Monday, April 5, 2010


"What's dat BuZZZZZZZZZin'"

Further research into JFK's assassination claims that Jackie may have shot him, not entirely new information though

How this might link to the present Noiz-Babel of War in Heaven versus the Clash of Civilisations may occasionally be bumped into here

By alphabetical 1-letter-on - N = O and Y = Z : thus NY = OZ, New York = OZ , reiterated many a time. The letters reassembled form ZYON, which looks like Zion , which for many is 'holy'.
The letters ZYON may be written as numbers via the Hebrew letter-number system, though I'm using alphabet letters for the Hebrew characters. If ZYON as writ were transliterated into Hebrew it would not make a Hebrew word.
It is mere fluke that the English letters used for Hebrew characters should throw these into the mix.
1 letter on changes HAL to IBM. Hal was in 2001-A Space Odyssey

The Y and I are interchangeable, the Y's easier to see.

The actual Hebrew 'zion' they spell TzYVN which Crowley twinned with BABALON.
In Lieberman's English-Hebrew dictionary the word Zion in English has 2 Hebrew equivalents - Zion and Israel, which may be what IsraelState is today to some]

Thus we now have a trinity of Babalon-Israel-Zion [ The BIZ ]
TzYVN = 156/806 [ as the final N has 2 enumerations]
BABALON = 156/806
YShRAL = 541

"You might think that Israel is strictly a Jewish issue. But with a quick look around the Washington Convention Center during the next three days, you'd see that the pro-Israel movement in the United States is growing more diverse each year. Jews and non-Jews, religious and secular, African Americans and Latinos-all of them are here to show their support for a strong U.S.-Israel relationship."
From KENNY'S SIDESHOW - '7500 Traitors' discussing the AIPAC conference

The expansion of Zionism seems a mix of a certain kind of 'Christians' and 'Jews'

Below , using Carlos Suares-Sepher Yetsira attributions of Hebrew letter to Tarot cards ZYON is laid out as below

An angel of or with the SUN , a cloud of smoke , over male and female Twins. In the background a MOUNTAIN

The Hermit of Time , holding a LIGHT within his lantern - the sun has diminished to a bright HEXAGONal lamplight. He stands upon a MOUNTAIN TOP

The Twins now chained to a central pillar upon which sits the devil , forehead crowned with a PENTAGRAM. The male twin has its tail lit by a TORCH in the devil's left hand. The Light is now within the MOUNTAIN

In the Death card the SUN rises between 2 pillars at the beginning of a new age, as before Death sweeps away previous structures. The pillars and now rising sun are on HIGH GROUND

The attacks on NY in 2001 seem like a 'Mega-Ritual' - 'mega' because of all the preparation, organization , etc., to pull it off, at the auspicious time.

911 = RAShYTh and means 'beginning' , not only that when one pushes each character on one, it creates a set - ShBThKA that = 723 which in turn = YShRAL and YOQB [Israel and Jacob - 541 + 182].
ShBT - KA though seems to mix Sabbat and Ka. a life-force component of the soul in Ancient Egyptian mythology
Seventh Ka?

KA is also for KENYA AIRWAYS

How does one 'return' to Israel when one hasn't yet left Egypt

'1 World Trade Center is currently under construction at the site and, at 1,776 ft (541 m) upon completion in 2013'

Odd how the 'beginning' of the US coincides with enumeration of Israel

Around the 'net if its not Universe expressing itself, it might be a Masonic ritual , Sabbateans, The Illuminati, Babylonian Talmudic Jews, various amalgamations of the Vatican, Sov.Knights of Malta + the Templars divided by the Royal House of Saxe-Coburg Gotha themselves descended from the Royal House of David. On a more earthly plane it could be an Inside Job- False Flag by the NEO-Con branch of PNAC-influenced Zionists allied with a Zionised Xtianity both intent on AR-MEGIDA

Oh, it could also be 19 Moslem Hijackers though this seems to have gone way out the window as it took 27 trained MOSSAD agents to kill one man in Dubai.
Mossad have a reputation for quality work, so a top-quality state-backed Secret Service can only just execute their 1-man assassination yet 19 'fanatics' , apparently on coke with ability to fly Cessnas pulled off a massive terrorist attack.

19 has 'qabalistic' leanings -
ChVH = Eve, the mother of all, and as such gives birth to new beginnings.
She gave birth to QAyeen [ Cain] and Hevel [ Abel].

Qayeen has been labelled a murderer and many have followed in those faulty footsteps. Qayeen 'murdered' or did away with VANITY, which is what Hevel means , the foremost character of murderers, state or individual.

Vanity , meDears, is now primo numero uno character trait for getting on.
Take Goldman Sachs employees who 'deserved' insanely high bonuses after betting on a bankrupt economy they helped devise.

"During the flight, Wiesel read the text of Obama’s Cairo speech and remarked that there was no room for comparison of Jewish suffering during the Holocaust and Palestinian suffering. Obama was convinced and rectified the message in a speech he gave after returning to the US."

911 and 19 , rather similar numbers.
So far - Birth [implied by Eve] and Beginning

Let's not ignore the European 9/11 , that is NOVEMBER 9th , 1989 , the official date of the 'opening' of the Berlin Wall, and the spill through of communism into the wast and capitalism into the East, thus creating a brand new market.
12 years - which at present I'll relate to the Astrological wheel and its use in some deliberate psychic preparation for the attacks on the Twins and Pentagon. or symbolically the 12 tribes of Israel 'returning' for a new 'beginning' on 9112001

Even Obama's inauguration plays with numbers - 1/21/2009 gives 121 and 2+9 so there's 11x11 + 11.

