Saturday, May 1, 2010

Goddess Drool!

Consume a society.

KonKrete Junkyard [ Occult Mosaic] posted WOODS, JAMES & OBAMA in the NEWS EVENTS section at SYNCROMYSTIC FORUM - he makes the point that with the dismantling of freedom comes the dismantling of privacy.

" Michelle , ma belle..."

Obama married Michelle in 1992 and a blissful marriage it has been made out to be, rather like the Queen of Beauty , Jackie and her charge JFK.
Political marriages [ for these are what they are] seem mostly for the general public - to reach office one needs to be married to someone of the opposite sex. Nevertheless not all needs are met.

Acc. to the National Enquirer , that bastion of celebrity focus, rumours of a tryst twixt Obama and Vera BAKER[below] have been printed.

Obama and JFK cross trajectories again - below Norma Jean BAKER

Young Democrat Presidents seem dogged by sex-scandal
JFK got around, Bill Clinton got caught out, Obama is now touted as unfaithful + a gay possibility

JFK - the night before the 'sass' and the beginning of the emasculation of the American male and the defeminisation of the American woman leading to the traumatised American child [ now found wandering round schools blowing fellow students off the face of the earth - lack of nurture.

Or the whore children - Miley, Rihanna , Jonas Bros., Gaga, Beyonce, Adam Lambert, Britney

Men and women started getting divorced a whole lot more after the JFK hit. Women went out to work. The TV parented the child. Often the men were not allowed very much contact with the children. Many divorced women [ who had the children] had strings of short-term relationships with men whom the child got to know slowly , began to trust, and then he's off and the child gets indirectly 'isolated' again, or is taught that only Mummy cares backed up by the 'men are Shit' mantra.

I agree this is somewhat generalised but the format is not uncommon

Divorce seems to affect income classes in myriad different ways

Jackie K , as discussed in post ZIONOIZ, knew of JFKs unfaithfulness, and with the possibility that Jackie blew his skull open at Dealey as well possibly favouring Marilyn Monroe/ Norma Jean Baker's suicide we may wonder what will come of Obama's duplicitous romance.

With Tiger Woods bowing to the Me!Dear who demanded total obeisance we may wonder about the 'attack' on successful BLACK men. Men are not able to keep their sexual needs under control, goes the old mantra, and 'the black man' is often ratcheted up as even more 'uncontrollable' in pursuit of sexual fulfillment.
Books like these seem to under-lie a stereotypical attitude towards male-female 'interracial' relationships. Cheers Kyle.

" Expect the savage! " , mmmmmmmmm!

"The narrative centers on Maxwell, his son Hammond, and the Mandingo (or Mandinka) slave Ganymede, or Mede. It is a tale of cruelty toward the blacks of that time, containing vicious fights, poisoning, and violent death."

Ganymede was Zeus' homosexual lover whom Zeus turned into the constellation Aquarius.

' Its the dawning........'

Doubtless Mede got involved in some 'vicious fights' - drool drool

Tiger Woods has just been reprogrammed for public approval and has now got back into his game. One wonders if this scandal / psy-op will lead to Clintonesque proportions.


"The ambulance crew that responded after Tiger Woods crashed his SUV would not allow his wife to ride with him to the hospital because they suspected domestic violence, documents released Friday by the Florida Highway Patrol show.

But a police officer who responded said he didn’t know where the crew got that information because he never heard it from anyone at the scene.

The reports also showed Woods’ wife, Elin, turned over two bottles of pain pills to troopers after the Nov. 27 crash outside the couple’s suburban Orlando home.

Feted and adored actress Sandra (“Goldie”) Bullock again reminded us that There’s No Excuse For Domestic Violence!

. . . unless a female is the perpetrator, in which case we are to cheer."

"Adultery , little one, can enhance a gal's career...exponentially."

Adulterous JFK - Jackie went on to marry Onassis and the Maurice Tempelsmen, becoming an extremely wealthy and influential person.
Hillary has arguably the most powerful job in the Administration and uses it to pursue the elitist Fem-agender and emasculation of males [ She advocates compulsory circumcision of males to help stop AIDS in Africa - foreskinned people are obviously considered less hygienic]

Elin Woods , though allegedly she beat Tiger with a Golf club walks away with the full sympathy of the nation and E200m.

