Friday, December 11, 2009

Parse the Torch


On the left we have the torch , that which passes from generation to gendernation.
On the right an egg contains the word 'People'.

'Hamilton, that's Scottish, right?'

'When did the position of 1st lady begin to assume stature greater than that of the President? The text inquired. In other words, when did our society become matriarchal, Ian Duncan said to himself. Around about 1990. I knew the answer to that. there were glimmerings before that - the change came gradually.
Each year der Alte became more obscure, the 1st Lady became better known , more liked by the public which brought it about. Was it a need for mother, wife, mistress, or perhaps all three? Anyhow they got what they wanted; they got Nicole and she is certainly three and more besides'

"As we move into this phase we’re calling a woman’s nation, women can turn their pivotal role as wage-earners, as consumers, as bosses, as opinion-shapers, as co-equal partners in whatever we do into a potent force for change. Emergent economic power gives women a new seat at the table—at the head of the table."

Maria Shriver - co-equal-partner of Governor Schwarzenegger. Co-equal-partner is one of those unwords that make you realise that someone 'powerful' is going to spout a fountain of wisdom and should you mention that co-equal-partner = tautology, well , just assume the position.

It continues:

"Back in 1960, President Kennedy talked about the torch being passed to “a new generation.” Well, five decades later, the torch is being passed . . . to a new gender. There’s no doubt in my mind that we women will lift that torch. We will carry it. And we will light a new way forward."

The snippets came from SPEARHEAD via DA BLACK WHOLE .


"Ah yes.  The rye-caught king you slaughtered to inaugurate your New Girl Order, the corn cut down to provision your Demetrian Matriarchy.   
And the whole Torch Thing?  Classic!  Really captures that progressive Neolithic vibe."

Illustration from SPEARHEAD

"A NEW Gender?
President Kennedy talked about the torch passed to a new generation…a term which includes both men and women."

Forward by Cleo Taurus

Some excerpts from the KingKill33 document purportedly by James Shelby Downard -
Much of Boston's Irish population arrived in American in what were nicknamed the "coffin ships." Members of the Kennedy family were acquainted with the "Coffin" family. The Reverend William Sloane Coffin was the son of the theologian Henry Sloane Coffin; the younger Coffin was a member of the Peace Corps Advisory Council that Sargent Shriver headed. "Shriver" or "Shrive" has the meaning of one who grants absolution to a penitent, and it was customary to call upon a shriver before death. If the shriver was not available, a "sin eater" was summoned. The old pious cry which was connected with the request for a shriving was "Shrive me O Holy Land and Give Me Peace." To this the shriver would respond "Pax Vobiscum":
Sargent Shriver, a Catholic and Kennedy by marriage, as head of the Peace Corps and in association with a Coffin, might be considered to be in a sensitive position in relation to mystical onomatology.

The InauguratI

'Soulless , a 2nd-hand dictatorhood'

"The gentlemen at the Royal Institute of International Affairs responsible for charting Britain's global drug trafficking recognized that no mass-scale drug epidemic could be produced in the United States until the American people's fundamental commitment to scientific and technological progress had first been significantly undermined. The drug-rock counterculture was no mere "sociological phenomenon."

"The Hit Parade is organized precisely on the same principles used by Egypt's Isis priesthood and for the same purpose: the recruitment of youth to the dionysiac counterculture."

Let's just cop a look at the inauguration of' 'Little Boy' Johnson , at LOVE Field [ see an article at 'Too Long In This Place' about the word 'love' tacked on to any meaningless drivel in an attempt to make it good and clean and nice].
The Matriarchy showed its triple-face, LBJ triangulated by 3 powerful women
Jackie's pink suit was spattered with blood and she supposedly carried part of JFKs skull in her hand for some 5 hours. Doubtless energy residues from the freshly sacrificed's blood lent a deal of power to this death and resurrection doowop

