14 2010, The Monday is the Ides of March when Caesar, Iulius got et tued in the Brute. Acc. to John Dee, Brut was the eponymous ancestor of the Britons, hailing from Troytown , Asia. Dee is Gabby Giffords' middle name.

This illustration from the courtroom appears to imply a form of joint ritual that invokes whatever's hovering above the Judger's head. Looks like the Babe in the Blue Egg aka Harpocrates, Notice how Jared's dark blue auric tentacle merges with his lawyer's to influence the Judge telepathically who in concert invoke the discarnate daemon, perhaps a playful dust-devil.

---- ------
by Aleister Crowley

'In the Wind of the mind arises the turbulence called I.
It breaks; down shower the barren thoughts.
All life is choked.

This desert is the Abyss wherein is the Universe.
The Stars are but thistles in that waste.
Yet this desert is but one spot accursed in a world of bliss.

Now and again Travellers cross the desert; they come from the
Great Sea, and to the Great Sea they go.
And as they go they spill water; one day they will irrigate the
desert, til it flower.

See! Five footprints of a Camel! V.V.V.V.V.'

Water is precious in the desert , blood has been spilt in copious amounts, twixt Atlantic and Pacific

March 13th, 1962 – Lyman Lemnitzer, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, delivers a proposal, called Operation Northwoods, regarding performing terrorist attacks upon Guantánamo Bay Naval Base, to Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara. The proposal is scrapped and President John F. Kennedy removes Lemnitzer from his position.

The killings by Thomas Watt Hamilton , allegedly a Freemason and/or protected by members of the Fraternity, killed 16 children and a teacher at Dunblane in Scotland. The Fraternity seems to have covered the Holly Grieg case very well too. If the headline below is accurate then we might imagine that fraternities keep their one good eye on the mental state of their brothers , perhaps manipulating those with more receptive psyches.

March 13th, 1913, birthdate of both William Casey and James Shelby Downard

The US has apologized for the deaths of 8 Afghan boys out collecting wood - a mix-up in communications between complex things that are bound to happen sometime , dreadfully sorry, wish we could reverse time, not really our fault, terrorists…….

She has a piece of her skull still not attached as her brain needs space as it can swell. At present she wears a helmet adorned with the Arizona flag.

Giff-words at Sun-deity School

Odd set-up, with the audience mostly behind the speaker.
A man transfigured has left his Giffords sign on the floor stood against an electronic control box. Most of the group dutifully hold them up. His hat occludes his eyes, 3 limbs replaced with robotica.He weras a HOLLISTER shirt. Some of the group smile , others seem to listen impassively.

HOLLISTER , the company -
"All of Abercrombie & Fitch Co.'s spin-off brands have an elaborate pseudo-history (including RUEHL No.925 and Gilly Hicks) to give meaning and feeling to the brand image of the Hollister concept. nal character named John M. Hollister.[9] An adventurous youth, he spent his youth practicing sports in the waters of Maine.[9] He graduated from Yale University in 1915 at the age of 21.[9] Not wanting the high-life his father established for him in Manhattan, the young man boarded a succession of steamboats, finally arriving in the Dutch East Indies by 1917.[9] There, he bought a rubber plantation from the fictitious Gregory Van Gilder, and soon came to know and love Gilder's daughter, Meta.[9
To maintain the SoCal theme, stores and merchandise are categorized within the divisions named "Dudes" (men) and "Bettys" (women)."
Mrs Giffords voted for this war and as such voted for the killing of civilians, considering its repetition, publicly acknowledged, since wars in Afghanistan and Iraq started. Mrs. Giffords , as a politician, is shrewd, tactical, informed but like many she has become detached. So detached that she may imagine that voting for war will have no reciprocal effect on her life…… and it has, come home to roost, cock-a-fucking-doodle-do, a WAKE-UP CALL. What are the effects of 10years of the cynical 'war on terror' on the psyche of the US people , the constant, low-level buzz of apprehension while at home fellow citizens tunnel into the economy ,

My arm goes all the way in!'
''Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name"


Red and Black has in times past has signaled a gateway to death. and /or initiation. here featuring on NOV 22 1963

JAN 8th 2011


"Why's it bright green?"
" For camouflage in shopping-malls, ma'am"

Perhaps war-mongerers should all receive an alarm-clock [or alarm-glock] , that wakes them each morning to the sound of proximous gunfire.
Anger is growing over civilian casualties. General Stanley McChrystal, the US commander, has warned that Nato risks “strategic defeat” by causing civilian deaths. The Independent Human Rights Commission said that more than 63 civilians had died in the past two weeks, including 27 killed when US special forces ordered an airstrike on a convoy of minibuses in the central Daikundi province. Nato recently introduced a new tactical directive to limit the use of night raids, the coalition’s chief legal adviser, Colonel Richard Gross, said. “General McChrystal realised that this was one of the areas where we had to change the way we do business, or else we would not win this war,” he said.