Sandra 'Goldie' Bullock and her husband Jesse James adopt a child 3 months ago. Doubtless their marriage helped their application go through. Now the vicious Ms. Bullock , who commented that -
"... if she were Woods' wife Elin Nordegren, she would have attacked the golf star with a bat. "If I were Elin, man, I would have hit a lot more than she did," Bullock said. "I would have kept hitting." -
is suing for divorce [ for adultery] and will get to keep the adopted child all to herself. James got 3 months with the child , apparently is fond of him/her.

Like many self-righteous, shrill, self-important thugs she did not comment on what a man may do if the roles were reversed.

Again from 'Eddie and Francis, friends forever' -

"Bullock summarizes the assumption by modern western females of ownership of the male body and spirit. Heck, it’s almost as if Anubis sailed into New York, or the Kalifornia Governor’s wife claimed the nation for Team Woman. Impossible shit like that."

With these adultery scandals the Me!dear don't comment on the women the man has a dalliance with in the same judgemental way, guys are just bedazzled by tits and ass, can't help themselves. Are we to imagine that they swoon before the Mighty Men or do they, being avaricious, power-hungry adults, make a beeline straight for the honey-pot.

Getting caught raises their profile [ Oh wow honey what was he like? ]

Once dropped they spread rumours - anything from rape to sexual impotence.

Who knows , maybe the odd one or two have been paid for by a divorce-seeking wife, who requires the husband be in error to scam the alimony.

The state of affairs at present is vengeful and ridden with imposed, and in many cases welcome, stereotypes of what it 'is' to be a man or a woman. No 'spiritual' dimension exists, it's all material.
The main thread seems to become a whore [ celebrities and sports slaves] - PRO STITUTA - to stand out in front.

Me! Dear , dear Me!

[Apologies to the many men and women around the world who do not fit nor would ever want to fit into this superficial existence]

"On April 25, over 1000 New York-area Jewish extremists gathered in midtown Manhattan to rally against the Barack Obama administration’s call for a freeze on construction in occupied East Jerusalem and to demand unlimited rights to colonize the West Bank."

"Bentzi Gupshtain, a member of the outlawed Kahane Chai (Kach) party, said his organization is distributing hundreds of effigies of the US president for children to set fire to on Lag BaOmer May 2nd."

Lag Obama?

"Lag BaOmer is Hebrew shorthand for "33rd [day] of the Omer (Lag, or L"G (Hebrew: ל"ג‎) is the gematria of 33). Lag BaOmer falls on the 33rd day of the counting of the Omer, as counted from the second day of Passover until the holiday of Shavuot."

Looks like ritual from here on in!


  1. Well m'dear that was certainly a better read than the Sunday morning papers

    The English meaning of the Latin word 'vera' is 'genuine, real or true'

    Norma = Roman when redressed

    The 'baker' in Joseph's techni-colour bible story, loses his head.

    On surname Baker:- one site says it's from German 'Becker' & that "The meaning of the name Becker is 'Beech tree; Stream'." - couldn't find anything else that agreed with this but latin name for Beech is suggestive - "Fagus grandifolia"

    Man oh man what a find on Lag BaOmer - Obama jumps right out first time. Was seriously wondering the other day HOW a man with THAT name could ever, ever have gotten into power after 9/11
    Had a wee looksee at that 33rd ammendment & it's solid gold for current research purposes - ta very much!


  2. Cheers for inspo Terry

    One must wonder on how his name was accepted considering knee-jerk reactions in politics

    The 33 is ever popular it appears

    cheers for the roots of the names

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. "Cheers for inspo Terry"

    good point

    i dont always credit/cite my sources-- it appears like a one man job but isnt

    another slick lead photo, always observant & thematic-- yikes lucky i dont live over there

    yeah pore tiger all them gals and gazillions but he is one lost puppy

    scuse the delay will get back later

    cheerz ray

  5. The Celtic rebel and now Afferis moon. The wo-man is three things, a virgin a whore and a crone. With man's enthuastic reverence of a wo-mans vagina, there is much to consider her actions. I am uncertain that Goddess Drool is a healthy way to perceive that which is wo-man. I too, consider many media sources as a source of conditioning. I wonder where we as a species would be without some sexy,loose women. Not to vilify me thinks. A healthy sex drive is key to our survival. Some leg shots are part and parcel of who we are. Dennis (Hail Isis)

  6. Cheers Ray

    Ta for linx Eugene, Synch lair , sometimes with a hidden trapdoor

    Dennis - are u asking me to imagine u prostrate afore some doe-eyed uber-gal, doubtless in some state of ritual undress. As usual your comment shows little connexion with what I've actually written.