We have co-equal-partner LADY BIRD Johnson, who was born in Karnack in Texas, named after Karnak in Egypt which was named after neolithic Carnac in France. The French priest that named Karnak after Carnac doubtless realised a connexion.
The Ladybird [insect] is named after 'Their Lady' - Mary, Madonna, Mother of God and/ or Christ, missnamed by the Church so the masses could bow regularly to his idolatrous falseimage.
Many concur that MaryMOG = a remarketed ISIS thus giving Mrs Johnson something of the Goddess role. Her husband as the new president = Osiris resurrected and LadyBird = Wife and Sister [ they're male and female LBJs] , as in the myth. To add a little extra detail JackiKennedy represents the widow of JFK/ Osiris slain, thus both represent Isis in her familial forms.
As Judge and swearer-in of LittleBoy , Sarah T.Hughes reps Isis in her form as she who speaks 'Words of Power' - Isis in her professional role.
'Mary Magdalene' had her 7 devils exorcised by ' Jesus'. This allowed her to transcend the matriarchal strictures and open to possibility, which the 7 represents . Jesus transcends his mother though the Church has her as a figure of worship and Magdalene has been sidelined - MaSon.
In the 4 Gospels only Mary Magdalene appears in all:
27:56 " ...among whom was Mary Magdalene , and Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of the sons of Zebedee.
27:62 [at the tomb] "And Mary Magdalene was there,and the other Mary , sitting over against the sepulchre
28:1,2 " Now late on the sabbath day, as it began toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre. For the angel of the Lord came and rolled away the stone, and sat upon it."
15:40 "....among whom were Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James the less and of Joses, and Salome"
15:47 " And Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joses beheld where he was laid"
16:1 " And when the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, bought spices, that they may come and anoint him."
16:9 " Now when he was risen early on the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, from whom he had cast seven devils."
24:10 " Now they were Mary Magdalene, and Joanna, and Mary the mother of James: and the other women with them told these things to the apostles."
19:25 " But there was standing by the cross of Jesus his mother, and his mother's sister , Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by, whom he loved, he saith unto his mother , Woman , behold thy son! Then saith he to the disciple, Behold, thy mother! And from that hour the disciple took her into his own home. "
20:1 " Now on the first day of the week Mary came early, while it was still yet dark......"
20:11 "But Mary was standing without at the tomb weeping:......."
20:16 "Jesus saith unto her, Mary. She turneth herself, and saith unto him in Hebrew, Rabboni; which ids to say Master/Teacher"
20:18 Mary Magdalene cometh and telleth the disciples......"
In Matthew another mother Mary is there but its not Jesus' mother. This mother Mary is then referred to as the 'other' Mary. There is also a mother not named.
Mary, mother of James does appear 3 times, but in John , the Mary reported is the mother of Clopas. It is only in John that MaryMOG appears and Jesus sends her to live with a disciple ' whom he loved'. A sentiment not made about his mother.
Carlo Suares implies that the war for Mankind is between ADMH - Adamah , the Red earth, the carnal female as opposed to ChVH - Eve , the female projection of YHVH. ADMH consumes Hevel-Abel, which is why Qayeen-Cain cannot find him.
Mary Magdalene has the 7 devils cast out by Jesus while ChVH = YHVH as mother.
Mary or Miriam comes from Hebrew MRAH - Mirror. Mary runs to tell the disciples in the same way as the woman AShH [ in Eden] tells Adam the words of the serpent or NChSh .
NChSh = 358 as does MShYCh - Messiah
The root of Magdalene = MGDL - 77
MGDL may mean - magnifier; tower; grower, breeder.