'business' - 'war'

"Obama and Karzai "agreed that such incidents undermine our shared efforts in fighting terrorism," the statement said."
That's because it IS terrorism.
They say that the increase in civilian deaths this year is due to the rise of insurgents. Surely some of those 'insurgents' are relatives of civilians killed indiscriminately by US terrorists [ terrorists as they kill civilians randomly, as a strategy to encourage 'Perpetual War']

None of the boys were taken to the Hermann Memorial Resurrection and Rehabilitation For Those With Insurance Not Pieces of Wood Hospital.

Mrs. Giffords may attend the launch of 'Endeavour' skippered by her husband, one of twins, Mark Kelly

In the patch of a DELTA IV rocket below we are treated to a black 'Betty' [ possibly the devil you know], above the dark side of the moon filled with letters for craters overshadowing the blue planet, itself partially eclipsing the Sun, like some garrulous skull-cap
Hebrew for 'daughter' = BTh . BN = son and BNY = 'sons' so I wonder if plural 'daughters' = BThY , but I can't find the plural only the singular and its possible there's a different rule for the feminine form. Anyhow , in my limited capacity I wondered if there were such a sect as the BThY BABALON - 'daughters of Babalon'.
the figure , red and black, bears a trident powering silhouette of the particular rocket.ritual tool. Trident as 3-pronged source of power. The Trinity bomb test, Kennedy killed at the Trinity Underpass and the WTC Twin Towers bearing trident-shaped outer cladding.


The motto: PRIMORIS GRAVIS EX OCCANUS. The most popular translation = 'First heavy out of favorable moment'. This might go with the rocket's name DELTA IV HEAVY. Perhaps better sounding may be : "Out of a favorable moment, first seriousness" , if things look like they're going well don't be emotionally swayed to go 'whoop' hoop' hurrah'. Some have claimed 'occanus' relates to the 'west' and/or 'sunset'.

Continuing with the BABYLON WORKING, Crowley's desert ritual involving homosexual sex magic. I noticed 'GRAVIS EX' could morph into GRAVI SEX [ Gravy Sex]. 'Gravy' [ as I learnt from Celtic Rebel's investigations into Hollywood Sex Magick Rituals and the Dreaming Mind, is a mixture of sperm and faeces. Technically Crowley took the anal passage, sealed at the sphincter [ SPHINX] to act as an hermetically-sealed alchemical instrument. What grew in there I have no idea, but the Golems of Glitz in Hollywood seem to have taken on the whole anal fixation philosophy as their basic underlying message, blood too, lots. Perhaps it relates back to the Tuat [ try calling someone in the UK a Tuat], the underworld of Ancient Egypt , where the Dung-Beetle carries the sun to the dawn, implying that sun worship doubles for dung-worship - as in the 'sun shines out of his/her arse.

I watched 'THERE WILL BE BLOOD' recently. The relationship between Daniel Plainview and his adopted son seemed to imply a pedophiliac relationship. At various times in the film Daniel touches and holds the boy in almost violent ways, pulling him in, holding him very close , once the boy seems to be trying to get away but is drawn back into Daniel's squidlike embrace. Due to an explosion from an oil-well the boy goes deaf which I took to be the inwardness associated with the trauma of sexual abuse. Blood-Oil-Sex - desert rituals from Shell to hell, via the Black Passage.


We're shown the darkside of the moon, its letter-filled surface similar to a brain. The Moon = Psyche acc. to some traditions and as the psyche is internal , the moon resides at the centre of the planetary system, not the sun. Jesus is not a sun-god.

"Another departure from the classical model is found in the solarized Christian hermetic tradition, which apparently wanted to put the Sun of God in the center of the hexagram. This displaces the Moon to one of the six extremities and is based on an incomplete understanding of the tradition being adopted, especially the significance of Tav."

