Saturday, November 27, 2010


It depicts a shaft covered accurately

"Hexagram 29 is named 坎 (kǎn), "Gorge". Other variations include "the abysmal (water)" and "repeated entrapment". Its inner trigram is ☵ (坎 kǎn) gorge = (水) water, and its outer trigram is identical."

Water prevails in the Hexagram.

President Obama praised 29 miners
'who died in the April 5, 2010, explosion at the Massey Energy Upper Big Branch Mine near Montcoal, WV.'

WEIYUAN, Sichuan, Nov. 22 (Xinhua) -- Twenty-nine miners trapped in a flooded coal mine in southwest China's Sichuan Province for 25 hours were successfully rescued Monday.

Wed, Nov. 24 [NZ]
'Flags flew at half mast under grey skies in Greymouth on the rugged west coast of the South Island in memory of the 29 miners trapped nearly a week ago, who police said would not have survived a second explosion in the Pike River Coal mine on Wednesday.'

'Pike River conducted a further 185 health and safety inductions for new staff and contractors during the March 2008 quarter. The emphasis on training has moved to preparation for mining operations, with programmes in the last quarter including electrical “flameproof” training, and various plant and equipment use and safety training courses.'

'The slurry pipeline is now at the White Knight Bridge adjacent to the tunnel entrance with 7.3 kilometres now completed. Early coal production from the mine, prior to commissioning the slurry system, will leave the mine by conveyor belt and be trucked to the coal preparation plant where it will be dumped into a holding pond and pumped into the coal preparation plant (the plant is designed for a wet feed and would not process the coal unless in a slurry form).'

Source: Pike River Coal shareholder report.

"The current CEO of the company, Peter W Whittall, a 29-year veteran miner and mining executive, was appointed in the position 2 October, 2010. The Pike River Mine disaster occurred less than two months after Whittall's appointment as CEO. His first AGM in the role took place on 15 November, 2010.[5]

On 29 October, 2010 Pike River Coal won the Best Investor Website Award, of the country's top 50 listed companies.[9]"
Mine accidents and underground eVents, volcanoes and earthquakes have appeared in the news with regularity this year. The Chile Copper Mine taking centrestage when 33 emerged after 69 days.

Copper has atomic number 29

The effect of that rescue and the lack of rescue must have played on the minds of those involved closely with the men trapped within the earth.

JFK died on Nov.22 while Lee Harvey Oswald died on Nov.24th, 47 years ago.

LHO was shot by RUBY, stones which are mined.

The possibility of Jackie shooting JFK exists at present. She was partner of Maurice Tempelsman of Lazare Kaplan , a Diamond Co. until she died.

He has done a lot of business in the Congo and elsewhere where conditions for the miners are apparently wretched.

Naomi I moan

Speaking of stones Prince William will marry Kate Middleton on April 29th 2011 , announcing their engagement with his mother Princess Diana's wedding ring.
Kate will be 29.
Will a baby be birthed on Dec 21st 2012?

It's the 119th day of the year.

It is the feast day of St.Catherine of Siena who worked to get the Papacy, displaced in France, back to the Rome.

'St Catherine died in Rome, the spring of 1380, at the age of thirty-three. Jesus is also commonly thought to have died at the same age, and Catherine's idol Mary Magdalen is said to have fasted for thirty-three years.'

The feast day is on the 29th, she died aged 33.

'Saint Endelienta (also Endelient, Edellienta or Endellion)[Cyneiddan in Welsh] was a Cornish saint of the 5th and 6th century. She is believed to be a daughter of the Welsh King Brychan, and a native of South Wales who travelled to North Cornwall to join her siblings in converting the locals to Christianity. Legend says that she was a goddaughter of King Arthur, and that she lived as a hermit at Trentinney where she subsisted on the milk of a cow.'

Florence Rose Endellion: David and Samantha name their baby after King Arthur's god-daughter. Did anyone say Cameron-lot?