Crowley writes " 11. The general number of magick, or energy tending to change"

The 11th Hebrew letter = K, which by the Tarot arrangement used here = the SUN card, and fits right square with the Kennedy KingKill and as Head of State in these times = a Sun god

The Pentagon's alleged penetraitor was Flight 77 which reminds one of the London bombings on 7/7. 77 = 7x11 and lets not forget that SEPT- EMBER used to be the 7th month, SEVEN EMBERS
77 = OZ [ strength; goat] and MGDL [tower]

Below a bus blown up on 7/7 , its ad "OUTRIGHT TERROR, BOLD AND BRILLIANT", just by TAVISTOCK Square, from the film THE DESCENT. It shows a woman screaming in an UNDERGROUND cave.

The director "Neil Marshall stated in a review "Shauna was pretty upset about it; it was on newspapers all across the county" and cites the attacks as harming the film's box office, as "people were still trapped underground in reality, so no one really wanted to go see a film about people trapped underground..."[18]

Below the pic of KINGSTAR which is a demolition and concrete cutting business. A van with a picture of a 'plane going into the Twin Towers was reportedly found on 9/11.

"Oswald means "divine strength." The diminutive form of the word is "os" or "Oz": denoting strength. The role which "Divine Strength" played in the Dealey "Goddess Rule" Killing of the King ritual should be given careful consideration."

"John F. Kennedy, the one and only Catholic president of the United States, was a human scapegoat, a "pharmakos." "Pharmakos" or "Pharmak-vos" can mean "enchantment with drugs and sorcery" or "beaten, crippled or immolated." In alchemy, the Killing of the King was symbolized by a crucified snake on a tau cross, a variant of the crucifixion of Jesus.
Jesus Christ was tortured and murdered as the result of the intrigue of the men of the Temple of Solomon who hated and feared Him. They were steeped in Egyptian, Babylonian and Phoenician mysticism."
"The fertility and death symbolism in the "Killing of the King" rite which is part of Greening Ritualism that has to do with JFK, has been suppressed because examination of it must necessarily link it to "Freemasonry" and its mysticism, as well as to the political influence it exerts. "
KingKill33 - J.S.Downard
Thus OZ meme stretches from 11/22/1963 to 9/11/2001
Along with JFK , a pharmakos or scapegoat, Lee Harvey Oswald also gets killed and his name implies 'goat'
At the time of JFK's ritual death someone in the media commented that the US had moved out of CAMELOT and into OZ

Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis - did she shoot JFK and turn the US YN 2 OZ.

They married in 1953, on Sept 12th,at St.Mary's Church in Newport, Rhode Island
10 years later lead annulled the marriage.
The CIA initiated the MKUltra programme , Stalin and Beria died in '53
JFK enjoyed sexual dalliances with a bevy of suitable ladies who enjoyed sexual dalliances with 'powerful' men. Jackie obviously knew hey kept discrete in public though she did spend time on Onassis' yacht until November '63 when she rejoined her husband for the Texas visit.
Perhaps she had a beau or two though the media generally prefers to go with cheating men as they can then parade the pics of gorgeous women.
Marilyn Monroe died by her own hand or perhaps was killed off by person[s] unknown, An early message to John from a cabal feeling threatened by his stances &/or his great appeal to the American public and world-at-large.
He didn't appear overly pro-Israel:
"The American Israel Public Affairs Committee was incorporated[7] on January 2, 1963 by Isaiah L. "Si" Kenen. Kenen originally ran the American Zionist Committee for Public Affairs as a lobbying division of the American Zionist Council. US Department of Justice files reveal that the Kennedy administration ordered the American Zionist Council to register as an agent of the Israeli government under the Foreign Agents Registration Act on November 21, 1963; these files were declassified in 2008.[8] By forming a new corporation just six weeks after the FARA order, Kenen hoped to avoid registering as a foreign agent." Wikipedia -AIPAC
'In 1962, attorney general Robert F. Kennedy ordered the AZC to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act or (FARA) as the foreign agent of the Jewish Agency[4] . In 1963, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee held hearings regarding its funding.[4]' Wikipedia -American Zionist Council

'On May 14, 1948, the Jewish Agency for Palestine, under its leader David Ben Gurion, became the Provisional government of Israel.'

Surprisingly Green

And his brain is squirming like a toad
She took a long holiday
Let her children play
If you give this gal a ride
Sweet memory will die
Killer on the road"

"On November 1, 1963, South Vietnamese generals overthrew the Diem government, arresting and soon killing Diem (though the circumstances of his death were obfuscated).[46] Kennedy sanctioned Diem's overthrow.[47] One reason to support the coup was a fear that Diem might negotiate a neutralist coalition government which included Communists, as had occurred in Laos in 1962. Dean Rusk, Secretary of State, remarked "This kind of neutralism…is tantamount to surrender."

Jackie wore pink and black while the cross hovers over Dallas

33degrees later

LISA or USA Bouvier in this episode changes her name from Simpson [father] to Bouvier [mother] and then attempts to take office

Knocking the BLOCK off - Virgo and Saturn from Masonic symbolica

If that shot comes from outside the car it's an incredible shot at a small, moving target. Apparently the head blowing outward implies the shot must have come from inside the car . Its of no doubt that she clambers over him, rather dismissively, to get at something at the back of the limo.
The usual story is that she , in distress, wanted to retrieve part of JFKs skull. yet there seems no skull debris on the trunk of the limo. it seems the debris went towards the road, 90degrees or so from where Jackie clambered. Her actions seem practiced, she's doing something specific, she has a 'plan'.
"BUSH SMILES AT JFK ASSASSINATION!!!" , a short film by LENON HONOR had footage from that day - 11/22/1963

The 2 women filmed a second before Jackie appears to shoot JFK in the head. They look like Twins [ though of course the shor is extremely blurred]. Fashionwise , in ev' so moral Texas, "why lookit those two ummm ladies, somewhat racy attire"

The blogs that I got this info and have far more detail are:

Jackie's partner after Onassis until she died was Maurice Tempelsmen, chairman of LazareKaplanInternationalInc.:
"Tempelsman has three grown children by his estranged wife, Lilly Bucholz.[3] His daughter, Rena, is the widow of Robert Speisman, an executive vice president of Tempelsman's company who was on board American Airlines Flight 77, the aircraft deliberately crashed into The Pentagon during the September 11 attacks.[9]" - Wikipedia - Maurice Tempelsmen

"The fertility and death symbolism in the "Killing of the King" rite which is part of Greening Ritualism that has to do with JFK, has been suppressed because examination of it must necessarily link it to "Freemasonry" and its mysticism, as well as to the political influence it exerts."

