Sunday, January 24, 2010


The time of 9:11 EST catches the eye, as does the date 1/27/2010

9:11 , the time resonating that date implying a 'beginning'.
The date 1/27 reassembles the order of falling towers 2, 1 and 7

"On Toozday Two Towers fell, dad shook hell, on Toozday Haitians heard first bell."
From DBWs 'Bottom of the Barrel'

Note Obama's use of the days Sunday and Tuesday both given an awful character.
Sunday = day of the SUN while Tuesday covers for MARS


'Then spake young Stephen orgulous of mother Church that would cast him
out of her bosom, of law of canons, of Lilith, patron of abortions, of bigness
wrought by wind of seeds of brightness or by potency of vampires mouth to
mouth or, as Virgilius saith, by the influence of the occident or by the reek
of moonflower or an she lie with a woman which her man has but lain with,
effectu secuto, or peradventure in her bath according to the opinions of
Averroes and Moses Maimonides.'

The powerful expanded the LODGE, home of the Freemason.
Masonry seemed to amalgamate Egyptianism, Judaeism and Xtianity.
Xtians and Jews began to form their secular branches which in the latter's case helped the Zionistic racialising of Jewry.
Mormonism claimed its heritage to a band of Hebrews who came ashore around 600BC. It started in 1830 , just in time to see any lingering traces of that band wiped out.
" And did those feet, in ancient times.."
Bubbling under all the religions, faiths, creeds - residual Babylon. As soon as freshness , vitality and honour leeched out of one, Babylon took up the slack.
William Blake - Jerusalem

The Corporation came into its own, accounting for everything, finally turning humans from a mystery into a unit of currency. Those with power spent them.
The daily scrabble for survival kept people savage, violent, vengeful, aggressively defensive. Around them the serpent coiled , the people called it warmth and security.Life got easier, infrastructure, food, electricity, hot and cold running-water. As its coils grew tighter the people, breathless, could no longer speak, but they had nice houses and other people were slaves - no wonder some fought so hard to keep that a reality.
Now with emancipation , the African on a par with poor Europeans, many of those indentured Europeans realised that they were slaves as well, though still dumb enough to fight them instead of join forces.
Only a single articulate rabble-rouser, not afraid to start a fight, was needed to start a blood feud and the mythologies that flittered around any new conflict.

"The crimson represents blood. Compare the symbolism of the Scarlet Woman and her Cup in Liber 418."
From '777', A.Crowley

Il Papa sidled over to show the other cheek to Defensive Tight End , Hit and Miss Susanna Maiolo, forgiving her.
A worthy act, somewhat infrequent, though Tiger Woods seems to have forgiven the clubbing his wife Elin gave him. By all reports he'll apologise by allowing Elin custody of the children and E200m - excellent strokeplay Mrs Woods
Had both acts happened reversely forgiveness would be at the end of a jail-sentence, not unjustifiably.
'..'coz you're just a boy and you don't understand'

Caught in the Crimson Queen.

Pretty in Pink

Jackie wears pink, a popular colour for girls and boy-queens. The Breast Cancer Group uses it as their symbolic colour. The colour is used in some prisons as apparently it subdues the inmates - pink has a sedative effect.
A couple of years ago it was a fashion colour for men, bought avidly.

When swearing-in LBJ , Sarah T.Hughes had to make an oath up such were the extraordinary circumstances of 11/22/1963.
Thus LBJ got in without having to follow official protocol.
In 2009 B'H'O slid into office off the back of an incorrectly-worded oath.
He hails from Hawaii, where west succumbs to east. We may imagine the Beetle descending in the evening 'neath the volcanic islands into the caverns subterra, clicking and scurrying, on ever on to Japan.
But he didn't , he scurried westwards , back into the arms of a dying sun bringing about a solar miscarriage. America [ The Empire] refuses to let the Torch pass to a new generation, rather sets fire to their coattails as they attempt to move into a new world order. Now stagnant and sterile Empire brings only new world ordure,
the experiment in the Holy Lands mimics the conquering of the American west. Yarmulka replaces stetson , the Sheriff's 5-points replaced by the Six-shooter. They battle the savage Palestinjuns. Soon there will be conciliatory casinos.

