Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Shin On U Jay-Z Dire-Monde

From THE KOOL SKOOL [ in comments]:
More info here

Flossy Fuss

Diamond Dallas Page
A former WWF wrestler who used this 'diamond' symbol in the '90s. The black tape seems a representation of the TEFILIM, though he has worn white tape.

"Page is commonly associated with the "Self High Five" as well as the "Diamond Cutter" symbol, a hand gesture made by joining the thumbs and index fingers on each hand to form a diamond shape, then parting the two hands in one swift motion. He created the symbol in 1996 and later copyrighted it. In December 2005, Page filed a lawsuit against rapper Jay-Z, who, he claimed, had "illegally adopted his trademark hand gesture". Page accused Jay-Z of trademark and copyright infringement, and sought a prohibitive injunction and monetary damages.[13]"

From Dallas Page aka Page J. Falkinburg-
"It's amazing to me how many people have NO idea what I am suing 3OH!3 over... First of all it's not someone like 3)H!3 throwing their hands in the air! Anyone can do that and I LOVE IT... The suit is for the use of MY Logo on Clothing etc... I actually Trademarked the hand sign with your index fingers and thumbs together with outside fingers spread YEARS ago and called it the Diamond Cutter...
it's been on clothing, action figures and even bowling balls... Just like Allstate Trademarked the hands making a cup holding a houseor just APPLE computer Trademarked the Apple with a BITE out of it... Did APPLE create the Apple I think not but They did Trademark it... I would love to see someone just TRY to use any kind of an APPLE as their Logo and see what happens. So for those of you who have had NO IDEA what this suit is about maybe this will Enlighten you but mostly likely it still wont... Ha... Btw my Trademark # is 3,418,802 if you still don't believe that just Go Look it up and you'll see that it is indeed a Trademarked sign OWNED by Dallas Page aka Page J. Falkinburg"


Should u buy diamonds the resell price = approx. 30% of wholesale price. Such is romance!

People like to appropriate ancient symbols, perhaps altering them slightly, to help reinforce their persona. I include the priest-class in this - the original celebrities.

From etymonline:
late 14c., "solemn rite or ceremony," from O.Fr. celebrité "celebration," from L. celibritatem (nom. celebritas) "multitude, fame," from celeber "frequented, populous" (see celebrate). Meaning "condition of being famous" is from c.1600; that of "famous person" is from 1849.'

Other cele-brites:

JAY-Z with his diamond signal apparently because he associates himself with 'Rok-a-Feller', a fellow with a diamond, doubtless intimating wealth, power and that his lyrics 'cut like a diddy diamond' as do 90% of 'lyrics, maaan'
As a diamond the device is thus linked to the various mining operations murderously exploiting those people who are unfortunate enough to be 'employed' at the lower echelons of this business - generally providing vain people with status baubles and electro-conductive devices.

"Diamonds are girl's best friend"

More people being sued by Mr. Page
{ see Mr. Page's comment above }

Mr. Z denies that its a representation of this Masonic symbol though I tend to think 'YO[ni] G!', fitting the modern bill of rites 'das bin' p'formed for y'all', seems more logical.

His more famous salute:

which is one-half of this:

It symbolizes the Hebrew character ShYN which stands for the element 'fire' and in Xtian symbology may be found the heads of those suffused with the 'Holy Spirit'.
Sh = 300 which is the same enumeration as -
RVCh ALHYM [ Ruach Eloheem] = 214 + 86, ' the Spirit/Breath of the Gods'.

The hovering Dove = the ancient symbol of Israel, though, Jim/James/jacob, not as you know it.

Now the new celebrity priest-class has been developed to front for Queen Bee Satan and the Church of Me and the Unborn Child.
'Yo , Me!, look at me! Me!'

23. For perfume mix meal & honey & thick leavings of red wine: then oil of Abramelin and olive oil, and afterward soften & smooth down with rich fresh blood.
24. The best blood is of the moon, monthly: then the fresh blood of a child, or dropping from the host of heaven: then of enemies; then of the priest or of the worshippers: last of some beast, no matter what.
25. This burn: of this make cakes & eat unto me. This hath also another use; let it be laid before me, and kept thick with perfumes of your orison: it shall become full of beetles as it were and creeping things sacred unto me.
26. These slay, naming your enemies; & they shall fall before you.
27. Also these shall breed lust & power of lust in you at the eating thereof.

[Short course in becoming a lobbyist/politician/feminism/other pressure[hate]groups ]

Read Dave McGowan's writtings about Laurel Canyon, where Crowleyanity went down a treat!

The Book of the Law, transcribed by A. Crowley via his wife Rose Kelly from a non-corporeal being called Aiwass or perhaps Umbrella/Rainman of late.

'Abortion Motivational Poster' - piratenews-tv.blogspot.com.