"The information I present in these pages on the Kennedy assassination is well-known to certain news agencies who have chosen to suppress it, just as the motivation for the assassination has been plunged into cryonic secrecy. Masonic betrayal of the "common man" involves archetypes of fertility and death symbolism seemingly motivated to bring about syncretism in opposing principles in order to green Israel, rebuild the Temple of Solomon and establish a One World government. "


The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today by Elizabeth Dilling
"Since the Babylonian Talmudists acquired Palestine in 1948, formal tree planting has gone on at a feverish pace. Groves are being planted in “honor” of various people. President Kennedy is slated to have a grove of 50,000 trees in his honor, around Jerusalem. “Tree Planting to be a Holiday Event” headed the report:
“Jewish people the world over will celebrate the New Year for Trees, Tu B‘Shvat … As has been the custom for many years, the Jewish National Fund will observe the holiday by planting trees in Israel.” (California Jewish Press, 1/31/58)
In view of the millions upon millions of dollars of taxpayers’ money given to “Israel,” it is suitable that a forest in honor of the U.S.A. Government, “American Freedom Forest,” was proposed: “It is to serve as a living monument to the friendship and close cooperation existing between the citizens and governments of the United States and Israel.” (B’nai B’rith Messenger 7/8/60)."
"The term Green Line is used to refer to the 1949 Armistice lines established between Israel and its neighbours (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria) after the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. The Green Line separates Israel not only from these countries but from territories Israel would later capture in the 1967 Six-Day War, including the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Golan Heights and Sinai Peninsula (the latter has since been returned to Egypt). Its name is derived from the green ink used to draw the line on the map during the talks." - Wikipedia

"They hung the bodies from two adjacent trees and set an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) under them to target anyone attempting to recover the bodies"

The 2 Sergeants were hung in an Orange Grove

"That the trees around the Canaanite altars to the procreative powers and gods were not only symbols of fertility but were used as whoring places in their honor, is cited throughout the Old Testament. Each reform King cut down the “groves” which are denounced as a heathen abomination. Deuteronomy 12:2-3; 16:21; II Kings 18:4; 23:6, 15, are typical. Jeremiah, thundering at the Judaites, accuses them thus: “Under every green tree thou wanderest, playing the harlot.” (Jeremiah 2:20)" - Dilling

The repetition of Israel , groves and green emphasises this 'pagan' ritual - it resonates the 'CROPSEFATHER' [Corpse,Crops] Osiris which shows that this cult is an amalgamation of religions and cultures, doubtless influencing Downard's leanings toward a MASONIC connexion.

“Nowhere, apparently, have these rites been more widely and solemnly celebrated than in the lands which border the Eastern Mediterranean. Under the names of Osiris, Tammuz, Adonis, Attis, the peoples of Egypt and Western Asia represented the yearly decay of life, especially of vegetable life … The supposed death and resurrection of this oriental deity, a god of many names but of essentially one nature … We begin with Tammuz or Adonis.”

Gen. Leslie GROVES at the TRINITY site with Robert Oppenheimer, the photo taken on Sept 11th 1945[ though I can't refind the proof that it's the 11th]
Still its 56 years difference - Crowley [ the numero uno new-age pop culture source for magickality ] promotes Nuit , the Egyptian sky-goddess.
From his Book of the Law, Ch.1,v.24:
" I am Nuit, and my number is six and fifty."

6+50 = 56, which actually makes the 'word' via Hebrew - NV , 'noo'.

More on groves at TOOLONGINTHISPLACE blog , post "OH WEEPING WATERS"

Groves was in charge of the building of the PENTAGON , directly after that he went on to the research culminating in TRINITY.
The Pentagon has, or had, a cafe called GROUND ZERO in the grounds while GROUND ZERO marks the blast-point of the TRINITY bomb. The Trinity site is marked with a pyramid though Mr. Downard remarks:
"The pyramid at Trinity Ground Zero might esoterically be considered symbolical of the Benben pyramid at Heliopolis, in which Ra of Egyptian Trinity came to earth; but just between you and me and the gatepost of the Ground Zero fence , I don't believe that that pyramid will restore a bit of order to the confusion resulting from the atomic divorce of the Sacred Marriage"

Downard links the Trinity bomb to the Killing of JFK - in both cases 'divorce' violently occured.

In his CALL TO CHAOS he also writes:
"Alchemy synergizes concepts of the ancient Egyptian religion with Jewish and Jewish-oriented "Christian" mysticism. The king-killing aspect of this rigmarole is symbolized bya serpent crucified on a tau cross , the serpent representing the cosmic male-female union."

No surprise that in Hebrew -
NChSh - Nahhash - the serpent in the Garden of Eden
MShYCh - Messiah - who ended up on the cross
both enumerate to


The TRINITY bomb Downard connects as a precursor' to the Killing of the King.
The Trinity Underpass at Dealey and the super-structure of the Twin Towers

The Swastika = Aleph reversed.

The glyph with XX and the lines above and below look like a child's drawing of a biplane, front on.