Albert Pike - Mother Supreme Council of the World
Brittania - Liberta - Columbia - Europa
"Masonic betrayal of the "common man" involves archetypes of fertility and death symbolism seemingly motivated to bring about syncretism in opposing principles in order to green Israel, rebuild the Temple of Solomon and establish a One World government." - KK33
Nowadays the Israeli connexion has cropped up linked to the Assassination of JFK - what plausible reason could IsraelStat [IzlStat]have for offing a seemingly modern President who was willing to make inroads into racism. At KENNY'S SIDESHOW the author seems to make a connexion [ over a couple of posts] between the 5 Mossad Agents caught hoopin' an' a hollerin' while filming the attacks on the Twin Towers. They were interviewed on TV and claimed: "Our purpose was only to document the event". Though that obviously requires prior knowledge the 3 went about their normal lives, unlike swathes of Musselmen who could and still can get picked up 'on sus' and detained indefinitely without charge.
JFK was Catholic. On some level conflict exists between Judaism and Catholicism. Even though Kennedy may have annoyed the Catholic hierarchy by doing nothing to support Vietnam's Catholic president Ngo Dinh Diem, who , after alleged ill-treatment of Buddhists, was offed on Nov 1st 1963.This dented the Catholic base in Asia.

3 and more besides
Another man documented the Kennedy assassination - Abraham 'SteadyCam' Zapruder, a Jewish businessman. [ Jews do not constitute a singularity and I have no idea whether Zapruder supported the State or like some Jews abhorred it. I merely use his Jewish status as a possible connexion to a conspiracy involving IzlStat, a Homeland for some, with the coincidence of Jews , famously, filming both the 1963 and 2001 events. He may or may not have been a Mason, while IzlStat may be being run by the Judaeo-Zionist branch of The Great Conspiracy to Bugger Things About Because We Think We Know What's Going On - All welcome]
[Judaeo-Zionist may be shortened to Jay-Zee thus linking in that rapper's Mamasonic symbol use.]
Nevertheless considering the comment ' to document the event' one may wonder about Zapruder's fortuitous position. The family lately received $16m for the film, doubtless from the Tax-payer.

Many wonder how much IzlStat had to do with the 9/11 attacks which began 2 wars against a religion IzlStat and USA [ among a myriad of other tribal entities] deride continually through the Media.. Please list 10 Hollywood films where a Moslem protagonist gets shown in a positive light, apart from Doctor Zhivago.
One method of investigation is the 'Who Benefits' theory - After 9/11 IzlStat got the USUK alliance and NATO to fight it's enemies without having to use any of their own forces [ 'cept for Gaza and other outnumberings].

After the jFK assassination AIPAC [ after a name change] was granted status as a domestic rather than a foreign organisation and nowadays if u wanna Prez-it-up its a very, very good idea to accept their invitation to see whether or not they will support u, based on your attitude to IzlStat.
In '67 LBJ ignored the IzlStat attack on the USSLiberty which observed their forces starting the war while all the worl'd media blamed the Arabs.Doubtless they knew about the Gulf of Tonkin false flag that began the Slaughter + Induced mass psychosis aka The Benumbing we tend to call Vietnam
Blogger AANGIRFAN sometimes wonders if Moslem Fundamentalism has been influenced by the USUKIZLSTAT Mil-Intel A-Lie-Ants

Obama et al. mull the deployment of more people[30000, mostly male] to the 2 biggest Adult Abortion Clinics available to Western Matriarchal Society - Afghanistan and Iraq. Opium Poppy production has grown enormously since the Taleban left office. Perhaps some of the 'bail-out'[Baal Out] money has been invested with an eye to the future - the increasing rate of unemployment means the jobless will have to be criminalised as soon as possible while still performing a service for the Eek!Onomy. Pharmakon will provide the needles , to stop AIDS and Hep spreading. Many of these needles can and should be left in parks , on the streets, to either leech into the soil and/or stab some poor sod . The Rehabs will grow and offer some jobs [ Like in PKDick's A SCANNER DARKLY ], gleaning more funds from BigGov which has essentially nationalised the Drugs Industry along with the Banks. Or have they? I mean what's the difference between the Govt. 'nationalising' the Banks and the Bank[s] 'privatising' the Govt. How dya tell the diff!
Many new jobs in the Opium fields of Afghanistan may arise once the US etc have been traumatised by debt, war and plague.
The Matrix requires food for its children, it must acquire. All defence against MA-SON-ic acquisition is considered ' against [name of nation/tribe] interests , which allows an entity like NATOUSUKIZLSTAT to get 'their' raw materials and building contracts from , say, Iraq while staring in wide-eyed disbelief at the slightest hint of retaliation.
Meanwhile in the HOMELANDS of Freedomville the populace get continual shocks - Invisible terrorists in your midst , H1N1 outbreaks + the word millions, the 33million infected by AIDS [ the last 2 examples also being 'invisible' except to doctors and journalists] with male circumcision touted as one way to stop it happening [think dirty-uncircumcised men who obviously never wash , vile!] Again see DA BLACK WHOLE], the Eeek!Onomy and the Big Steal - so far only Madoff busted, though there was a spate of management suicides as the pork went belly-up. 2 or 3 trillion $ 'disappeared' worldwide. As the system = FINITE the money-energy cannot have disappeared; it has to still exist as money or have been transformed into other forms of NRG. Our 'belief' in Infinity allows for 'disappear' programmes to fool the masses quite easily.
'Disappear' and 'Invisible' come from the same stable
If we consider all of energy in any form belongs to all the individuals on the planet then it would seem sensible to make some people not be here . As it says in SILENT WEAPONS FOR QUIET WARS - Kill Vuh Kweditor