The letter Tav is the final Hebrew character and is represented in Tarot by the image of the High Priestess who has a cross on her chest , which in Hebrew is Tav [ ThV]. Via redaction the sun has been placed at the centre of the system whereas this is the Moon's place . Many of the Golden Dawn and the Book of Thoth [ Crowley/Harris pack] have clues, whether deliberate or not, that indicate the cards are in the 'wrong' order in both packs, such as the rather blatant cross/tav on the Priestess' chest. Crowley and Harris even go so far as to illustrate the this card with a camel so that you know its a G, the 3rd character where Crowley placed the Priestess.

On the first Priestess card above reads II in roman numerals , as in this pack the card is placed in different order and acc. to a different Hebrew character. As the High Priestess wears the Tav cross it implies that this card is the last card of the Taro, and it does seem sensible to pass through the veil at the end rather than in the 2nd or 3rd place as do most other Taro packs. The camel here does not represent the character G but the idea of passing through the eye of the needle aka 'piercing the veil' as with the bow and arrows that rest , dianically, 'pon her lap.

"If we can come to give up fuzzy "archetypes" and "magickal" confabulation and instead read the symbolic and energetic relationships between the structures being described, we can see a coherent, necessary and sacred whole in the placing of the Moon (Psyche) at the center (not the periphery) of the Cube of energies, where it is formed by Tav (the last, not the third letter)"

Thus our inner has been swopped with the sun, a peripheral outer symbol, while the moon-psyche has been expelled. We see our psyche outside ourselves and 'fear' it, and trust to the external world wholly, resisting what our inner selves suggest. We can get 'locked up' for listening to the inner self, unguided by the power-structures We tend to 'seeing is believing'. The visual , external world hypnotizes us and High Priests [ celebrants] of Tele-Visualistaion entangle the viewer in their web.
Note the popsters mandatory use of the music-video to support their uuh.. compositions.

So worship of Sun-deities is the result of the dismissal of the moon from the psyche replacing it with a radiating ball of energy. Instead of turning inward for energy we look out for it and continue with the deification of humans as gods, which infers that we still live in a Pharoanic dynasty , despite the hoopla about Judaism, Xtianity and Islam, which have been co-opted and set against each other. The messages of these 3 [ as they require internal thought] dismissed for the super-star and the vague chance that we can get their autograph.

Sun-gods have a habit of dying and resurrecting and Mrs Giffords , considering the Arizona flag secured to her head, seems to fit the symbolical bill accurately. The killing off of sun-deity 'dictators lately also follows the pattern. The countries won't change they'll just get a new demigod. The Dyadic couple of Giffords and husband Kelly,. the astronaut, work together. Giffords almost dies, miraculously survives fairly intact while the ascension is taken over by hubby on the last space-shuttle flight, 101 days after the shooting. Returning to earth we get the messiah-shuffle.

"The possibility of an extra-heavy variant was indicated in a 2006 RAND Corporation study of national security launch requirements out to 2020,[16] which noted, "...only the Delta IV Heavy has the performance to lift the ten NSS launch requirements that require a heavy-lift capability... the production capacity for Delta IV, with one possible exception, can satisfy the entire projected NSS launch demand. The exception involves the requirement to increase the Delta IV Heavy lift capability to accommodate a single NRO (National Reconnaissance Office) payload. The best solution to this requirement is currently under study."

At blog ' I Understand And Wish To Continue' [ post - 'Moonageddon and Black Betty Boogie'] we are informed that the Earthquake/Tsunami that has greatly affected Japan occurred on the same day as the launch of DELTA IV HEAVY Rocket, transporting a classified payload. Armed with info that its the only rocket that could lift an NRO payload , and POSSIBLY did I took a look at the NRO patches.

Careful Joops, you'll start an earthquake.

CORN or Croppy God, the Cropsefather

From CRITICAL PATH , R.Buckminster-Fuller [ p.341]

"We now find that every human being generates a self-surrounding , ultra-ultra-ultra-high-frequency electromagnetic field - exquisitely ephemeral but exquisitely real. Each individual's field alternates between positive and negative. When an individual is feeling predominately negative mentally, the field is negative, and vice versa.
The sensitivity of the satellite-mounted, electronic, spy-sensing equipment developed by both Russia and the United States is such that satellites, dynamically space-stationed around the world, can take continual readings of the sum-total proportions of positive and negative electromagnetic field reactions of all humanity in respect to world-numbered "proposals" - to be broadcast at given times all around the world - regarding computer-discovered solutions to each and every world-human-affecting problems.