The shield of David [MGN DVD] is not the ancient symbol of israel , rather the Dove - YVNH - Jonah

911 = RAShYTh - 'beginning'.
The Twin Towers represent YAChYN and BOZ, Jachin and Boaz, the twin pillars of the Temple of Solomon and integral to Masonic symbology and ritual
YAChYN and BOZ = 79 respectively , 79+79=158
158+911=1069 ; 10+69 = 79

911-158=723 , the enumeration of YShRAL - 541 and YOQB - 182 [Israel and Jacob]

9 and 11 by Tarot acc. to Carlo Suares' [there are many Tarot orders]
9th card = T-9 = Strength = Leo
11th card = K-20 = Sun = Sun

The Sun rules Leo.
Some claim the 911 ritual may be the work of Sun-worshippers

Crowley has this in his 'Sepher Sephiroth' , under number 29 we find two Hebrew words:

"DKH - Is broken { Ps. x.10]
HDK - To break down , overturn [ neither word can I find in 2 Hebrew-English dictionaries]"

By Tarot [Suares] - Tower /Sun/Emperor for DKH
By Tarot [Crowley] - Empress/Wheel/Star

under the number 351:

" Saturn in Leo. Angel ruling 1st Dec.[an] Leo, that was rising at the birth of FRATER PERDURABO [ one of his 'magickal' aliases.]
The angel named is LVSNHR.

Under the same number :
HYRM ABYF - Hiram-Abif, a cunning artificer at the Temple of Solomon; the hero of a famous allegory prophetical of FRATER PERDURABO

That in turn is prefaced by:
AShYM - Angels of Malkuth; burnt or incense offering; "The flames" , though in an online Heb-Eng dictionary it gives 'important people'.

The idea of a false-flag scenario appeared in the document Operation Northwood [ON >OZ] put forward by Lyman Lemnitzer which Kennedy personally rejected due to the Bay of Pigs fiasco.

Soviet sub caught on camera forced to surface in the Bay of Pigs psy-op

"But the ultimate purpose of that assassination was not political or economic but sorcerous: for the control of the dreaming mind and the marshalling of its forces is the omnipotent force in this entire scenario of lies, cruelty and degradation. Something died in the American people on November 22, 1963-call it idealism, innocence or the quest for moral excellence. It is the transformation of human beings which is the authentic reason and motive for the Kennedy murder and until so-called conspiracy theorists can accept this very real element they will be reduced to so many eccentrics amusing a tiny remnant of dilettantes and hobbyists.
President Kennedy and his wife left the Temple Houston and were met at midnight by tireless crowds present to cheer the virile "Sun God" and his dazzlingly erotic wife, the "Queen of Love and Beauty," in Fort Worth. On the morning of November 22, they flew to Gate 28 at Love Field, Dallas, Texas. The number 28 is one of the correspondences of Solomon in kabbalistic numerology; the Solomonic name assigned to 28 is "Beale."
On the 28th degree of latitude in the state of Texas is the site of what was once the giant "Kennedy ranch." On the 28th degree is also Cape Canaveral from which the moon flight was launched-made possible not only by the President's various feats but by his death as well, for the placing of the Freemasons on the moon could occur only after the Killing of the King. The 28th degree of Templarism is the "King of the Sun" degree. The President and First Lady arrived in Air Force One, code-named "Angel."

JFK was born at 83 Beal Street, Brookline, Massachusetts on Tuesday on 5/29/1917
At 5:29:45 on 7/16/1945 the Trinity bomb exploded
Jackie had an Aunt , "Big" Edie Ewing Beale and was cousin to her daughter " Little" Edie Bouvier Beale , b 11/7/1917

Since WW2 the word Zion and Babylon in whatever form have blossomed in the world consciousness. For many the uprising of reggae with the mainstream Bob Marley and the Wailers brought both Babylon and Zion to the tune-humming public. Chanting is a well known form of getting everyone involved, chanting Babalon and Zion gets everyone involved in these 2 'entities'

Chris Blackwell brought Bob Marley to international prominence. Blackwell's mother had as a long time lover Ian Fleming , writer of James Bond

Perhaps Babylonian Zionism = the 4th Abrahamic religion

BABALON - ZION bring us to LONDON 2012 Olympics with its 2012-ZION looking logo. Murmurs abound that Prince William will succeed the throne , in his 30th year - he was born on June 21st [ Summer Solstice] 1982, by caesarean.
On June 21st 2012 he'll be 30, 6 months later the 'Mayan' Messiah date will occur on December 21st 2012, at 11:11.

Rumours have circulated for some time that JAMES GOLDSMITH had an affair with Frances Shand-Kydd nee Roche, Diana's mother, and the result was Diana Roche-Goldsmith-Spencer . Both Lord Spencer and Frances Shand-Kydd died relatively young , aged 68. James Goldsmith died younger at 64.
So JImmy G be the grandaddy of a future King. He was fiercely anti-Europe starting the UKIndependence Party.

Looking for the roots of the Royal Family I found an article titled ' How the Royal family shook off its German roots". How odd to see James Goldsmith's father was:
Francis Benedict Hyam Goldsmith (1878 - 14 February 1967) was a British Conservative Member of Parliament and luxury hotel tycoon in France and the United Kingdom.
Born Franck Adolphe Benedict Goldschmidt in 1878 in Frankfurt, Germany, into a German Jewish family, the son of Adolphe Benedict Hayum Goldschmidt, who permanently moved to London in 1895,[1] already a multi-millionaire, and Alice Emma Moses Merton (1835-98), daughter of Joseph Benjamin Moses aka Moses Merton. His grandfather was Benedict Hayum Salomon Goldschmidt, banker and consul to the Grand Duke of Tuscany, founder of the B.H. Goldschmidt Bank.
So , little change there!

COULD THEY NOT CONTROL PRINCESS DIAN by Aangirfan goes into this in greater detail


Zack Goldsmith




CHARLES, Diana's brother

Diana was killed underground , ritually, at the PONT D'ALMA, a road tunnel. Kennedy was killed near the Triple Underpass at Dealey.