'What's that in the shadows?'

The EU has chosen a Belgian as the new President. As well as Chocolate and Beer the country has a reputation for a large Pedophile ring which allegedly includes officials and personages placed highly enough that they can apparently stop legal investigations - see the DuTroux case. We wonder if the investigation will reopen as an example of a renewed and mature Europe, or will it be left to protect the victims from having to relive such horrific experiences.
Much of the torture got filmed then the videos sold.
Rumours abounded at the time that many in France had connexions with their neighbours in Belgium and environs.
Would not a copy made by a famous film director be worth a few extra Euros?

'Mr. Polanski has witnessed enough suffering'

"However, the Swiss side of the operation, typified by Lombard Odier and Edmond de Rothschild's Banque Privee in Geneva, and the Zionist-controlled Baseler Handelsbank is more specialized. Their most important activity is conduiting funds for international terrorism. Most recently, European authorities traced the funding of the 1978 Aldo Moro assassination through Swiss channels back to Israel."
from DOPE,INC.

"Children are not born slaves but slavehood is swiftly superimposed/' R.B-Fuller

The Bush girls allegedly visited this place in Belgium fo' some kind ' nitiation that goes off at age 19 the same age as the amount of hijackers US Govt. blamed for the 9/11 ritual.
pic. from THE WHISTLER

In his mind he saw Nicole propped up in her enormous bed, in her pink , frilly robe, her breakfast on a tray beside her as she scanned the programme schedules presented to her for her approval.
Already she's heard about us , he thought.
She knows of our existence. In that case , we really do exist. Like a child that has to have its mother watching what it does, we're brought into being , validated consensually , by Nicole's gaze.
And when she takes her eye off us, he thought, then what?
What happens to us afterwards? Do we disintegrate , sink back into oblivion? back, he thought, into random, unformed atoms. Where we came from , the world of non-being, the world we've been in all our lives , up until now'


Sorting Sheep from Goat.

Oddly prescient stuff from yer man James Joyce.
Finnegans Wake p.35

"ages and ages
after the alleged misdemeanour when the tried friend of all crea-
tion, tigerwood roadstaff to his stay, was billowing across the
wide expanse of our greatest park in his caoutchouc kepi and
great belt and hideinsacks and his blaufunx fustian and ironsides
jackboots and Bhagafat gaiters and his rubberised inverness, he
met a cad with a pipe."


Obama-Soetero may not be the 1st Simulacra President, I reckon Jimmy Carter may hold that position. The Bush family with their apparently occult leanings seem to lend the idea of MKSimulacra - when , via traumaritual, a mind gets essential erased and work begins on a clean sheet. Technology in these areas I would surmise is well beyond the general public's ken.