…Thus will begin the world's first tamper- and corruption-proof democracy."

Obviously the technology has not been given over to omni-humanity but is being used in the ongoing psy-op, seeing what makes us feel neg or pos. Doubtless useful for corporations and media empires who can now discern what effect the pop-stars, politicians, football results have on the individual and group-mind.

The difference between the negativity over the shooting of Mrs Giffords versus the emotions [ or lack of due to media re-emphasis] of the 8 boys killed in Afghanistan. Or the earthquake-tsunami versus Deity United reaching the final with a last minute goal.

At 33 degrees North, 114 degrees West, in Quartzsite, Az one may find the final resting place of Hadji Ali, known as Hi Jolly, whom the US Army hired as a camel-driver, in an experiment using camels in the desert. After that he sometimes mined.
The camel or GML in Hebrew atop the pyramid = the capstone [ symbolically]. See post ' 33 IN CONSPIRACY AND PRAXIS'.

A pyramid Masonically regaled on 33degree , the burial in a desert of an Arabian camel-driver, the lodge must have laughed at that. In New Mexico at the Trinity site , also on 33 degrees, is the Trinity Memorial Site, which too is marked by a lone pyramid.

The pyramid of a Moslem and a pyramid for Trinity, an atomic bomb, implying Christianity both on the same degree, the Masonical 33.
This page reminds one that [ added to Oppenheimer's statement ' I am become death' or similar is that the Hindu's have a Trinity too.


A Hebrew word for 'wave' = GL and numerically = 33

"In fact, the 2011 Sendai Earthquake tsunami, although it peaked at 33 feet as it rolled inland through Japan and caused damage as far away as the Pacific Coast of the United States, might not even register as one of the five worst in history."


  1. Everything since the beginning of the year has followed a single interconnected narrative.

    Adolf Hitler (Parsifal-obsessed oppressor of God's Chosen People) and Franklin Roosevelt (wounded Grail King) both die in the same month.

    The Trinity test was followed by the dropping of two nuclear bombs on Japan. Massive radiation poisoning.

    Naga-Sake, the Elixir of the serpent. Ophiuchus the healer, again.

    In alchemy the killing of the king was symbolized by a crucified snake on a tau cross, a variant of the crucifixion of Christ. (James Shelby Downard & Michael A. Hoffman II)

  2. For me the 33 - GL - wave narrative continues.
    "In fact, the 2011 Sendai Earthquake tsunami, although it peaked at 33 feet as it rolled inland through Japan and caused damage as far away as the Pacific Coast of the United States, might not even register as one of the five worst in history."

    Waves and wavelengths

    The serpent in Eden = NChSh and enumerates to 358 which also enumerates MShYCh - Messiah.

    The Serpent-NChSh could probably sue for libel considering the centuries-old slagging off it's received while rendered legless.


  3. How I loved those thoughts about the moon been shifted out of inner orbit - creation/gestation grows out of darkness - the womb, seeds in the ground - these things can't take pace in glaring light - what we are needs this darkness to form - I have wondered about the ripping open of/making 'holes' in humanity - why was Jesus was made so very holey, why did the aztecs have to rip open their victims - is there something to letting the light into places where it shouldn't go? It's funny how despite the thousands of years of training to reach for the light, we actually need to maintain our inner darkness in order to live.

    That cropse circle badge is way creepy

    The description about the needle 'piercing the veil' created a hole new possible understanding of the 'passing thro the eye of a needle' story - it had a decided Celtic Rebel feel


  4. cock-a-fucking-doodle-do
    good morning america and
    rising sunland too

    dont mess around w/slim thats a no no

    gabby: less than a pawn, what a shame

    hasta la vista


  5. Cheers Alex.

    The moon as symbol of psyche may come from its hovering around the body or earth.

    24 hours of light a day are possible, we feel safe seeing everything which may increase our resistance to our inner selves.

    The symbology of piercing - all these symbolic things maybe manipulated to mean the finest or the most base and various stations in between. The baseness of Hollywood [ as a rather large 'satanic' church] will naturally veer that way - the pure physical experience, no refinement.