It was suggested that the logo resembles the cartoon character Lisa Simpson performing fellatio[49] and others have complained that it looks like a distorted Swastika.[50

Considering thoughts on the PEDOPHOCRACY, the global child-destroying via sex, torture and death, it might not be so far out to see the Lisa Simpson-fellatio idea as relevant.

It was said after the JFK assassination that the US had moved out of Camelot and into OZ. IN OZ = ZION , a rather large and well known agglomeration of states, peoples and concepts. The 2012 may see the enthroning of WILLIAM ARTHUR PHILIP LOUIS WALES, KIng of Zion and BabyLonDon, at the symbolic age of 30 when Jesus started his 'mission'. A great deal of research has been done by NEWSPACEMAN on Wills and his rising.
30 numerically = YHVDH = Judah which connects him to the 'Conquering Lion of Judah ' Haile Selassie bloodline. which claims direct link to King Solomon and Queen Sheba

Below the Queen wearing the Chain and the Star of the Order of Solomon's Seal at the Court of Selassie Eye

The Inauguration

Note Yesod.

So they busted the atom and cracked the head then buggered the Towers!
A final thought from Downard concerning Adam KAdmon:
"You can't believe much of anything about those old jinn stories, though, doggone it - about as much as one can believe that a mighty light [ sefiroth] shone from Adam's eyes and busted the bottle that has such an important place in Kabbalah cosmogony. Quite frankly , I am inclined to suspect that, if he did break that blasted bottle, it was beacuse he got his Yesod caught in the neck and had to crack it to get it back out. Little boys sometimes have the same trouble with pop bottles , so some things never change, I guess"

Another earthquake , this time 7.3 -

"No injuries were reported in Calexico, the U.S. area hardest hit by the 7.3-magnitude quake. A 3-block-by-4-block area containing prewar buildings housing businesses was closed because of damage.

"There's broken windows, some cracked masonry buildings" and some buildings had falling bricks, although none was in immediate danger of collapse, police Lt. Jesus (hay-SOOS') Serrano said."

Yeah there sure are some 'cracked masonry buildings!!

U must remember , in the heat of the moment, she had no 'idea' the cameras were on her, the 'set' didn't tell her
She doesn't know she's being filmed!!

Even though at website JACKIEKILLEDJFK, section called ;Where;s the Evidence', this concerning Mrs Kennedy:

1. She leans into him but does not put an arm around him as would be a more natural response. Instead, she keeps her hands out of camera range by contorting her arms rather awkwardly, perhaps conscious of the possibility that there are cameras on both sides of the street. Photos and film taken from the left side of the car also do not show exactly what she’s doing with her right hand. It appears she's using her left hand to steady his chin for a clean shot to the left side of his head.


  1. I'd also be interested in reading your particular take on
    the 153 Chinese Miners trapped in the flooded Shanxi coal mine.

    Great article and much appreciated!


  2. Sensational - my mind was taken off the leash on that one! Never contemplated that thought of the Jack(ie) killing the Knave.

    I find somehow, the 'releasing' of that thought is more important than whether true or not - the power of story over the weightiness of fact.

    The rose of Eve-rest was plucked on JFKs 36th birthday.

    Your linking of Kennedy & moon landing reminded me of an interesting name twinning that shows up on The African Queen movie poster:
    Producer = Eagle
    Director = Huston
    (scroll down a tad)

    That was a hearty meal I shall have to digest slowly :)
    Thanks & cheers

  3. the mexicali quake and the recent one in the jornada are at almost identical latitudes, just above 32 degrees

    mex ahaky was 7.2 richter, matching port au prince quake, 72 degrees W longitude

    the 8.8 Concepcion quake was 72 degrees W longitude

    (plus "pre-curser" Mumbai at 72 degrees E longitude)

    not v mathematically probable to say least, mebbe science aint quite there yet

    this numeral is presented repeatedly for specific reasons

    ....some of which relate to yr post content re kabbalic/chaldean "black branch" of judaism, the "synagogue of satan" -- the crucifying sanhedrin likewise had 72 menbers

    the capture of the red and black female duo against the limo is amazing, fits exact with the recent red/black themes and photos (including the ladybug/ladybird motif)

    will get back to this and some probly also appear my next post, v thoughtful as usual, ray

  4. StrangeEye = I saw the mine disaster but havent read it. Of course the whole underground 'working' going on in plain site, failed to recognise its relevance to this post
    Will burrow into this underground symbolism - earthquakes, mines, metros and underpasses

    153 = 3x51 = 3x17

    The power of mythology over fact , emotional inaccuracy trumps the 'truth'.
    If she killed him it would make the whole thing a very 'courtly' drama.
    Nevertheless the video I have put on makes me wonder - how did someone get that shot without hitting Jackie, and why does the debris blow outwards.
    The film though is blurry and indistinct

    72 names of God etc
    Defo maths has to meet the psyche somewhere along the line

    72 via the Hebrew makes BO [2+70], don't know if its areal world but sure as hell 'cognise those initials
    BHO would be 77

    As Strange Eye comments also the Chinese Mine accident, keeping the Undergrund snake on full power.

    With BamBam and the Bear meeting in Prague, Threshold town, Mother of Cities, ominous that the Jornado wishes to be heard.

  5. Got curious about Bob Marley & had a look -
    Would you believe he was born on Waitangi Day aka Queen Ascension Day - Jamaica of course beein a British possession at the time, now one of the Commonwealth Realms.

    He died where soooo many 'stars' make their final curtain calls at Cedars-Sinai Hospital;-

    "From 1906 to 1910, ... was then the Kaspare Cohn Hospital ... in 1930 was renamed Cedars of Lebanon after the religiously significant Lebanon Cedar, used to build King Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem in the Bible. ... Cedars of Lebanon and Mount Sinai Hospitals merged in 1961 to form Cedars-Sinai Medical Center"
    There is surprisingly little info on this hospital & it's cache of cameo visitors, in wiki.