Acc. to Torah SDM = a premature birth / abortion in comparison to ADM - Adam, which I assume a fully developed birth. The damned remains conditioned to the womb/tomb [S] and seeks sedentary saviours [ aka insurance policy]

Some celebrity women now eschew childbirth, opting for the freedom of abortion. Among celebrity gals popping abroad to a poor person's country and paying the poor to produce children for them [ for a better life , of course] seems a trend. This , of course, does away with their husband's role as father. The celebs often acquire children who have had the early work [ the messy, yucky stuff] done for them by the lottery-lucky surrogate from Russia or Malawi. Perhaps this is the neu-feminazi view of Immaculate Conception.

In Chile a birth of sorts took place as Adamah, the carnal female held in her copper-womb 33 [ age of Jesus' crucifixion] men.

The birth proved premature occurring 8 months after the earthquake at CONCEPCION on February 27th. Prince William was also birthed prematurely years ago.

Copper = Venus = MorningStar = Lucifer

Novice Ordure Sick-claw'em


  1. Very interesting! I can't imagine he can get any court to take that to court though right??? Lol. It is also the Sign of Philosophus
    Ritual in Aleister Crowley's Hermetic Order Of The Golden Dawn

    More info here

    Great Blog!
    Peace from The Kool Skool

  2. Its always worth trying to copyright things like this, it leaves open other possibilities for lawyers to own things [ like human DNA].

    Thanks for the links , read the post . Good points about the 'bitch' rappers carrying out their deadly schoolyard games.

    Dys functional?
    I guess if it works!


  3. It's amazing to me how many people have NO idea what I am suing 3OH!3 over... First of all it's not someone like 3)H!3 throwing their hands in the air! Anyone can do that and I LOVE IT... The suit is for the use of MY Logo on Clothing etc... I actually Trademarked the hand sign with your index fingers and thumbs together with outside fingers spread YEARS ago and called it the Diamond Cutter... it's been on clothing, action figures and even bowling balls... Just like Allstate Trademarked the hands making a cup holding a houseor just APPLE computer Trademarked the Apple with a BITE out of it... Did APPLE create the Apple I think not but They did Trademark it... I would love to see someone just TRY to use any kind of an APPLE as their Logo and see what happens. So for those of you who have had NO IDEA what this suit is about maybe this will Enlighten you but mostly likely it still wont... Ha... Btw my Trademark # is 3,418,802 if you still don't believe that just Go Look it up and you'll see that it is indeed a Trademarked sign OWNED by Dallas Page aka Page J. Falkinburg

  4. DDP , I have added some of your comment to the post.

    May I ask what influenced the design, and were u aware it also had other 'meanings'


  5. Lots of interesting information in this blog entry!

    - Aangirfan

  6. Aang - a connexion twixt diamonds and Yonis/Vaginas seems to link to the Ma-Sons as 'accidentally' promoted by J-Z - linking with the Justin Bieber androgyne and his [or its] burgeoning wealth


  7. "a connexion twixt diamonds and Yonis/Vaginas seems to link to the Ma-Sons"

    first thing i thought of too, seeing yr illustrations -- all that Useless Diamond Vajazzling, commodified "love" ... Buy Buy Babalon, the rape of the african man/continent, DeBeers Insiders etc and Chicago Carbon Exchange


  8. Carbon Hex-change in old She-Cargo!

    Indeed 'love' in a neat portable format, better'n all that soulful stuff.

    There seem an awful lot of these spasticated hand [ traffic] signals.

    It seems the Bieber child has been inducted into the gesticulating crew


  9. On etymology page for Diamond, comes the word 'Adamant'

    "adamant (adj.)
    late 14c., "hard, unbreakable," from earlier noun (O.E. aðamans) meaning "a very hard stone"

    Got to thinking & linking & jumping over conclusions & came to Atom Ant;
    "Atom's catchphrase and battle cry was: "up and at 'em, Atom Ant!"

    Atom =Adam but also Atum = Egyptian self created god
    "Benben, in Egyptian mythology ... is the mound that arose from the primordial waters, Nu, that had upon it Atum, sitting. It was said to have turned into a small pyramid ... which was the place Atum was said to dwell within"
    Some of those hand shapes look decidedly benbenish

  10. I wonder if Atum's primeval mound wasn't his own poo-poo, as not much else existed except Atum.

    These symbols are pushed in our face as if they actually means something by A-Tension Grabbers.

    For me its the same as when people point, exclusively pointing someone OUT, commercialised sorcery.


  11. "In the latest in a mysterious rash of attacks on military targets, shots were fired at the National Museum of the Marine Corps after it closed Thursday night, Virginia police say. It's the second time the museum has been shot at in recent days, and the fourth time recently that a military-related building in the area has been shot at.

    "A Prince William County police spokeswoman said investigators found several bullet holes at the museum in Triangle, Va., about 30 miles south of the Pentagon."


    hey AF looky little Virginia's Police are "confounded" because someone's shooting at their Triangle Museum

    mebbe her polices should call in that Copycat Effect guy for some remunerative Expert Advice

    yeah yeah that's It, just more Copycatting is all folks, everybody can go home now, sleep deep, deeeep, all the excitement is over and Your Authorities have these matters well in hand, plenty of money still left in the Game for all who will play dont mind the maggots

    the answer O Comfortably Confounded Ones is in Virginia but she aint talking, along with the authorities diamonds are a grrl's best fiend