Chicago - Acc. to a video from Hawk's Cafe, on or around 9/11/2001 a lot of funds moved out of NY/OZ , inland, to CHIC-a long time-AGO.
Funds to do with Cantor Fitzgerald , who had offices at the Twins, and possibly the Chicago Carbon Exchange, though it is but a twizzling memory.When it came out not long after the attacks it seemed plausible but of no great significance. Now with the election of B.Obama , the Chicago switch hypothesis seems 'rite-on'.
NY/OZ was sprinkled in a fine, cancerous dust akin to a large empty house with aged residents, too decrepit to clean - a flourwhite body
Those whose memories go back far enough may call the dust - Fallout.

People cry 'conspiracy theory'. CT's exist as government and corporations can't be trusted to tell the truth. Most people are intelligent and either tend to investigate or find some way to shut out the 'lies'. This may be achieved by 'going along with it'.
Any and everyone working together to some extent 'conspires' or 'works with' other people to realise an end. It doesn't have to be criminal etc., though Govts. and Corps. tend to compete. To compete implies an attempt to win and as such there can only exist an atmosphere of 'conspiracy'. But the word has been parcelled up and now people react to thoughtful investigation as CT and the information goes straight to 'trash'. If one listens carefully u can just hear the little 'trash' sound disposing of info like on a compootar.
Conspiracy Theory, they used to call it Investigative Reporting 'til they bought off or shot most of those guys and gals.
"They" of course may fiddle, neroically, endlessly with each CT drawing people further into the Black Iron Prison , katchunk, klik.

"I had already [ well at least recently] come to know - not just believe but know - that no natural theology is possible. God must be disclosed by revelation & revelation alone"
PKD - Exegesis

Con - Spire - to breath together with

The Chrysolite Report


Tower Air came into being in 1983 finally going out of business in 2000, 17 years later. Their fleet consisted of 17 'planes, all 747s.
Its logo has the A looking like an M - AM
oe even AA
Aswell 2 mountain peaks which may, acc. to taste, be likened to two pillars, pyramids or towers
Mir - in Russian means 'world' and 'peace'

Info from Wiki:
'Tower Air was co-founded, majority owned, and managed by Morris K. Nachtomi, an Israeli citizen who had immigrated to the United States. After a 30-year career with El Al, Nachtomi joined a wholesaler and tour package operator called Tower Travel Corporation in 1981 and co-founded Tower Air one year later with Zev Melamid, Mordechi Gill, and Sam Fondlier. Arthur Fondlier, son of Sam Fondlier and the Chief Financial Officer of Tower, was a passenger in first class on Pan Am flight 103. His untimely death gave Mr. Nachtomi much more freedom in management and cost-cutting.'

An odd final sentence, was it lifted from the annual report?

The company then has links to both PanAm103 that crashed into Lockerbie [1988]and the 9/11 [2001]attacks . The company owned HANGAR 17 when it was built until they wound up the business in 2000. 'Major artifacts' from the Twin Towers are stored their for 'safekeeping'

The son of Mr. Nachtomi, Guy, was removed from the position of VP-Operations in 1998, due in part to his lack of airline experience. He had previously worked at 20ieth Century Fox until 1994.
Their 'planes were used in films LIAR LIAR and TURBULENCE
The word 'air' appears within Liar Liar twice

Coo! Towers

In Turbulence the name of the airline was TRANSCON AIRLINES

Re: Mr. Arthur Fondlier, who was killed in the Lockerbie Op. He died on the flight along with a team of CIA agents who were apparently going to blow the lid of a CIA drugs running operation. They were said to also be carrying an amount of Heroin [ evidence?] on Flight 103. No idea if they 'knew' each other.

'Tower Air's main base of scheduled operations was John F. Kennedy International Airport in Jamaica, New York and during its peak had its own terminal (a former Pan Am Admin facility).'
PanAm went out of business , thanks , in some small way to Abu Nidal

Via Greek and Hebrew - Pan = All; AM = Mother

Much of their fleets rests out at the PINAL Airpark near MARANA, Az. The CIA used the airport at Marana frequently in the past. They host the PGA Tour's WGC Accenture Match Play Championship which Tiger Woods won in 2008, dfeating Stuart CINK by 8 holes.