Dr. Ewen Cameron spent his time torturing/treating patients' mental faculties via PSYCHIC DRIVING which is just brain-change ritual technologised.
Crowley defined 'Magick' as 'brain change via will'. Cameron and others took the patients 'will' away though retained the 'brain-change' bit.
Crowley and Golden Dawn put the Fool, the 1st card , at 0 - empty vessels , fools, programme easily.
Most of Hollywood, commercial TV and advertising = a form of psychic driving , esp. when backed up by the community.

With Obama-Soetero's international lifestyle there may have been opportunities to tinker. Children have often been used in history to further their families - the aristocracies have killed siblings who may be getting too influential, imprisoned them, exiled them and/or manipulated them until it was time for them to go.
Ex-PM , Tony Blair seems to be looking more 'isolated' in the Iraq Inquiry being acted out in the UK. Attorney-General Lord Goldsmith making out that confronting Blair on Iraq physically changed his appearance from looking 'fit' to 'haggard'.

Scottish Leftie or...?


Sept 11th 1945 . Trinity Ground Zero


"It is by way of Masonic sorcery that the union of opposing principles is supposed to be brought about. The criminals who stage-managed Dallas in the killing of Kennedy have controlled the American people's will in exchange for a sleep without nightmares. I publish this in the wake of the situation Charles Seymour alluded to: "The moralist unquestionably secures wide support; but he also wearies his audience." Most Americans are beyond being tired; the revelations have benumbed them."

AMA - Hebrew for 'mamma' Acc. to Crowley the word AMA = The Mother of the Supernals [ on the Tree of life, Sephirot 1, 2 and 3], unfertilized.
Thus her children come forth via Necromancy, the animation of dead things - zombies, golems, simulacra
AMA = 1+40+1 = 42
AMH = 1+40+5 = 46 'maidservant' maybe also 'concubine', [ perhaps its pronounced 'emma'].
The Hebrew word for 'necromancy' = AVB pronounced 'ob'. It has a value of 9
Doubtkless related to the Beast raised in Daley Plaza

'Please excuse Kennedy's absence'
'She's with me!'

Re: the signature - the 'obama' looks as if its a head with 'ma' looking like an aerial protruding from it ,

AS mentioned in earlier posts the present Foreign Sec. in the US = 3rd Grrrl in a row HillaryRClinton. She doubles with JFK's bodyguard at Dealey Plaza , CLINTON HILL. For the ritually minded this helps link events through time

'How dya like ya' Hot Dog , friend?'
'On rye. please'

IN Dealey interests shot the President to death. It 'traumatised' the US. In Daley America-In-Shock will finally be put to sleep.

In 1961 one of the many 'options' emerged/born. The father played his part and legged it, leaving the child in the charge of an internationalist-progrrressive , mucho-politico mom , later to hang out with Ames who was a member of the terrorist group 'The Weather Underground' , who generally came from the well-off connected families of NY.

Programming would be easier with the boy's travelling , a lack of stable community, a variety of doctors and dentists, a swiftly changing social network cutting down on inquisitive neighbours while the relatives would only come from the matrilinear side..
Mech-Automata had been thought of but with the work done on the DNA + sub-atomic breakthroughs, the work of the Nazis, Soviets and Japanese in the prison camps and Gulags coupled with the more refined Tavistock behavioural work and various mental health establishments dotted around the globe. BioMechs would be up and running in 2 flicks of a lamb's tail.
The advantage of course was that one had the ease of programming akin to a computer though with a body that any doctor would pass as human, which , of course, they were, just tampered with, nevertheless still considered somewhat mechanical. BioTelemetry provided for long distance control.
Experiments began in 1958 and by 1960 hundreds had been 'birthed' in the Great Chambers Underground. Many had defects , some of which were welcome, others not. The hierarchy had always bred and this was no different, they didn't mind how the offspring came out just as long as they continued with the Compact.
Soon this class of humes - the Simulacra - would manage all government , banking and the media.

November 22 - And all of a sudden the Serpent squeezed and AM-Stat struggling for breath fell into place.

There was a pharoah's funeral though missing his brain which they placed in a canopic jar and then flew to the moon

Then Vietnam - swathes drawn off into the Armed Forces, schooled , trained , bullied, scared, disassociated. Many married in late-teens, Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nineteen and earlt 20s, a child on the way and then drafted which completely dysfunctionalised the families who , after the Media conditioning, felt they were saving the Free world.