Acc. to 'The Lives of British Saints' -

'..and when she perceived the daye of her death drew nye, she intreated her friends after her death to lay her dead body on a bed, and to bury her there where certain young stots , bullocks and calves of a daye old should of their own accord draw her, which being done they brought her to a place which at that time was a myre waste ground, and a great quagmire on the top of an hill, where in thime after there was a church builded dedicated to her'

It is also the feast day of St, Endellion, the anglicized version of
St Endellion is the Type Locality for the minerals Bournonite (also known as Endellione or Endellionite) and Barstowite.

On 25 August 2010 it was announced that British Prime Minister, David Cameron and his wife Samantha had named their newborn daughter Florence Rose Endellion[3] after the village of St Endellion, reflecting the fact she was born whilst the Cameron family were holidaying in Cornwall.[4][5]

Cornwall is historically an area famous for mining, the Romans came for Tin.

CORN = Horn; WALL = Wales. Wales for Diana and the horn for her male issue William.

On her maternal side Kate Middleton comes from mining stock while Wills' family often acquire a deal of mined material.

2 weeks ago I watched ' BENEATH HILL 60' which focussed on the Australian miners digging at Hill 60, occupied by the Germans. The explosion that obliterated it and vaporized the soldiers stationed there is the biggest man-made explosion [ apart from atomic] in history. They said it rocked the glasses in London.

At 03:10 on 7 June 1917, at the start of the Battle of Messines, 19 mines filled with 450,000 kg of explosives, were detonated under the German lines,[4] demolishing a large part of the hill and killing many German soldiers occupying the trenches.[1] Although only 19 of the 21 mines exploded, it created one of the largest explosions in history, reportedly able to be felt in London and Dublin.
A memorial to the Australian troops killed here during the course of the war was later placed at the site.

The word 'mine' in both senses of digging underground and laying mines comes from the practice of tunneling under the enemy's lines and blowing them to smithereens.

Via Suraci - 'Demonically clever'
Israeli citizen arrested in Rome over possession of ammunition

11.25.10, 15:05 / Israel News

A 54 year old Israeli citizen was arrested at the Fiumicino international airport in Rome on Thursday, after ammunition with 29 bullets was found in his hand luggage. The ammunition was found in one of the bag's side pockets, when the man underwent a screening before boarding his flight to Tel Aviv.
In his interrogation the Israeli claimed that he arrived in Israel with his wife a week ago and that the bag belongs to his son, an IDF soldier. He said that he was sure that the bag was empty. (AFP)

I find it difficult to believe he never emptied his hand luggage. Travelling abroad one often makes sure that everything needed is in the bag, which requires checking.

His son apparently carries his ammo in a non-IDF backpack, as I doubt the man would have picked up his son's IDF issue equipment.

Tel Aviv's airport security seems a little lax.

"An Israeli citizen was arrested at Rome's Fiumicino airport on Thursday after an ammunition clip for a 556 caliber machine gun was found in a pocket of his backpack.

The 54-year-old Israeli, whose initials were given as R.A.E., was taken to a prison facility in Civitavecchia, north of Rome, and charged with seeking to bring weapons aboard an aircraft.

The ammunition clip was said to have had 29 live rounds in it."

Civitavecchia is twinned with Bethlehem, presently in Palestine.

TAVOR MTAR 21 Assault Rifle [ micro version] - it has the relevant calibre and is used by the IDF. Rather a large magazine to overlook.

Fiumicino coat-of-arms

Israel as a country is intimately entwined in profiting from the built-on-delusion jewelry industry
The 'Diamonds Are Forever' spell attempts to fool the buyer to never consider selling their diamond back as the whole idea is to keep those sold OFF the market. Apparently you would only get 30% of wholesale value should you wish to trade your sentimental rock.

'And how they laughed!'.

The gun calibre appears again in Brazil.

"RIO DE JANEIRO – The drug gang leader jabs the muzzle of his .556-caliber Sig Sauer assault rifle around as he talks.