    Pierce the physical , its easier. Lazy religion which creates little more than 'shit'.

    As far as piercing the mental veil, this is a regular occurence , playing with words, studying something new, though its often touted as 'enlightenment' , or some 'holy, spiritual event' from which we return to reality as 'gods' or'saviours' or wise ones.

    If we aren't enlightened on daily, or hourly, etc etc basis unless we perform some ritual or retreat into religious institutions then we're fucked.

    Take a look at military patches as a whole - they're deranged

    Ray -

    The Twin Flags, one in the west one in the east.

    66 years twixt 1945 and 2011, what has Nippon done to attract so much radiation?

    New Clear Dawn, the House of the Rising Sun, New Orleans = Wavetown 1, Joan of ARK

    Perhaps Gabby has had entities inside her noggin, McChrystal demons. Caught the eye of one Dr.Jared Loughner who felt , acc. to the oath, a need to operate.

    Perhaps his smile relates to the knowledge of working for a higher power.


  6. Military patches= death or co-signed death. deaths head? You are on to the sign and nbr of the Loughner insanity. Eleleth is spot on in due respect. Humble pie in my eye. No Nukes! question? no Nukes. A iron moon is due on the 19march? Thank you for your love. Dennis from bug tussel.

  7. glad you returned to the Book Fair picture – like the Love Field photo, the Book Fair pic is iconic and loaded with semiots... the solution to the cross/words puzzle isnt on the board, it’s hidden in the photo’s symphonic elements

    nice catch on the Courtroom Sketch—theres a light blue wave (water/terra) linking the three beings and the discarnate overshadow

    sketches like this are often revealing b/c created quickly thus unconsciously

    a dark blue nrg wave consisting of what appears to be the artist’s sig connects the Judger and Judgee

    i wouldnt characterize Jared as complicit, as you have--- rather it appears that the dark blue is an aspect or part of the Judger, as the sig actually merges with Judger’s robes, disappears therein – likewise the dark blue circumvents (contains) part of the discarnate hovercraft, seems to give it motion, vitality

    the sketch of the US Great Seal is fuzzy, making the sketch more suggestive of the masonic/demonic origins of seal, esp solar worship – the pic’s v similar to egyptian isis iconography, and also to the “Arizona Common Sense” photo, with Gabby as sungoddess Eye Sis, golden rays streaming into her head, and red ones (eventually) streaming out

    the entity in the Seal also matches the Black Betty L-49 patch, even to the spreading of wings



  8. Common Sense Photo: modern Solar Goddess surrounded by worshippers, at a lectern (like Descending Goddess in First Degree Board), surrounded in a half-moon EXCLUSIVELY by other females, forming a protective (panty!) shield... amazons etc

    two emasculati grovel before her, preserving her sacred imago, and a confused little boy, having been awarded a Giffords Sign, stares across at a blond woman

    with two exceptions, the only men present (aside from aforesaid cameraboys) are at the back o the bus – the most prominent has his head almost exactly centered in the Copper Star of the AZ flag, and is aligned vertically with Gabby... unsmiling, he looks, appropriately, like Security

    Tin Man in wheelchair, looking lots like jared in Book Fair photo, is young, military-ish, wearing powder blue, bird on his chest

    Tin Man is only one of two figures leaning or “moving” away from Gabby – bird on chest is likewise flying AWAY from her, like the animals flee from Lady Columbia in John Gast’s “American Progress”

    the Tin Man is already a partly mechanized or enslaved being, traumatized and crippled masculinity, subject to the extraterrestrial influence passing through the dark lunar Law Letter (Dea Ley)

    Tin Man’s heart and mind are still human, but bottom half is metal (automated) -- inverting darth vader transform

    next to Tin Man is what might be an autistic or perhaps Down’s man (tho could even be a female)

    with almost all eyes focused on Gabby, he’s turned slightly away from her, staring down at the sign he’s been given as if to, well, perhaps re-think All Of This, and wonder what the Pretty Bright Letters really mean

    the Courtroom Sketch is a tableaux of spiritual warfare

    all four entities are bound in light-blue erf-tones, opposing duos locked in battle: the lavendar-tinted Jared with his (non-samoan!) but likewise tinted Attorney, against the Judger in Black, with the Spirit of Pharoah floating midair, an invisible and alien power