    I do not worship genitalia of either gender


  7. Most interesting.

    - aangirfan

  8. Yesterday was quite the ritual ... please peruse with your symbolist eyes ...


  9. "Men and women started getting divorced a whole lot more after the JFK hit. Women went out to work. The TV parented the child. Often the men were not allowed very much contact with the children."

    I dig


  10. Once again you distort my comments. I did not say men worshiped a womans generative hardware. I said we have a reverence/strong attraction. Your essays are much to be respected. However we hear all this whore and anal stuff at the Celtic Rebel. I sometimes wonder if either of you like women at all, considering them unclean and not worthy. What I was trying to convey is that the human race would not be viable without some sex charm and foolishness by our mothers and sisters. Their charms include carnal desire. Babys are born with sex and out of sex. Respectfully Dennis

  11. "JFK - the night before the 'sass' and the beginning of the emasculation of the American male and the defeminisation of the American woman leading to the traumatised American child [ now found wandering round schools blowing fellow students off the face of the earth - lack of nurture.

    Or the whore children - Miley, Rihanna , Jonas Bros., Gaga, Beyonce, Adam Lambert, Britney

    Men and women started getting divorced a whole lot more after the JFK hit."

    right, tectonic social engineering-- alkhemical equivalent of atom bomb, splitting/solve the genders (by forced 'unity' in the retort)

    jfk, in part, serviced his own doom, establishing the Commission on the Status of Women in 61 and its resultant Equal Pay Act (June 63)

    road to hell & pavement etc

    with the psychospiritual and ritual elements complete at DeaLey, the MaSonic Machine was installed politically and legally via lodgeman Johnson

    the '64 Civil Righs Act was spun and sold as restoring inner cities by establishing unemployed black men into jobs/families

    instead the Act chiefly was used to promote feminism and norm the matriarchy, establishing via "affirmative action" and similar measures the legal and social subjugation of the american male (ie equality)

    thats why the Love Field photo still carries so much resonance, the spiritual foreshadow or negative of the next half century

    "Tiger Woods has just been reprogrammed for public approval and has now got back into his game"

    yeah hm AF we need to set up a Deprogramming Clearinghouse for these goofy victims of cultua mammonus, aka western men... yikes this pore gol-fer actually thinks that because he's rich he is alive

    ....time for another dance with mom! :O)

    ok well busy busy i gotta go conspire against the nations


  12. I caught part of the celebrity stalking show TMZ where a black female contributor admitted that double-standards in favor of women exist and are favorable from her point of view. Certainly seems to be a ritual in motion, as always.

  13. Ray,
    Tectonic social engineering seems to fit in with the planet's groanings.
    The foto of the 3 also has the stifling effect, everyone inthe room is bunched up, all jiggereing together, in their AirPhallus One.

    "What's that in the shadows?" - The Stranglers.

    Also did u check out the 'buzz' at the Judge Rotenburg Center?

    Yes , Styggers, the 'slaves' wait for the time when they get their bit of the pie , and they sure as hell don't mind a double portion with whipped...uhhh cream/


  14. "The foto of the 3 also has the stifling effect, everyone inthe room is bunched up, all jiggereing together, in their AirPhallus One."

    stifling indeed, triboxed steer

    Love Field was a confining ritual, triangulation a la navi [of civil authority ie PRESIDENT = ID SERPENT] the representation i described at the traffic island in new bedford mass, on the king's highway

    "Also did u check out the 'buzz' at the Judge Rotenburg Center?"

    i've written of their methods before .... but something new from my old friends at arkham? refining techniques perhaps, new toys? its a busy busy world innit?

    cheers no fears, ray

  15. Yeah certainly did , at PENNY FOR YOUR THOUGHTS and TWELFTH BOUGH blogs.

    Lots of pictures, I mean lots, of Disney characters, as well as Warhol prints, wierd lifelike statues, except for a miniature granny-gardner. Bright red lip shaped furnishings and other designed-on-acid travesties.

    Doc Israel, can u believe, like some new-age superhero update of the Wizard of Oz who has a special power, that can change errorful ways. He is helped by Averso his faithful sidekick always ready with some ammonia should they fail to comply.

    Doubtless they'll miniaturize them and put them in with Microchips ' if you keep on doin' wrong'. Perhaps we'll all get one.