"The airport was generally accepted as being a U.S. Forest Service air tanker base until a series of forest fires in the mountains surrounding Tucson in the early 1970s. When locals requested that the Forest Service-marked tankers put out the fires, Airpark officials had to admit that the markings were in name only and that the alleged tankers were really paramilitary cargo planes. To this day, access to the Airpark is stringently monitored."

Marana means 'thicket' in Spanish, while in Scottish the word = Shaw
Synchromystically bloggers mused over Bush's reading of 'My Pet Goat' as resonating PAN, the goat-legged satyr of Greek lore.

JSDownard's thoughts on the PHARMAKOS - Scapegoat tie in too.

OZ - a Hebrew word for goat, enumerating 77, weaves in webward.

VIRGIN MONEY - Richard Branson makes a bid for the banking sector. An astute move for when one crashes a 'plane , its well and truly broken for all to see. When one crashes a bank it still seems to be able to 'fly' or float.

The 9/11attacks took place on a TUESDAY , the Scandinavian or Nordic God of War. In French , Tuesday = Mardi and comes from Mars , the Roman GofW. [GW].
Mars goes with the Tower card, the 4th - D, which seems to loop a load of stim-bology together.
Playing with numbers
Tower = MGDL = 77
Air = AVYR = 217
77 does for one of the planes on 9/11 while the apparent order of the towers' collapse was Tower 2 , Tower 1, Tower 7, though there have been posts informing that Tower 6 was demolished just before the first Twin or along with it.

'Twinning' appears with the romanly numerised forms of 9 and 11.

Patch from a collection by TREVOR PAGLEN
The stars , split into 5 and 1 means this group was affiliated to AREA 51 [ 3x17]

The alleged mastermind , Osama Bin Laden , may whimsically be referred to as a ' desert prowler'

The horns we might interpret as the Crescent Moon, linking Islam with the 'devil', it even has the star in the centre.
Genies or Djinn can be born from fire
Part of the 9/11 op has resulted in a 'fear' of Islam to varying degrees.

The devil rising from the book shows the reliance on 'spells' and well-worn rituals in the dissemination of information [ the proferring left hand]

The single star [ think of Crowley's ' one star in sight'] stands on the word ON, which suffixes BABALON.

ON enumerates to 120 which enumerates the word SMK, the 15th letter, which translates as 'a'prop; pillow' while esoterically may represent a 'womb'.
ON = the Egyptian name for the city the Greeks named Heliopolis - Sun City
In 'synchromysticism' the N may rotate to form the word OZ [ goat; strength] which attaches itself to the 9/11 ritual via Bush's reading material and Flight 77. OZ = 77.

The alleged use of BOXCUTTERS acted as a concealed message to those investigating the crime - think outside of the BOX


Mor[e] planes fall from the sky, this one in Desplaines, Illinois. It was a Learjet , a wee wink at the Shakespearean King gone awry. His blindness to his loving daughter Cordelia, who refused to fulfil his 'expectations' of superficial praise, as did elder pair Regan and Goneril. The latter two harboured only thoughts of acquisition, aka Daddy's Kingdom.
Cordelia and Lear wound up dead.

Not too far from Detroit !

'John F. Kennedy, the one and only Catholic president of the United States, was a human scapegoat, a "pharmakos." "Pharmakos" or "Pharmak-vos" can mean "enchantment with drugs and sorcery" or "beaten, crippled or immolated." In alchemy, the Killing of the King was symbolized by a crucified snake on a tau cross, a variant of the crucifixion of Jesus.'

"For many years Dealey Plaza was underwater at different seasons, having been flooded by the Trinity River until the introduction of a flood-control system. To this trident-Neptune site came the "Queen of Love and Beauty" and her spouse, the scapegoat in the Killing of the King rite, the "Ceannaideach" (Gaelic word for Kennedy meaning "ugly head" or "wounded head").
The systematic arrangement and pattern of symbolic things having to do with the killing of Kennedy indicates that he was a scapegoat in a sacrifice. The purpose of such macabre ritualism is further recognizable in patterns of symbolism culminating in the final "making manifest all that is hidden."
KK33 - JSDownard

Perhaps Mr. Downard , had he lived, would have described 9/11 as ' making manifest all that is hidden'.