Yes, Jogador says emphatically, Rio's drug gangs are feeling threatened by the biggest police push against them in the city's history, a Herculean effort to improve security before the 2016 Olympics. The heavily armed criminal gang he helps lead is being driven from long-held turf in the slums, leading to losses in cocaine and marijuana sales.

It's what the 25-year-old career criminal says next, with a low laugh and a nodding of his head, that strikes at the heart of fears in this seaside city: He says that Rio's gangs are preparing for a return to the city's most violent days.

"You take any animal and put it up against the wall," he says, eyes ablaze, pointing the tip of his Swiss-made weapon toward a whitewashed ledge pocked by bullets. "Its last option is what? To attack."

The gun in Rio, the bullets in Rome.

A company in Brazil , Taurus, makes the TAVOR MTAR 21 Assault Rifle.

related posts-
'Something wick'd this way comes' - Too Long In This Place

'Drama Kings' &
'The Snowball Effect'
'One I'd One.[AiA]' - Newspaceman


  1. Wonderful weaving Mr Moon - I've read this quickly before I have to go out, so will be back for seconds later - you have a veritable gold min(e)d of ideas & interlinkings there - loved it, my mind is buzzing

  2. "Tel Aviv's airport security seems a little lax."


    speaking of tunnels, the evil mexican drug lords have made tunnels, just like hezbollah, to smuggle their filthy marijuana and who knows what else into the united states. we better get us some israeli experts to deal with that problem.

  3. Back again

    I Ching Hexagram: 29
    Keyphrase: The abyss.
    late 14c., earlier abime (c.1300), from L.L. abyssus "bottomless pit"."

    "President Obama praised 29 miners
    who died in... explosion at Massey Energy ...near Montcoal, WV.'
    ... could be read as = MASS ENERGY

    MonTCOAL (in French MON = MY or MINE?) has shades of QuetzalCOATL [Nahuatl,=feathered serpent], ancient deity and legendary ruler of the Toltec in Mexico

    Here's a story for you - includes underground fishies - pike?

    "In Aztec mythology, the gods decided to make people after the world was created.

    The other gods ordered Quetzalcoatl to journey to the underworld, Mictlan, and retrieve the bones of people who were turned into fish.

    Having completed the task, Quetzalcoatl took the bones and fled.

    But Mictlantecuhtli tried one last time to stop him. He ordered his followers to dig a huge pit.

    When Quetzalcoatl ran up the path, a small bird flew into his face and tripped him into the pit. The bones scattered from his grasp, some breaking in the fall. For this reason, people are of different sizes, some tall and others short.

    Quetzalcoatl jumped from the pit and escaped Mictlan at last.

    When Quetzalcoatl returned to the other gods, an old goddess took the bones and ground them into a fine powder.

    The other gods gathered around, adding their own blood into the mixture to create the first humans."

    thought this interesting;

    "In ancient Mesoamerican astrology the planet Venus was perceived differently ... For starters, Venus was male ... the great Quetzalcoatl ... was linked with this planet"

    und zis

    "In astrology and alchemy ... Venus was assigned to copper"

    Greymouth = 'grey mouth' - i'e lifeless- after death twas very important for Gyptians to have the "Opening the Mouth' ceremony. Mouth also opening to a mine.

    White Knight? Night is black!
    While Whittall - sounds all white to me.

    If baby birthed on solstice 2012 - father & child will have the year covered - Willie waded in on t'other so'u'lstice - the two great gateways into & out of existence.

    Princess Diana's 1916 pre-birthday party was also one hell of a blast

    Perhaps rabbit holes should be called mines - they're certainly packed full of explosive info & ideas


  4. Hey!

    Bad news, one of the only Hermetic libraries in the world, Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica, in Amsterdam is being closed, I thought you guy(s) would be a great source to spread the word and get this petition signed.

  5. Hi AP [ the only Associated Press I trust :}]

    Tel Aviv is doubtless less secure than LAX

    The whole concept of tunneling and mining , physically and mentally, highlights how little we know of the connexions twixt people and events.

    Just been reading FINAL JUDGEMENT on the JFK hit, a book which shows deeper connexions than the general public usually gets.