    Looking at Marley's music & life from a ritualistic view does seem apprporiate - I would have certainly have interpreted 'Iron LION Zion' as a title steeped ritual.
    A quick look at the Rastafarian movement shows it flows towards King Solomon, as do our friendly local masons.

    The number 11 appears in his life
    - Died May 11.
    - "The Bob Marley official website acknowledges eleven children".
    - "2004: Rolling Stone ranked him #11 on their list of the 100 Greatest Artists of All Time"

    Jemima & Diana twin up very nicely.


  6. What was Jackie doing on the trunk? Putting the pistol in a safe spot? Where can one get a list of the VIP's at the Cedar Sinai Death factory? Very interesting post. Dennis

  7. She seemed to be going through some sort of routine. Some say a shell casing,I can only speculate.
    I can't give a good reason for how Connally got shot[ he and his wife were in the seats infront]
    kennedy seems to go into spasm just before he's shot, which is why he bends his head down into jackie's arms.
    The Cedars - Sinai? I know its a famous hospital, how might it relate here?


  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Whoah! My mind just got bent. The frames following the headshot are indeed suspicious. In the last place we'd ever look. Argh! Curses.

    Onassis, without doubt, was quite the scumbag.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. William Cooper said the driver of the limo did it, at least the coup de grace. There is a presentation on youtube where he shows the film where the driver turns around with what looks like a Colt pistol pointed at the President. I watched it but of course it is grainy and my connection was slow to the point I gave up watching; hopefully I'll get another look with better equipment someday. The film was a bit wider angle than the one you posted. Any thoughts on that theory?

  12. Here's a link to the film that is good quality. you have to go in about 6:20 and you can see the driver with the gun.

  13. I tried the link but can't get it to work with copy and paste and I don't know how to make it active to click on, sorry. But it's there under Killuminati Tupac Exposing Snakes PT.25

  14. hi AF i mistakenly attached this comment to the wrong post, thanks


    jackie and jfk married ten days after my birth -- at St. Mary's Church in Newport, Rhode Island (one of the most occultly loaded sites in the u.s.)

    they wed in the goddess' own "church" in the state named after NWO bigwig Cecil Rhodes, in the town where the Newport Knight shrine was installed to commemmorate the templar "founding" of their New Atlantis (currently in full operation)

    the "sacrifice" of the male to the goddess and her Law had already been sealed at "saint" mary's in 1953

    jackie was fully implicate, if perhaps only partly conscious, of the death-rite in which she was involved -- but i dont see evidence that she actually pulled the trigger -- not that it really matters that much

    however, the evidence that jfk's slaying was orchestrated by the triple-goddess (expressed by jackie, lady bird, and hughes over Hate Field) and their gnostic/templar allies in government, intelligence, finance, etc is overwhelming and indisputable

    as i've written recently, females assume ownership of the male body as a fact of life, and the tiger woods incident reaffirms this -- i suspect jackie's rage at jfk's infidelitiees (but not her own, to be sure! lol) was used to provide motivation and "sweeten" her involvement in the murder

    the photo sequence beginning with the Usa/Lisa Bouvier "takowver" through to the nazi symbol are spot-on, just superb

    the empire didnt die, neither did the reich, they simply set the female in power over the male throughout the western world, and continued their satanic biz

    virgo/saturn photo -- fantastic

    likewise shot of the two "women" next to the death scene in the by-now familiar red-and-black bloodrite costumes -- however, i see nothing "racy" about them, even for early-sixties ultraconservative dallas ... instead they seem to have a robe/ceremonial look....

    it's the positioning and color that stands out, mostly -- they possibly function as markers, both practically and occultly (ie in terms of the hit-point, and as ritual symbolism for impact on the dreaming mind -- the v public slaugher of male leadership in jfk prepared the coming slaughter of the american male)

    fine catch on the Extended Rite: jackie's partner Tempelsmen (!!!), whose daughter's husband was also sacrificed on flight 77

    agree also that the jfk and trinity rites both involved "divorce" (solve) -- in the subsequent half-century, the same forces have effectively divided the male and female populations in the west, especially in america, the homeland of the goddess -- accomplished largely through propaganda and goddess-law (dealey) in tandem with the mass criminalization and degradation of maleness and fatherhood

    "cracked masonry" indeed -- terrible for the masses, great for the privileged few

    the "israel" that indeed was "greened" doesnt refer primarily to the nation-state

    as to the nation-state of israel, however, as with amerika: both are now entirely matriarchal and pagan, with only vestiges left of masculinity, and both are hip-deep in the global arms trade, under cover of providing "defense" (unsurprisingly, the "reason" for the destruction of american manhood is also always for "defense" of "oppressed" females, an unassailable (and tremendously profitable!) strategy

    the nation-state israel pretends to serve yahweh god, but doesnt

    if israel or amerika (or any other nation) really believed and trusted in god, they would immediately abandon their lucrative "defense" industries and instead rely on god's protection against enemies (to be fair, amerika doesnt even pay lip-service to god anymore -- she idolizes herself)

    i might have to steal some of this post, as usual

    cheers, ray

  15. Cheers Celt
    I feel its a bit odd that she spent the month with him before going back for the assassination + I guess she might have been pissed off at his affairs.
    Glad to see the Red and Black gals , those 2 colours seem 'satanic' or faux-satanic.

    I have used the Jackie theory as it seems to highlight the over-feminization of the US, the matriarchal all consuming war baby.
    Thanks for the other links.
    Somehow Connally had to get shot, so I doubt it was with Jackie's bullet [if she shot JFK], so perhaps the Driver shot Connally.
    Who knows may the driver was shooting at a 'shooter' on the grassy knoll or wherever


    Yes the Jackie hit seems more of sign-of-the-times. Everyone's killed JFK and Jackie represents these 'fee-male' times. She could have had a hand in it , whacked out in some smile-on-your-face twilight zone of advisors and pressures and emotions.