The jet went into the river , reminding one of the Hudson river - NY, crash a few months back.
The city of NY was deposed by Chicago when the alleged 'planes hit the Twin Towers. Acc. to a docu. by Hawk's Cafe a great deal of capital was moved into the Chicago financial markets in the days around the attacks.
Now they have the Whitehouse.

James Joyce included a great deal of rivers in his Finnegans Wake

Chicago-Washington-NewYork, a North American Trinity

'A book about JFK was called Three Steps to the White House. In Masonry are what is known as the "three symbolical steps." "The three grand steps symbolically lead from this life to the source of all knowledge." (Encyclopedia of Freemasonry)'
TRINITY Underpass @ Dealey Plaza

"Bloody Elm, Main, and Commerce form a trident pattern in alignment with the triple underpass as any Dallas map will show. Many analysts contend that at least three assassins were involved in the crossfire ambush of Kennedy."
TRINITY of Lady Bird Johnson, Jackie Kennedy, Sarah T.Hughes surrounding LBJ on his inauguration, Inaugurate derives from :
'Inaugurat' - Latin 'interpreted as omens' [ from the flight of birds]
'augur' - from Latin - 'Diviner' as in 'Divine and Rule'
TRIDENT design of the Twin Towers' facade
3-IN-A-ROW Earthquakes - Solomon Islands - Eureka, Ca. - Haiti

"For what we are, gifs à gross if we are, about to believe. So pool the begg and pass the kish for crawsake. Omen. So sigh us. Grampupus is fallen down but grinny sprids the boord. Whase on the joint of a desh? Finfoefom the Fush. Whase be his baken head? A loaf of Singpantry's Kennedy bread. And whase hitched to the hop in his tayle? A glass of Danu U'Dunnell's foamous olde Dobbelin ayle. But, lo, as you would quaffoff his fraudstuff and sink teeth through that pyth of a flowerwhite bodey behold of him as behemoth for he is noewhemoe. Finiche! Only a fadograph of a yestern scene. Almost rubicund Salmosalar, ancient fromout the ages of the Agapemonides, he is smolten in our mist, woebecanned and packt away. So that meal's dead off for summan, schlook, schlice and goodridhirring."
FW page 7

" For what we are,...,about to believe" - a take on the ever-morphing , apparently full of holes [ pun intended] investigation into the murder of JFK.

" Whase be his baken head?" - parts of JFKs head and brain are supposed to still be missing
" Kennedy bread." - reiterates the fertility aspect of the ritual. Osiris , the archetypal slain and risen god, was often depicted as the Grain god, renewing each season , to uhh, feed the populace. Joyce uses the words 'cropse of our seedfather,' [page 55] to give the idea of 'crops' and 'corpse'.

The spots where a Mr. Burris found part of JFKs skull. [from JUSTICE FOR KENNEDY]

" you would quaffoff his fraudstuff" - the imbibing of the lies and feints, sleights of hand and diversions that go along with this event.
"flowerwhite body" - a vegetal body; a body of crushed grain - flour-white
" behold of him as a behemoth" - think of him as great man.
" only a fadograph of a yestern scene" - the possibilty that the present extant Zapruder film of the assassination may have been faked.

"They were brought a Zapruder film, and it was not 8mm wide, it was 16mm wide. It was an unslit double 8mm film, not yet slit down the middle and the Secret Service agent who brought it to NPIC Sunday night told the head of the color lab, Homer McMahon, that this was the original film and it was developed in Rochester, New York at “Hawkeye Works.” Now, “Hawkeye Works,” was the code word for a secret CIA photo lab at the KODAK, get it, KODAK, at the KODAK main industrial facility headquarters in Rochester, New York. The agent who couriered the film to NPIC Sunday night said, this was developed at “Hawkeye Works,” it’s the original. I just brought it from there. So, he couldn’t have been wrong. And this had a special meaning to Homer McMahon. Now, the Homer McMahon interviews were done by me in 1997, by the Review board staff. And we did three interviews of him and one was tape recorded."

From blog - JUSTICE FOR KENNEDY: "Transcript of Doug Horne on Black Op Radio Dec 10, 2009" - an extract.