    Perhaps there are many experts coordinating these 'illegal' gangs.

    In England the English Defence League [ chavs and hooligans] have inexplicably taken to waving the Israeli flag at their gatherings.

    Is Brazil being destabilized for making partenerships with Turkey?

    Hi Alex
    Cheers for 'filling me in' on the q connxion. A pit and fish bones, which is a bit like Osiris pushed out to sea in a coffin.

    Is i t possible in some way that many of our industries and sciences mimic rituals?

    The Lochnagar crater was one i was looking for. I remember u wrote about it soem time ago.

    I'd clocked Wee Willie Windsor's birthdate, he was premature and whipped out by Caesarean - no wonder Diana went crazy.

    How does Lochnagar link to Diana?

    White Knight and Whittal - great


    Will check it out. So I guess if the closure goes through they'll all end up in private hands.


  6. Diana & Lochnagar were both 'born' on same date - 1st July

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.


    the Diggers were the underground/hippie "magical mystery" troupe that hung out in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco during 1960s --- a toponomically loaded "park" whose far western edge abuts the Pacific Ocean abyss, separated only by the thin line of Highway One, the "Great Highway"

    midst the Pacific, in uttermost Westnesse, Our Phavorite Pharaoh was reborn

    well done indeed on the 29, it holds the narrative line

    the most iconic sixties underground fest took place not at Woodstock, NY but two yrs prior, Summer of Love 1967 in Monterrey, California, the Monterrey Pop Festival, whose highlight (for me) was Country Joe McDonald's "Not So Sweet Martha Lorraine" that went completely against the love-and-flowers vibe of the fest

    Hex 29, double cross of lorraine

    Now she's the one who gives us all those magical things
    And reads us stories
    out of I Ching
    And then passes out
    a whole new basket of rings

    that when you put on your hand
    makes you one of the angel band
    and gives you the power
    to be a man
    but what it does for her
    you never quite understand

    Sweet Lorraine
    Sweet Lorraine

    in the twentieth and twentyfirst centuries we see the pinnacle of the Demetrian/agricultural yearking grain sacrifices, the great wars and a-bomb-in-nations and the individual "kings" -- JFK, RFK, MLK etc

    Demeter is the surface, middle earth, mater aspect, of the "hidden queen" ie subterranean kore

    subject of countless troubic songs, also crux of the elusinian mysteries, and the theme of "rectifying" the kore is all over rosicrucianism, kabbalism, and various masonic practice

    "repeated entrapment" is thus exactly the motif, whether profanely as (repeated 29) trapped miners or in secret-commonwealth aspect as sexual or material enticement/entrapment (thus rectification theme in rites; goya's "Todos Los Caeran" applicable)

    the abyss appears in the bible variously, esp in revelation, when the endtimes beast arises from it



    Montcoal WV -- coal mountain, also col prefix = magician/sorcerer ... so mount or tower of sorcery

    WV is West Virginia, one of America's [secret] Commonwealth States ... so Virgin West, Wicked Witch of West

    Virgin Records of the dopplelady atop dragon logo (woman riding beast) famous for "Tubular Bells" from "The Exorcist" is owned by Richard Branson, whose Virgin Galactic WhiteKnightTwo "test-flew freely" last Oct. 10 "followed closely by her mothership" (Demeter)

    (cited in my post All the Dark Continents)

    "The slurry pipeline is now at the White Knight Bridge adjacent to the tunnel entrance with 7.3 kilometres now completed."

    so, one-tenth more subkilometers completed than the 7.2 quakers

    in the U.S. mens-underground uprising, a "White Knight" is code for a collaborator with the NWO ... a male who obeys the WW of the West, enriches/empowers himself in service of the matriarchy, and betrays his brothers