    Racy was the wrong word, I meant 'bright' really. I just felt the 2 might stick out in a street. But they defo look like markers, or gateposts. There's actually a 3rd gal a few yards behind them but she's not 'bright'.

    1953 June 2nd - Coronation of Elizabeth II
    Also the ritual killing of parents - Julius and Ethel Rosenburg

    Israel - I see the state as also symbolic as well as a home. The idea of materialising the holy word 'Israel' is noted by Carlos Suares:
    Samuel 8, i-x -
    "...for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not be king over them"

    Suares words: " In spite of Samuel's strong warnings, the sons of Israel organised themselves into a political state, "like all the nations" and henceforth Israel has lost its meaning."

    Later he writes: " The earthly adventure in Canaan had been [ and still is] an error of the people. In those times , it was a necessity of the myth. Had not Jerusalem existed as the holy centre of the Mosaic Law. YHVH would not have destroyed it. Its importance lies in its destruction, not in its having been built"

    Its akin to the atomic bottle-breaking Downard describes.

    Tempelsmen's daughter getting killed seems to get rid of the idea of an exclusively 'Jewish' conspiracy. One might imagine a man of that money and influence would have got a nod

    As for the greening of Israel , it is the material focus of a new age, one when the Jews have a homeland - mythohistorical. It contains many ritual / holy places [ though don't everywhere]
    Their tree planting activites, doubtless to give the land some cohesion, did seem to link in with Leslie Groves and the atom bomb. Acc. to one source Hiroshima had verdant growth the spring following the bomb blast, vegetables and grass growing well, which no-one had predicted.

    have read the latest post - " Isis , Queen of Mid-air" - perfecto.
    Also my brother and wife have a new boy - initials RN

    Dennis Stilling in his MEDITATIONS ON THE ATOM AND TIME , referring to the Trinity test writes : "An ancient reader if signs and portents would have canceled the whole operation on the basis of such transparently foreboding events [ a large storm and rain]... The admittedly zombie-like activity of those involved ..... betokens the domination of unconscious forces, with a consequent 'abaissement du niveau mental'[lowering or weakening of consciousness] on the part of the human participants."

    The last part seems to resonate with your "jackie was fully implicate, if perhaps only partly conscious, of the death-rite in which she was involved"
    which again links Trinity and JFK.

    Float, float on

  16. Also my brother and wife have a new boy - initials RN

    congratulations Uncle AF! and bless the lad


  17. "I just felt the 2 might stick out in a street. But they defo look like markers, or gateposts. There's actually a 3rd gal a few yards behind them but she's not 'bright'."

    it's a super find AF

    the shot actually fits the triune-feminine archetype even more succinctly than yr Inauguration photo

    as with many upper paleolithic goddess figurines/artifacts e.g. willendorf - remnants of the antediuvial matriarchies - the faces are obscured

    in red (virgin/blood) is kore - she and jackie are aligned, possibly looking at one another, both are persephone, mirror mirror

    figure in black = mater, possibly w pearl strand (queen of heavens)

    these,typically, are the public (visible) goddess aspects, the crone usually invisble or at least partly occluded, as in the photo .... crone figure also possibly has a dwarfy/ban aspect

    "Tempelsmen's daughter getting killed seems to get rid of the idea of an exclusively 'Jewish' conspiracy."

    only jewish conspiracists would imagine such an simplistic thing

    tho the 'synagogue of satan' is surely involved

    "As for the greening of Israel , it is the material focus of a new age, one when the Jews have a homeland - mythohistorical."

    the primary inference hasn't to do with "israel" as a nationstate or political entity

    "The admittedly zombie-like activity of those involved ..... betokens the domination of unconscious forces"

    yeah to say the least! amidst the Land of Enchantment's Jornada no less

    "The last part seems to resonate with your "jackie was fully implicate, if perhaps only partly conscious, of the death-rite in which she was involved"
    which again links Trinity and JFK."

    the fission bomb (Mk 1) severed the atomic nucleus, transformed the one into a competitive/warring two (male/female)

    the bombs were dropped on a male/warrior culture, by a nation inaugurating its long-planned gynocratic order, not merely global but interplanetary

    the Dealey hit severed america's hope of a non-masonic/ non-n.w.o. future, severed its relations with father god

    the inauguration formalized and sealed that intended future

    triple solve, triple goddess

    ps from what aspect of masonica did the saturn/virgo illustration come? it's clearly zodiacal and chronometric

    cheerio, ray

  18. The Kore goes along with the GaGa getting blessed by ArchCrone Lizzy

    The gal in Black seems to have seen something, she puts her hand to her mouth

    Perhaps many of the super celebs and politicos, the billionaires all exist 'semi-consciously' and may thus be trundled along to and into any planned eVent.

    Perhaps Mr Tempelsman is a Temple's Man from the Syn o' Sat. Doubtless his diamond studded cadavers decorate the interior.

    Though Israel does exist on land to be sure there's a whole lot more of it in the mind.

    With the triune aspect wiffling into ken the Holy City of the 3 'father' religions seems to have split into real estate faction

    The Dealey hit and then the acid-fuelled psychosis called pop-culture, spirals and coloured oil pummeled into soft recipient minds - how much would the HIPPY movement have grown without JFK, MLK MalX and RFK getting hit.

    have your read Dave McGowam's writings on the Laurel Canyon scene? If not its worth a look considering the zombification of the the West.

    Cheers for incisive insights

  19. "With the triune aspect wiffling into ken the Holy City of the 3 'father' religions seems to have split into real estate faction"

    yeah good observation -- theyve forgotten their origin and atomized into antagonistic factions

    while the feminine trinity, ever intact, instead coagulates and consolidates power, spreading like viral pnuemonia

    interesting that the first major heresy in christianity was official movement away from monotheism to trinitarianism (about 4th cent.)

    solve and conquer eh?

