Wednesday, October 13, 2010

T'ain'T written in a stone , mason!!

Note the rope around the neck/pendulum/ plumb bum

Riddle of the Sphinchs

Esoterically Indicting.

In Hebrew Father = AB-3 ; Son = BN-52. Join them at the B and it gives ABN - a stone, the one on which Jesus would build the church.Peter [rock, stone] didn't quite catch the meaning and decided that it would be a church[circle 360degrees] made of stone whereas Jesus meant it: an origin [father] and an end[son], a finite universe[Tetrahedron 720degrees].

Mother = negative tetrahedron from which origin and end [ male] project.
Mother = -720degrees, as in IN-visible complementing the OUT-visible.

Mother = AM-41 and moving the letters 1 step on gives BN.
Mother is 'ma' and son is 'son' , so Ma-Son, while 'father-son' = Stone, thus Stone Mason. Within the 'brother'hood-wink the Ma and the Son use the Pa as the material-ism to build the temple , often through war. Bye Daddy!

Matriarchy in this sense is that 'in extremis' of the ant hill mob or the bee-hive, attempted as a safety factor against extinction. This insect super structure is then deemed the best model for humanity. Who works in an office ?

Biblically Jacob, male, fought Satan to become Israel. The -el is masculine. Now Israel is a state and thus a 'she'.

Amos -

"And the Lord said unto me, Amos, what seest thou? And I said a plumbline. Then said the Lord, Behold, I will set a plumbline in the midst of my people Israel, I will not again pass by them any more:"

Golda Meir dressed as the Statue of Liberty in 1919. 50 years later she became PM of Israel-YShRAH/Ishreah , 2 years after the attack on the USS Liberty, and after Kennedy,King,X and Kennedy left office.
Note that 'Jack' as in 'Every Man-jack of them...'and Jack as a Naval-Maritime term, elides in to Jack Killin' Kennedy.

Jack Ru - B - Ba - Babyl - Onassis - Sis - A - Nation

'Tis a sequence Jim-James-Jacob-Israel - MiLiK - Honey! , but not as you know it:)'

"In 1956, she became Foreign Minister under Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion. Her predecessor, Moshe Sharett, had asked all members of the foreign service to Hebraicize their last names. Upon her appointment as foreign minister, she shortened "Meyerson" to "Meir", which means "illuminate." Wikeypedia

Does it really need writing in stone?

Well actually we prefer any'illuminated image, check the one-eyed Smiley'!


  1. Something to consider...

    ABN = abn = dna
    bpdq (a spinner/mirror character)

    Which, if the words were divinely inspired, then foreknowledge of the eventual translation to english alphabet must have been present at the initial writing...

    The CHURCH / aka THE TMPLE (BODY) (physical WE.ME.EW(you))

    ... is built on dna


  2. I would say its built alongside DNA as DNA doesn't exist as a component in our meta-physical selves.

    Via the letter-numbers the Garden of Eden = GN ODN

    In modern Hebrew GN now means 'gene'as well as garden.

    ABN seems a possible as something to 'carve' the DNA on, the metaphysical drawn into the mater-ial world


  3. "Mother is 'ma' and son is 'son' , so Ma-Son, while 'father-son' = Stone, thus Stone Mason. Within the 'brother'hood-wink the Ma and the Son use the Pa as the material-ism to build the temple , often through war. Bye Daddy!"

    Bye and/or Buy Daddy, exactly

    just fodder for demeter

    war and empire are managed by, and for, the combo of the collective feminine and malevolent/vampiric elements of the masculine -- the ma-sons are just extensions of the primal serpent-tribes, in both lineage and activity

    "Matriarchy in this sense is that 'in extremis' of the ant hill mob or the bee-hive, attempted as a safety factor against extinction."

    nah, thats just the latest ruse, Only WomanWorld can Save Us NOW! the Evil Patriarchy Must be Destroyed!! -- heavily promoted in the western Medea the past century and esp past few decades

    in truth, Woman in alliance with some form of satanic occultism (chaldean priesthoods to modern masons) has always run the horrorshow

    v thoughtful post as usual, i'll try to comment more later, either here or pasting to my own blog, cheers


  4. Cheers Ray - I assume that the Matriarchy has existed for millenia, it put Jesus to death, and from your quotes from the Bible one may see the constant fight of humanity versus the Matrix

    The Seals have come off seems to intimate some 'revelation' style events in the offing.

    have read the latest at DBW


  5. Cheers Ray - I assume that the Matriarchy has existed for millenia, it put Jesus to death

    shore did litle brother, by the first century b.c. the hebrew priesthood, esp the pharaisic portion, was heavily leveraged by the "mystery activities" that developed from semiramis and her nimrod, nimrod


    there was a small minority of righteous men in the hebrew priesthood at the time of jesus, plus a much larger group of phonies n phakes who liked to be considered Important, and then a dominant core group of proto ma-sons who recognized him for the threat he was to their "way of life"

    will get back to this post pls be patient