Above Osiris' funerary rites - notice the Hawks flitting around couple with Kodak's "Hawkeye Works" which flitted around Zapruder's film.

'Almost rubicund...' - brings in Jack Ruby, Oswald's assassin

"... he is smolten in our mist, woebecanned and packt away" - He is killed in front of us, then the ensuing woe and then 'packed away', boxed up and buried along with a whole heap of evidence.

"..(at Kennedy's kiln she kned her dough, back of her bake for me, buns!) socializing and communicanting in the deification of his members, for to nobble or salvage their herobit of him, the poohpooher old bolssloose, with his arthurious clayroses, Dodderick Ogonoch Wrack, busted to the wurld at large, on the table round, with the floodlight switched back, as true as the Vernons have Brian's sword, and a dozen and one by one tilly tallows round in ringcampf, circumassembled by his daughters in the foregiftness of his sons, lying high as he lay in all dimensions, in court dress and ludmers chain, with a hogo, fluorescent of his swathings, round him, like the cummulium of scents in an italian warehouse, erica's clustered on his hayir,"
FW page 498

" Kennedy's kiln she kned her dough" - dough is bread is head. The dough may double for the preparation of the assassination. The Demetrian imagery of crops turned to bread raises its 'bread'.

'communicanting in the deification of his members' - no use killing a Sun-King unless deification follows.

' salvage thir herobit of him' - the people attempt to salvage something from this atrocity, that he was agreat man. Also the salvaging of bits of his skull.

".. with his arthurious clayroses.." - arthurios relates to Camelot, a name synonymous with the kennedy administration. Jackie received red roses at Dallas Airport on her arrival. She wondered why she didn't receive the classic yellow roses of Texas.

"..erica's clustered.." Part of AmErica. Erica was the species of tree that wrapped itself around Osiris' coffin and which enclosed him until Isis located him. This tree became the Tett hieroglyph.

The Zodiac Killer's symbol

"Ominous revengeful zodiacal host! They moan, passing upon
the clouds, horned and capricorned, the trumpeted with the tusked, the
lionmaned, the giantantlered, snouter and crawler, rodent, ruminant and
pachyderm, all their moving moaning multitude, murderers of the sun."
ULYSSES , James Joyce
"but Zodie's symbol isnt circle and cross
the lines in Zodies mark extend beyond the boundaries of the circle (sphere) -- thus his interest in "paradice slaves" (ie extra-terrestrial and extra-temporal)"

'circumassembled by his daughters in the foregiftness of his sons'

" There was no other way , honey "
" Really there wasn't"


Ahh! The North with its brand new Abe Lincoln-JFK likened President prevails, 3 Cheers for the Union!!!
Do Manson's race-war proposals still shuffle in the background, limping like a desperate killer. A pack hath many cards.

Mary Ann , in the film PRIME CUT[1972] tells the Chicago enforcer , Devlin, that Chicago is " an old sow, begging for cream", that should be melted down.

The 'Christmas day' bomber at Detroit, Flight 253
Prior to that day the US had been persuaded to call it the 'Holiday Season'.
Say happy Holidays rather than happy Christmas as the US with its multicultural population was aiming at not offending anyone.
Suddenly , whoaaa!, the word is back , on Christmas Day, on Christmas Day.........
Does the press now call it the Holiday Bomber?
No! A Moslem Nigerian, nicknamed the Pope, wearer of a Celtic away shirts, gets dubbed - "The Christmas Day Bomber"

Who did he plan to visit in Detroit or did he just randomly choose his flight?

Flimflamming continually crops up in the Meanstream MeDear -
Its rude to call the season Christmas so call it the Holiday season, UNTIL a bad thing happens. Call him the Christmas Bomber not the Holiday bomber, and that title is NOT rude. Of course the underlying plot is to have a Moslem defiling a Xtian holy-day while at the same time maintaining that to call it Xmas is 'wrong'.
Play up the danger of clever terrorists while also ridiculing his failure - underpants , fnaaar, fnaar , bottoms and poo.
Destroy Gaza and leave it without aid for a year. Send aid to people 5000miles away but screw the neighbours.
Save lives in Haiti while spending vast amounts offing a million or so in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Give the money that could rebuild Haiti to a comparatively tiny number of incompetant executives, who announced profits for last year and then awarded themselves million-dollar bonerses.