    "The Dealey hit and then the acid-fuelled psychosis called pop-culture, spirals and coloured oil pummeled into soft recipient minds - how much would the HIPPY movement have grown without JFK, MLK MalX and RFK getting hit."

    these interventions played major, and well-planned, roles in traumatizing, disorienting, and dis-spiriting the nation, of course, in addition to immediate practical applications (installing THEIR people, l.b.j. being the obvious example)

    shouldnt be overlooked that BOTH men riding in the motorcade were attacked, no females were, presaging future modalties

    these hits absoltuely ratcheted up the hipster/new age stuff, tho its ground was laid long before -- e.g., the mid-nineteenth-century feminist movement was intimately connected with "spiritualim" which was v big in u.s. at that time

    similarly, the beat movement had been going strong about a decade before any flower-power emergence

    our handlers knew exactly what they were doing

    yes have seen the Laurel Canyon work, thanks, it's v informational

    "the fission bomb (Mk 1) severed the atomic nucleus, transformed the one into a competitive/warring two (male/female)

    the bombs were dropped on a male/warrior culture, by a nation inaugurating its long-planned gynocratic order, not merely global but interplanetary"

    this morning, appropriately, the following appeared as if in support of those comments:

    all v tidy indeed!



  20. Had a relook at JFK assassination (not a personal favourite you understand), thro' the eyes of this article - amazing how the red & black ladies stand out - got my son to look too - he suggested that one could have been a signal for, & one against, taking the shot - perhaps if they'd been in reverse position, it wouldn't have happened.

    I no longer see here what I was trained to see - I've reached the (hopefully healthier) level, of not knowing what the hell I'm seeing.

  21. Odd that we get our vision back when we don't know what we're looking at.

    Like the idea of signallers! there's a wall just before he's shot in the head so perhaps they were there to give a position.


    Ray , got this from the Masonic dictionary - THE BROKEN COLUMN -

    Among the Hebrews, columns, or pillars, were used metaphorically to signify princes or nobles, as if they were the pillars of a state. Thus (in Psalm xi, 3), the passage, reading in our translation, "If the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do?" is, in the original, "when the columns are overthrown," that is, when the firm supporters of what is right and good have perished.

    So the passage in Isaiah (xix, 10), should read: "her (Egypt's) columns are broken down," that is, the nobles of her state.

    In Freemasonry, the broken column is, as Master Freemasons well know, the emblem of the fall of one of the chief supporters of the Craft. The use of the column or pillars as a monument erected over a tomb was a very ancient custom, and was a very significant symbol of the character and spirit of the person interred. It is accredited to Jeremy L. Cross that he first introduced the Broken Column into the ceremonies, but this may not be true.

    - Source: Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry


  22. "The Dealey hit and then the acid-fuelled psychosis called pop-culture, spirals and coloured oil pummeled into soft recipient minds - how much would the HIPPY movement have grown without JFK, MLK MalX and RFK getting hit"

    i recalled that paragraph as i read this:

    "After examinations of archaeological remains in the initiation temple, the ethnomycologist R. Gordon Wasson has stated that the mysteries were of a psychedelic nature induced by the ergot that grew on cereal crops. According to Wasson, participants in the mysteries consumed a drink that contained barley water, mint and ergot and were immediately transported into a spirit world. What was witnessed there he notes “was no play by actors, but phasmata, ghostly apparitions, in particular the spirit of Persephone herself” (ibid.). Drury notes that Wasson’s view is supported by Albert Hoffmann, who first synthetised LSD from ergot in 1938."


    as Downard inferred, j.f.k. et al were eleusinian/demetrian/chaldean grain-sacrifices to the (re-arising) feminine principle, mother goddess demeter and daughter kore (in poison! no less)

    Mystery Cults 101 for US beginners

    we know now that manufacture and ealy distribution of l.s.d. was shadow-govt. controlled, an intentional element in bringing on the current nwo

    thus psychedelics werent a revolutionary measure, as sold, but the opposite, a regressive measure to prevent true revolution and authentic consciousness-raising

    mass use of l.s.d. in the sixties was principally not an individually psychedelic phenomenon, as assumed, but rather an occulted mass experience of paleolithic and neolithic blood/fertility rites, dressed up in hipster drag to fool the kiddies into communal participation in murder ... in bloodmagickal assassinations of the best of their own generation

    new millennium, same empire

    cheerio, ray

  23. jacKie Kennedy bears the magic mark twice. You have done it real justice. Did you catch EryKah Badu at the grassy Knoll?

    KK and other forms like KT, KTR, KL, RK are most violent. The others, TLR all being prime movers as well. These letters make for very big destroyer / birthers.

    Faux/foe/fox has long been in my chicken coup.

    Katrina, Katherine, Erika, Kali all bear the same marks. Because they dance with the same faux fella. Its only al'naturel that a stack of dead stick boys get lit up by a wicked wayfaring wife knife.

    Drink under the Paseo Bridge.

    Drink lemonade for suckers.

    Drink a little cup.

    These pieces clearly lay out the KL KTR RK principle of our lady SheKinah Kali.

    The arrival of KaTLa will most assuredly play this same name game. She always erases the fields of false foe fauxian fellas.

    The same pieces also highlight the plight of the pink game in such a way as to say ... p*ssy does have teeth.

    An equation of two circles...

    4 x 18 = 72, 72 x 5 = 360
    4 x 18 x 72 x 5 = 25920

    18 are 147,174,258,285,369,396,417,471,528,582,639,693,714,741,825,852,936,963

    They play the 22/7 game. See for yourself divide 22 by 7. The reciprocal of 7 also shows this game. The two circles are the same circle game, shells of 7, ozKar, as it races around opel lope pole or the grassy Knoll hob nob bob.

  24. Thanks for the mention.

    - Aangirfan.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Very interesting post..The frames following the headshot are indeed suspicious. In the last place we'd ever look..
    Diamond Core Drill Bits
