Saturday, September 4, 2010

Conn-X-sion [ + alterations]

A trawler from

A Soviet sub forced to surface in the Bay of Pigs exercise

SURACI has posted CONNECTIONS which highlights this video he got from HOW DARE I.

Its a programme presented by James Burke, who alwaays attempted something more than the hypno-palliatives of commercial TV.

The show called the TRIGGER EFFECT and filmed at the Twin Towers. It also featured a woman giving birth to Twins and the story includes Flight SK911.

From a comment about SK 911 at another site, sorry misplaced the title -

"Also as an reaction to the 9/11 SAS changed the call sign from SK911 to SK909
Kind rgds
Ole "

Via Hebrew letter-numbers _

911 = RASHYTh [200+1+300+10+400] which is translated as 'beginning'. The first word of the Torah = BRAShYTh - 'in the beginning'.

89 [ passengers on SK911] - Crowley gives this explanation for that number -

"A number of sin - restriction. The wrong kind of silence , that of the Black Brothers'

911 and 89 are both primes which for some reason always catches my eye.
911+89 = 1000, which in Hebrew is ALPh, the first character, so mighty important , probably

The 'word' BRAShYTh [ Berashit - also 'translated as GENESIS] tries 'explain' the action of Aleph , its projections and consequent resistances in the formation of 'universe', physical and METAphysical, that is whole , finite universe [ though not simultaneously apprehendable] as opposed to the hopeless 'infinite universe' somehow grafted on to the 'building block' approach.

Infinite building blocks help strengthen the vast pyramid structuring of metaphysical universe [ our minds] that keeps humanity 'weighed down'.

The prog relates how a 'relay' at Niagara Hydro Electrical Plant did its job but lead to a trigger effect that created an massive overload.

9/11 as a 'trigger' eVent may constitute a 'beginning' of sorts.

The event in the programme happened on Nov 9th 1965 [ another 9/11] [ see part 2]

James Burke made programmes that did not constitute processed drivel. Today I doubt he would get many viewers as he askes them to ....... thnik, sorry, its on the tip of my tongue.. THIKN! Knew I'd get it.

Some observations from Alex of TOO LONG IN THIS PLACE:

"The strangest of things - at last moment of 9.11minutes/sec on the 3rd part of series there is a flash (after the word 'that') - you'll notice a flicker in real time & slowed down there is one black moment..."

This is just after the 'black' screen moment - I thought the words resonated with the falling towers:

James Burke - JB - Jachin and Boaz , the twin pillars of Masonry. The programme goes back to Egypt, the Kingdom of Grain and the croppy god Osiris

"at 6.20-22mins/sec on numero 4...

... is a design that reminds me of your twin two-ers / dealey plaza twinning"

Another comment from ...SAID reveals this:

"Episode 4 Faith in numbers part 5 of 5, at the very end of the video (at 744) Burke holds up a punch-card at a window and says "...the whole world would fall down..." then he moves the punch card to reveal the Twin Towers in the window as the program ends!!!!"

The punch card looks similar to a cartoon drawing of a skyscraper at night with a few lights on.

Just went to Lenon Honor's site and it [ near the bottom] reads thus:

'Picture # 1 was the first picture listed on yahoo for the New Zealand Earthquake. Earlier that day there was a report of a plane crash in
New Zealand. Understand that whenever you experience news about a "plane crash" you are actually experiencing a trigger word or
trigger image for "terrorism". Therefore, the collapsing chimney (collapsing tower) is subliminally the result of a plane crash (terrorism) via
word association, the chimney's structural resonance with the twin towers, shared location via New England plane crash (terrorism) and
New England earthquake (collapsing chimney / trade center tower), and month date association ie September (Month of Global Terror).'

{ I assume Lenon means New Zealand rather than New England]

Not long before Alex [ from NZ] and I wrote comments mentioning both the 'quake and the 'plane crash


  1. Niagra = A Grain = birth (grain
    c.1200, from O.Fr. grein, from L. granum "seed").

    The strangest of things - at last moment of 9.11minutes/sec on the 3rd part of series there is a flash (after the word 'that') - you'll notice a flicker in real time & slowed down there is one black moment...

  2. at 6.20-22mins/sec on numero 4...

    ... is a design that reminds me of your twin two-ers / dealey plaza twinning

  3. Cheers Alex, shall review . 'Tis odd how things bubble forth.

    Will add your 'sightings' to the post

    Hope u haven't been too badly affected by Le Quake.


  4. Had I not been sitting in my sister's car & had she not had the radio on I wouldn't have known a thing about it. The world gets to know quicker than someone in the distant backyard - yet none of us can do a thing about it.
    Less than 12 hours later a plane fell out of the sky on the other side of the (South) Island & killed 9 - the sign of the trickster is in the site name - FOX Glacier.
    That the two events are connected I have no doubt - as you say, "Tis odd how things bubble forth."


  5. sorrrrry me again - just saw what you spotted after the 'black moment' - that borders on unbelievable!

  6. Yea noticed the aircrash . Same day 2 died in light airplane crash on the Isle of Wight.

    The name Fox Glaciar is nearly the same as Fox's Glaciar Mints which has a Polar Bear on a mint being circled by a red fox.

    The 'black' moment - fantastically I wonder , was there a black moment before the 1st plane struck, as if a new piece of film has been edited in


  7. Thanks for posting this article with a link to the video - I'm watching the whole series. I had forgotten about James Burke and his 'ironic' way of describing things!
    Episode 4 Faith in numbers part 5 of 5, at the very end of the video (at 744) Burke holds up a punch-card at a window and says "...the whole world would fall down..." then he moves the punch card to reveal the Twin Towers in the window as the program ends!!!!

  8. Thanks , have altered article accordingly

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. We're also being told on the news that the NZ quake moved the earth 11 feet and the epicenter was 19 miles west of Christchurch.

    Was James Burke lucky, controlled or is there some other explanation for his extraordinary series?

  11. So of course its hindsight and there are 1000s of hours of TV progs. nevertheless that damned flight SK911 was true and thn the Twin Towers appearing with 'prophetic' dialogue.

    11 seems to be the main number pertaining to practical magic

    while 19 [ the same amount as the hijackers at 911] enumerates ChVH the Hebrew for Eve.

    As far as any explanation goes it's beyond me.
    *erhaps the phenomena of prescient images and words in the media is another aspect of information-gathering suitable to the 'internet' age

    Names, numbers, iconic imagery and the long-term choices/habits by the people who produce such things as movies, which I think are now being played back to us.

    But nothing concrete - I tend to hover around the Hebrew as it seems to have been with us for quite a while

    Perhaps he may have hit on things like the Twins with SK911 about Nov 9 1965 [ 19 and 11 again] because he thought a little 'out of the box'.

    I mean the prog was even called Connections


  12. Might be interesting to send JB an email, ask him his thoughts. Being an inquisitive and thoughtful man, he may have some thoughts as to why a show he did thirty years ago seemed to magically reflect crucial events that were indeed a "triggering" effect.

  13. Hav esent an email to KNOWLEDGE WEB.


  14. Quite the strangest 'across time' link up I've seen - great find by Said with the 'hole (punched) in the world.

    Actually was just thinking of you not half an hour ago as I came home from a walk - re your looking at things from an inner/outer perspective as opposed to having ups & downs - am wondering if that could tie in somehow with this 'Burkely time travel'.

    This has been most interesting - the feel of the (apparent) past in the (apparent) present.

  15. Its certainly time travel

    and in and out certainly sorts it out

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.