A psychological tactic: the human brain understands that its insane but usual, so it switches off, actively ignores 'that world' or joins it acc. to the roles. To damage the cognitive process further human lives are ritually terminated without compunction, like eggs broken for some abysmal omelette.
Think Homer's 'Hooray' / 'Doh' moments
This comes about when people join an abstract corporeal entity and allows the 'MOB' to carry them along, which happens to a lot of people as these entities manage a great deal of earth's resources.

Happened to see Adm.Mike Mullen on the Daily Show, early in the month, and, amidst banter, dropped the line ' in his first 4 years' about Obama.
He heads the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

While 9/11 took place military agencies were practicing against possible terrorist attacks on US soil.
At the same time the bombs exploded in London on 7/7 certain agencies were practicing against possible terrorist attacks on London's public transport system.
There were rumours that 'scientists' had foreknowledge of the Tsunami.
With the 'earthquake' in Haiti comes the news that :

On Monday, Jean Demay, DISA's technical manager for the agency's Transnational Information Sharing Cooperation project, happened to be at the headquarters of the U.S. Southern Command in Miami preparing for a test of the system in a scenario that involved providing relief to Haiti in the wake of a hurricane. After the earthquake hit on Tuesday, Demay said SOUTHCOM decided to go live with the system

Some have mused over the nature of this quake.
No damage to neighbours in the DOMINICAN REPUBLIC
At the Copenhagen Summit Haiti walked out first.
Apparently both Peru and Norway have HAARP-like installations which got 'turned on' the day of the 'quake.
The Royal Navy presence in the Caribbean was curtailed a month ago , the longest gap in the RNs presence in the Caribbean since the C17th. Obviously the problem is funds , most now paying Banker-bonuses.
If human agencies designed this 'quake I imagine the use of a directed nuclear explosion to gain a strategic position in the Carib.
Children seem to be disappearing again

In Columbia County in the hamlet of COPAKE, NY a 59yr-old DEAN PIERSON shot dead 51 of his dairy cows and then shot himself.
Many murder-then-suicides have occurred, where often a lone-gunman goes and kill a number of people before killing themselves.
Mr. Pierson must have been in a bad way , but he managed not to turn the gun on people.
I assume him to be one of many whose economic stability has been eroded to the point that he felt he could no longer go on.

A hebrew word for 'pain' = AN which enumerates to 51.

The slaughter of the milk-cows resonates with the human rebellion against the ever-suffocating Money-Matrix. A hit against Hathor and life on the farm, the constant attacks by debit-cowboys on the wealth-increasing humans who when reaching the Machine's opinion of their obsolescence get dismissed in myriad ways.

His farm will doubtless fall into Corporate hands to be managed from a distance with a minimum amount of humans involved in the process.

' the Ma-Chine" [Pink Floyd]

"Napoleaon" and Nelson


The annual GDP of Haiti is £4.3 billion.

US taxpayers pumped £6.2 billion into Goldman Sachs to keep it afloat.

In January 2010, Goldman Sachs is giving its staff £10 billion.

(Goldman bonus pot / GDP of Haiti: $8.5 billion. Goldman Sachs bonus pool: $20 billion ...)

Well done!

R.Buckminster - Fuller in his book CRITICAL PATH wrote that making money and making sense were mutually exclusive.
One cannot 'make money' as its the means of exchange and comes about as a by-product of human wealth-integrating activities.


  1. God you are so fresh and naked.
    How does it happen, stance?
    Commas and periods alone from you,
    make more sense than 1000 articles.

    The Tav cross on the coppers is a whopper of a find!

    It does so work, work, work.

    I once found Erika as well...

    Its wonderful to be insane. I forgot to oft.

  2. Great stuff!

    The westward Set(h)ing precedent was born on WWI kick off date. The 'O' in his signature looks to me like a globe with 'Axis'.

    On Valentine's Day 1779, Captain Cook the great 'global' explorer got off his ship in Obamaland (aka Hawaii) & then got offed on a beach that translates to 'Pathway of the gods" (Kealakekua Bay).
    As he was en esteemed personage, his "body was disemboweled, baked to facilitate removal of the flesh, and the bones were carefully cleaned for preservation as religious icons in a fashion somewhat reminiscent of the treatment of European saints in the Middle Ages"
    - bit's of him were returned to his crew for a semi burial at sea - a little reminiscent of the bits of the Kennedian perhaps?