    "Pike River Coal" = Albert Pike, master mason of the underground streams, the sorcerous col-realms

    copper = 29 atomic number and Venus, probable sirian waystation for the Dea-Ley Goddess from the first degree board ... the Statue of Libertas in NY harbor -- near the chief diamond-trading centers in NY -- is coated in copper, giving her a seagreen sheen

    boom boom out go the lights

    "The possibility of Jackie shooting JFK exists at present. She was partner of Maurice Tempelsman of Lazare Kaplan , a Diamond Co. until she died"

    yes her closest confidante and companion the last couple decades

    who pulled the trigger is less important to me than the other evidence we've amassed, esp around the Love Field triple-goddess Swearing-In of mason LBJ

    jackie's presence in that unholy trinity evidenced her involvement, but to what degree, and under what order of consciousness yet to be determined

    her later extremely close associations with Onassis, and then Mr Diamond TemplarsMan, however, do not bode cheerily

    the magdalene (dark goddess, kore) and underground (dead, unconscious) female saints likewise fit yr theme --- spot on

    clearly -- yet always unstated and taken for granted in each and every report -- it is collectivities of MEN who are "repeatedly trapped underground"

    yikes first time ive ever had to two-part a blog comment, my apologies for rambling

    will second read and hopefully add-on -- youre on target with the cornwall/tin mining connection too


  10. PART TWO

    Montcoal WV -- coal mountain, also col prefix = magician/sorcerer ... so mount or tower of sorcery

    WV is West Virginia, one of America's [secret] Commonwealth States ... so Virgin West, Wicked Witch of West

    Virgin Records of the dopplelady atop dragon logo (woman riding beast) famous for "Tubular Bells" from "The Exorcist" is owned by Richard Branson, whose Virgin Galactic WhiteKnightTwo "test-flew freely" last Oct. 10 "followed closely by her mothership" (Demeter)

    (cited in my post All the Dark Continents)

    "The slurry pipeline is now at the White Knight Bridge adjacent to the tunnel entrance with 7.3 kilometres now completed."

    so, one-tenth more subkilometers completed than the 7.2 quakers

    in the U.S. mens-underground uprising, a "White Knight" is code for a collaborator with the NWO ... a male who obeys the WW of the West, enriches/empowers himself in service of the matriarchy, and betrays his brothers

    "Pike River Coal" = Albert Pike, master mason of the underground streams, the sorcerous col-realms

    copper = 29 atomic number and Venus, probable sirian waystation for the Dea-Ley Goddess from the first degree board ... the Statue of Libertas in NY harbor -- near the chief diamond-trading centers in NY -- is coated in copper, giving her a seagreen sheen

    boom boom out go the lights

    "The possibility of Jackie shooting JFK exists at present. She was partner of Maurice Tempelsman of Lazare Kaplan , a Diamond Co. until she died"

    yes her closest confidante and companion the last couple decades

    who pulled the trigger is less important to me than the other evidence we've amassed, esp around the Love Field triple-goddess Swearing-In of mason LBJ

    jackie's presence in that unholy trinity evidenced her involvement, but to what degree, and under what order of consciousness yet to be determined

    her later extremely close associations with Onassis, and then Mr Diamond TemplarsMan, however, do not bode cheerily

    the magdalene (dark goddess, kore) and underground (dead, unconscious) female saints likewise fit yr theme --- spot on

    clearly -- yet always unstated and taken for granted in each and every report -- it is collectivities of MEN who are "repeatedly trapped underground"

    yikes first time ive ever had to two-part a blog comment, my apologies for rambling

    will second read and hopefully add-on -- youre on target with the cornwall/tin mining connection too


  11. PART TWO

    Montcoal WV -- coal mountain, also col prefix = magician/sorcerer ... so mount or tower of sorcery

    WV is West Virginia, one of America's [secret] Commonwealth States ... so Virgin West, Wicked Witch of West

    Virgin Records of the dopplelady atop dragon logo (woman riding beast) famous for "Tubular Bells" from "The Exorcist" is owned by Richard Branson, whose Virgin Galactic WhiteKnightTwo "test-flew freely" last Oct. 10 "followed closely by her mothership" (Demeter)

    (cited in my post All the Dark Continents)