    the darkness originates in the Seal’s revolutions, passes through the Judger’s heart and official robe, shoots out, and deflects off jared’s prisonjumper shield; the Judger’s mouth is open, Pronouncing and Accusing; the Judgee has the same look he had in the Book Fair photo – tho now instead of playful and intense, it’s grim and intense

    the black nrg extends to the Black Betty Patch photo, also a luminous/solar artifice – the moon’s dark side, mechanical, consists of the Letters, rather than the Spirit, of the law

    these are Black Betty’s Letters that have almost eclipsed, poisoned, blue and white earth

    demon holds a wrench – the Black Letters are a mechanized system

    the wings “cover” BOTH moon and earth, so, power over the sublunar realm (furthest point of moon’s orbital ellipse)

    five stars – stars prominent in flags of u.s., arizona, and texas, the “lone star state” – the trident connects via the L directly to the “highest” star (probably Venus) so as with our posts on the Sirius Goddess of masonic tracing board, Black Betty’s power is extraterrestrial in origin and nature, and manifests temporally, infernally, as flame (curving fire near the word “Betty”)

    three concentrics circle the patch, the innermost seal is checkered, like the tracing board motif

    the outermost seal (yellow) binds moon, earth, and sun, thus by inference the solar system

    nothing wrong with your translations of the Latin, but i’d make it “[We Will Do You] the Most Grievous Injury Possible At the First Occasion”




  9. Hi Dennis

    Perhaps this pregnant moon will let the waters break and allow pressure alleviation.

    At present not yet convinced of large-scale radiation. Nuclear Power Sta. have 'defence-in-depth' safety whereas the oil and coal industry seem to have relatively weak defences.

    I wonder if the fossil fuel industry is not milking the situation - Oil is $200 a barrel.

    They even have a MIl-patch for dropping Corexit over the gulf of Mex.


    Judger sketch - emanating from the Judge , guess its his court , p[rotecting it from being gynogulagged.

    Your [comment-sized] in-depth descriptions got me thinking of mr.Mansons Serpent-America drawing.

    Looking again at the paper it's drawn on one can see that it seems to have been a little crumpled.

    SunRay Foto:
    Mrs G. is actually talking and looking into the camera held by Emasc.1

    there is one guy bearing a VANS shirt in the semi-circle and the one pondering the sign is female. Probably wondering if there are any other choices.

    On the big sign it reads
    ONA COMMON SENSE, and 'ona' in Czech means 'she'.

    Hollister seagull -
    Like the animals flee Tsunamis and earthquakes and the humans head on down to the beach.

    Spanner/Wrench + black letters, wings and arms outstretched -
    Pink Floyd's ' Welcome to the Machine'
    "The boy's illusions of personal identity are further crushed with lines such as, "What did you dream, it's alright we told you what to dream".

    The letters not the spirit :)


  10. My mind boggles.

    Many thanks for the link.

    - Aangirfan

  11. “Judger sketch - emanating from the Judge , guess its his court , p[rotecting it from being gynogulagged”

    yes it’s there, a valid view, opposite scene ario of the court and prosecutor i described, same sets/stage props

    in Judger Sketch we look from earth’s p.o.v. (artist/imaginary camera) whereas in Black Betty Patch we scan moon, earth, and sun i.e. from alien p.o.v.

    re the “Ona Common Sense” photo:

    “there is one guy bearing a VANS shirt in the semi-circle”

    do you mean black shirt w yellow smudge just over her right shoulder? w glasses?

    it’s sure possible... could be a mustache?

    either way, this is a parallel manifestation of jared’s “shoulder-bird” as i’d call positioning of both Mr Blackshirt and The Kopper King vs Gabby a mite spicious:

    “There's a new bird on my right shoulder... the gender is not female or male. The wings of this bird are beautiful; 3 feet wide with the shape of a bald eagle that you could die for. If you can see this bird then you will understand. You think this bird is able to chat about a government?”

    both the CardGazer and the Blackshirt are gender-ambiguous and perched on Grackle Gabby’s right shoulder, a position of influence

    “and the one pondering the sign is female”

    i’m gonna give you this one based on slight chest humps and tint/style of glasses, either way it is frightening, just frightening, puts me well off my feed

    ...HOWEVER i am still holding out for some Down’s influence in whatever gender it is, pls toss me this crumb seagully