    Loved the phrase 'thoughtful investigation'.

    Hope you are very well

  3. Tav X and Copper - Moon and Venus , I can Cu!

    Picked the Erika but its not yet red


    Great info on Capt.Cook - who actually got Cooked.

    jackie K carried a small part of her husband's brain in her hands for up to 5 hours before she gave it to the Medical staff.

    Ta Both

  4. Captain Cook was the meat on the bones of the Endeavor.

    Its maiden voyage was to see the transit of Venus. Its all right there. ET!

  5. Cheers EuGene. The Erika La Tour Eiffel story - amazing.

    The ancient archaeology inside an Israeli prison seems to resonate with PKD believing today is still 70AD

    Will it End Ever?

  6. Will it ever start?!

    Considering that America is the "new Atlantis" seems to make the same loop.

    The myth of destruction in ancient past is also the story of coming destruction.

    Tales from the time loop may be as close and as simple as knowing a lady.

    What is going on here? What is this place? This memory of sunlight?

    In my feeble search the answers seems to be the event horizon. A thing most easily seen in the ankh.

  7. i also covered the Love Field Photo again, my most recent post

    powerfully resonant and revelatory

    there, in 1963, the Crone (instant, S.T. Hughes) at last begins to become visible (almost 50 years later)

    ... her back gradually turning towards us -- yr caption is perfect

    "When swearing-in LBJ , Sarah T.Hughes had to make an oath up such were the extraordinary circumstances of 11/22/1963.
    Thus LBJ got in without having to follow official protocol.
    In 2009 B'H'O slid into office off the back of an incorrectly-worded oath."

    actually, Hughes OFFERED to make up an oath, but the actual oath was produced in time -- however, because she was not the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, she was not empowered to administer the swearing-in

    Obama's "second ceremony" (ie his actual oath, away from major media) took place in the specific absence of a bible

    yes obie's involved w/the Chicago Carbon Exchange -- financials aside, the alkhemic resonances are overt -- transmutation of carbon's a basic of medeival alchemy

    carbon is the "footprint of life"

    the "transmutation of financials" from NYC to 2nd City around 911 is the exoterica -- it's not the dollahs, but the footprint itself, the NRG and blood, that is primal and primary

    "Conspiracy Theory, they used to call it Investigative Reporting 'til they bought off or shot most of those guys and gals."

    Theresa Duncan came to mind at this -- she knew the most dangerous thing there is to know about 911

    yr narrative on Marana (=thicket) in context of Bush's reading of "My Pet Goat" during 911 suggests Genesis 22:13 = JFK as ritual scapegoat

    "ON enumerates to 120 which enumerates the word SMK, the 15th letter, which translates as 'a'prop; pillow' while esoterically may represent a 'womb'."

    SMK = smack, ie heroin, a kind of prop, making a comeback in the u.s. -- roots in templarism/british east india co, covert ops etc -- modernly bushes/blair/branson

    shadow govt as drug monopoly, plus clean up on enforcement/corrections end, private prison invenstments

    tide e

    gONe dOwN to Egypt on the OB Xpress

    "grinny sprids the boord" -- 1st degree board/earth tessellates

    ""..(at Kennedy's kiln she kned her dough, back of her bake for me, buns!) socializing and communicanting in the deification of his members"

    here "she" = goddess, using osiris' "member" for ritual purposes -- and agreed, it refers to the sacrificial "preparations" specifically at Trinity in Pallas Dallas, and later above Love Field

    "back of her bake for me, buns!" is JJ funnin' -- he and the missus slept 69, and JJ customarily buried his beard in his bride's backside

    "back of her bake" that "raises the bread"

    appropro "murderers of the sun" quote from Ulysses, but Zodie's symbol isnt circle and cross

    the lines in Zodies mark extend beyond the boundaries of the circle (sphere) -- thus his interest in "paradice slaves" (ie extra-terrestrial and extra-temporal)