    "The slurry pipeline is now at the White Knight Bridge adjacent to the tunnel entrance with 7.3 kilometres now completed."

    so, one-tenth more subkilometers completed than the 7.2 quakers

    in the U.S. mens-underground uprising, a "White Knight" is code for a collaborator with the NWO ... a male who obeys the WW of the West, enriches/empowers himself in service of the matriarchy, and betrays his brothers

    "Pike River Coal" = Albert Pike, master mason of the underground streams, the sorcerous col-realms

    copper = 29 atomic number and Venus, probable sirian waystation for the Dea-Ley Goddess from the first degree board ... the Statue of Libertas in NY harbor -- near the chief diamond-trading centers in NY -- is coated in copper, giving her a seagreen sheen

    boom boom out go the lights

    "The possibility of Jackie shooting JFK exists at present. She was partner of Maurice Tempelsman of Lazare Kaplan , a Diamond Co. until she died"

    yes her closest confidante and companion the last couple decades

    who pulled the trigger is less important to me than the other evidence we've amassed, esp around the Love Field triple-goddess Swearing-In of mason LBJ

    jackie's presence in that unholy trinity evidenced her involvement, but to what degree, and under what order of consciousness yet to be determined

    her later extremely close associations with Onassis, and then Mr Diamond TemplarsMan, however, do not bode cheerily

    the magdalene (dark goddess, kore) and underground (dead, unconscious) female saints likewise fit yr theme --- spot on

    clearly -- yet always unstated and taken for granted in each and every report -- it is collectivities of MEN who are "repeatedly trapped underground"

    yikes first time ive ever had to two-part a blog comment, my apologies for rambling

    will second read and hopefully add-on -- youre on target with the cornwall/tin mining connection too


  12. So the comment-gremlins have returned.

    I read RINGOLEVIO by Emmet Grogan - in it he gives a speech to some university. At the end he got rousing applause and when it subsided he told the audience that the speech was given 30 years before by Adolf Hitler.

    Its an interesting book. Conflicts between Hippies, Yippies and Diggers are described.

    MLK got shot at the Motel Lorraine.

    Entrapment - the teenage mutant ninja somali moslem almost-bomber!!

    In the swearing-in we have LBJ, LBJ and as JFK was now dead, JLB , for Jackie Lee Bouvier.

    Just reading FINAL JUDGEMENT which deals more with the wider conspiracy to kill JFK, pulling ina vast array of characters and agencies.

    One idea in it is that there was to be a false assassination attempt and LHO would scoot of the Cuban Embassy in Mexico which would them allow the US to attack Cuba.

    So guys like LHO and Howard Hunt were not in on the real hit.

    Anyhow deep deception.

    Templarsman was in Congo in '60-'61 for the Congo crisis which stretched from Eisenhauer to Kennedy. Lumumba was of course killed.

    St.Endelien was buried in a mire.

    Old King Cole
    Was a merry old soul...

    When Monterrey took place we moved to Northern Ireland , just in time for the Troubles, boom, boom!

    The 29 bullets was the real clincher - considering that the man had obviously been carrying them around for a week or so - odd

    cheers for extensive comments

  13. Mossad is very busy.

    Riots in Egypt.


    "The English Defence League"

    "Brazil being destabilized for making partenerships with Turkey"

    - Aangirfan

  14. Yes , the development of the gang culture.

    In UK the football hooligans went from just hooligans to organised drug and protection outfits from the 1990's onward.

    Apparently some members of the EBF [ English Border Front] had contact witjh the League of St.George, a 'rightwing' organistaion.

    The EDL of course now sport the Israeli Flag [ are they all Spurs fans?]

    Mexican gangs seem to have sprouted fully formed.

    And the Brazilians seem to get quite good weaponry, equivalent to any infantry unit.

    Gang culture will police the low-income while the real police will turn up every so often.

    The lobbies and agencies like the ADL will police the middle-classes, while the banks rob 'em blind.

    12 Leaping Lords
    11 assault rifles
    10 innocent victims
    .... and a cartridge in a pear tree