    “On the big sign it reads
    ONA COMMON SENSE, and 'ona' in Czech means 'she'”

    yikez thats the kind of shit that forces my to drag my ass up and make one more post

    “Hollister seagull -Like the animals flee Tsunamis and earthquakes and the humans head on down to the beach.”

    exactly, bird flying away from Gabby, and away from Hollister...hollistering at us as it flees

    Hollister (agricultural town in central Kalifornia) is both Earthquake and Hay Capital of the World; holly is the druid “sacred” sacrificial plant and agriculture = x-tra Cerlean Overtones

    Hollister’s the County Seat of San Benito County, so, little ben/little son + saint (san)

    "Spanner/Wrench + black letters, wings and arms outstretched -
    Pink Floyd's ' Welcome to the Machine'"

    Yonder stands your orphan
    with his gun
    crying like a fire
    in the sun
    look out! the saints
    are coming through
    and it's all over now
    Baby Blue


  12. Cheers Aang

    For multiple boggles along the 33rd Parallel -




    Hollister was the town where the 1947 Biker riot took place , inspiring the WILD ONE and further Hells Angel behaviour in the '60s.

    They were the Skull and Xbones, Swastika

    1947 = Jack the Parson and Ole Mother Hubbard's Babylon Working.

    The man in the VANS = Vanguard, advance unit of military force.

    The ONA COMMON SENSE photo has a feel of a parody of a middle-ages religious painting , somewhere between a that and the Sgt-Pepper's Lone Stars Club Band, ESPECIALLY for the little boys 'wondrous face', cherublike, unaware of oncoming death ritual etc.
    TinMan - him know.

    "Little boy watching
    Words from her copper lips
    Sending out signals
    For her apocalypse"

    { Ok, more like illin' than Dylan}

    The moon in the patch with the letters of the law represent Mrs Giffords headwound which I believe is still without skull and is covered byan Arizona State Falg skull-cap - talk about Reformed Synagogue

    apologies for itching yer typin' finger


  13. "The man in the VANS = Vanguard, advance unit of military force."


    "The ONA COMMON SENSE photo has a feel of a parody of a middle-ages religious painting , somewhere between a that and the Sgt-Pepper's Lone Stars Club Band"

    agree, thats the composition, plus an anti-last supper vibe -- Gabrielle was (is?) the rising “Red Dog Democrat” meaning a politician with crossover appeal, not only republican/democrat but other dualities

    two peoplewings spread on either side of her, and like the goddess at the First Degree lectern, she imagines she heads the Press Conference

    but the Kopper King, at the rear of the room, is the jefe... center of the stellar nrg

    Gabby, en-mouthed, is a prey, or perhaps bait

    as i said, a shame

    i notice on the Ona (She) Common Sense banner that two apparently opposite directions are indicated, yet seem to have the same source

    “TinMan - him know.”

    it is what it is, it aint something else, you can quote me on that :O)

    "Little boy watching
    Words from her copper lips
    Sending out signals
    For her apocalypse"

    i dont think bob would kick that line outta bed!

    boy’s shirt color matches Van-man, and boy is not looking at Giffords, but behind her (behind masonic lectern, behind the curtain, her front)

    aside from the CardGazer and the CardRaiser, everyone else is affixed on Giffords

    the TinMan, however, appears engaged in a psychic stare-off with the BlackShirt man standing on one foot – between them a kind of temenos, just in front of the DeaLey lectern ... Shootout at Dodgy City, nigh the Pokalypse Bar ‘n Grill

    “The moon in the patch with the letters of the law represent Mrs Giffords headwound which I believe is still without skull and is covered byan Arizona State Falg skull-cap - talk about Reformed Synagogue”

    it dont get no weirder and thats why i gave up writing fiction, whats the use

    skulltop gets blown off the nation, everybody gazes inside, uh stephen king who?

    yeah, the shooting aftermath was prefigured by the “Black Betty” patch, but esp by the “Ona Common Sense” photo -- with her headscarf behind her, waiting, whispering “cover your head woman”

    “66 years twixt 1945 and 2011, what has Nippon done to attract so much radiation?”

    exactly, that is the question

    yr instinct sounds right, the 66 numeral of lapsed years points towards larger reasons japan (like india, haiti, christchurch) got smacked

    i hope to address this at my site

    cheers—quite a goldmine of a post!