    "Do Manson's race-war proposals still shuffle in the background, limping like a desperate killer. A pack hath many cards."

    very much in the foreground, as his "Christmas Day 2000" drawing also has currency

    "Happened to see Adm.Mike Mullen on the Daily Show, early in the month, and, amidst banter, dropped the line ' in his first 4 years' about Obama.
    He heads the Joint Chiefs of Staff."

    he's an avid and confirmed feminist, i've written about him before

    super post AF, cant say i'm surprised any more

    apologize for comment length but yr work demands it

    cheerio! ray

  8. Ta for comment length, and also accuracies concerning the oaths and the Zodiac cross
    Must try to figure out what colour that polka dot dress is.

    Doubtless some of the DBW takes on the Amurkan psych-drama have lent some inspiration to posts of late.

    Eugenes last comment about the Ankh/Venus - put the cross into the circle and there's something to set one's sights on.

    The Whore Eyes ON



  9. quite a reright

    "The time of 9:11 EST catches the eye, as does the date 1/27/2010"

    also 22 (11/11) expressed as years

    "Note Obama's use of the days Sunday and Tuesday both given an awful character.
    Sunday = day of the SUN while Tuesday covers for MARS"

    bingo, great catch

    MK this is how it's done

    the redblack BarackScarab LadyBug is thrown back (hell-o! mitchie) and pharaoh spins Black Tuesday as marketcrasher (well thatd be braggin) and Bloody Sunday as opponent of "civil rights" (a lie)

    oh, they also leave out how he got bloody

    EyeDeeing the NWO's enemies of national (global) "progress" -- this is the most pressing issue on their entire agenda

    pathetic, not to mention self-absorbed and hunkerbunkerish... they sound skeered lol

    see what you did AF? see? these nice people? bad AF, now you stop invadin' their domestic tranquilizy and get on back to the matrix like a good houseboy :O)

  10. Apparently he refers to Selma in 1965.
    Black-Red [ cops beating blacks]

    They do sound frit. Read Cass Sunstein [ or whatever] berating 'conspiracy theorists', lock 'em up lyrics.

    Also notice that in Haiti there are now special food tickets for women only, as young men often barge to the front of the queue.


  11. 911 = RAShITh

    The BEGinning.

    Have you read William Stirling's "Tha Canon"?
    Mentions this number and its relations numerous times.

    Add a Bra to this and you've got yerself some paps fit for Hathor! MLK to the Nines!

    Its all right here.

  12. "Also notice that in Haiti there are now special food tickets for women only,"

    so ive been informed, enforced by columbian flying monkeys er american soldiers


    "as young men often barge to the front of the queue."

    so says medea

    theyre little more than animals, really... dont actually FEEL pain, well, not like WE do

    cheerio little bro, ray

  13. ps AF did you know that Tommy over at Kosmikon not only is a full-time synchromystic but also has trouble sleeping due to noise from his sister and her friends?

    we were talking Human Interest, World Affairs... thot you needed to know

    keeping you informed, ray

  14. Ach Eugene, the link has gone to 'hell'.
    Thanks for the info, hadn't heard of The Canon, will search

    I see there is a film called the Nines out now , proferring 3 , uhhh, gorgeous goils.
    I assume Nine relates to Femi9, which by Carlo Suares doesn't appear inaccurate - TYTh = PaP

    Cheers Ray - Am aware of Tommy's situation - a tree fell into his house last year. Nevertheless it does appear La Sistra do play on his nerves. Ahhh, the hell of home.

    There was one photo of a man holding a child , I think because his wife had been killed. Guess the Righteous would have to turn him away. Will post it soon


  15. All right here and here and here.

    The symbolism and story is astounding in relation to ALP.

  16. "Am aware of Tommy's situation - a tree fell into his house last year."

    oh no! lol (oops)


    did the house sync?

    "Nevertheless it does appear La Sistra do play on his nerves."

    its classic AF! he enumerates with gusty disgust all these diabolic ways they keep him up etc etc


    hee hee! not egzakly CrimeScene...

    well is the planet to be kept suspended? did the tree fall on her or what?


  17. Aferrismoon, on the 11 22 front, you know Dirty Harry's badge number was 2211 - the zodiac killer, mount davidson etc. etc.