The Cold War trundled on until 1989 and then with a flash of her gore-addled wand the Gulf War began. Those Islamists who had helped fight the Soviet were turned on by a JayZee-dominated media along the lines of the Nazi attacks on the Jews of Germany. At present it seems that the Moslem Holocaust will be punctuated with Miley Cyrus, financial problems and the Footy, thus generally ignored.

'Well, that settles that!'

Those unfit to fight yet academically uninspired got INGOV jobs, either bureaucratic or , for the so-called Creatives, the Entertainment Industry , that had now taken over the role of religion with its Idolatry programme, a mixture of highly emotive ,violent and pornographic shock-grammes. Documentaries now rewrote history.
Religions existed but the EYE had captured the attention of the populace. The EYE was a 24-hour Infotainment service using certain frequencies that made info-assimilation far simpler. Flash images and the aforementioned gross violence and porn shocked the mind while subliminal messages slipped past the attention of the watchee. The Eye beamed out Idols for all walks of life. These were the Creatives, highly impressionable personality that desired attention , the ME-DEARS. They were worshipped.

Abortion had been raised to the age of puberty and an agency had been set up to deal with any anomolies that required termination. Nevertheless it wasn't enough for the purist group FOUNTAINHEAD who demanded a raise to 18 which they considered the end of gestation. The years up to puberty were considered external gestation and 'birth' defects could still occur, esp. with the thinking faculties. The 'live' abortions were handled by KIN - 'Keep It Normal' who had large facilities in towns and cities around the 1st World. CCTV , RFID and a host of Watchmen checked for antisocial behaviour. Parents too had to do their bit, family squabbles written up and collated.

The blood was saved and used in experiments along with the Internal organs as they were still in good working order. The important people used them to extend their important lives.

Judy Garland sings 'REVELATIONS' to the music of Rodgers and Hammerstein

An Israeli scientist, Josef Moshe, who allegedly predicted the outbreak in Ukrajina in October has been arrested by the FBI and is being held at the Twin Towers facility in LA.They stopped his car using microwave tech. which wiped out his electronics The form of H1N1 in Ukrajina has mutated to become far more powerful. The dead have black lungs.
Jurischenko , the president, got poisoned with a dioxin a few years ago and came close to death.



THE BEATLES were formed around the same time as BO-S was born and their first single came out around the time of the assassination of JFK.They then invaded the US in 1964 , landing at JFK Int'l Airport. The Beetle relates to Khepera who brings the sun from the Tuat creating dawn. A few moons ago I wordgamed Barack into Barack$kcaraB. His image was of CHANGE [ which relates to the value of the Dollar]. His dark skin also heralded a 'nooo era' and thus the black beetle bearing the sun through the dark night for a new and apparently gold-coloured dawn.
The Beatles proved a big 'change' in the Music Industry, they dabbled with drugs and occultism as time rolled on and many people still appreciate their songs and music.
Their secretion into world-famous status at the same time as the assassination with their form of change mirrors new-beetle Barack$kcarab's message.

The Mu-Sick Industry now attempts to propel the robo-sexual female , often acting stereotypically male, into the ogle-public's shock-demanding consciousness. They feed on violence and power. They teach MeMeism. They revel in ATTENTION. Pay attention to me, I am your whole-model!! Music and image appeal to young people , I would say that its aimed at 7 - 25 year olds. For an example of the void, abyss-mal mind , that values total attention we have the trojan clotheshorse Lady Gaga, who fills the screen-mind with MaMa-sonic stim-bolism. PSEUDOCCULTMEDIA and VIGILANT CITIZEN have gone into detail about the stim-bolism contained in her videos.
The most defined sound of her name is GA. Masonica sports the letter G along with their Compass and Square leading some to reason that it stands for Geometry/God as they call their deity the Grand Architect Of The Universe [GAOTU].

'We're so pretty, we're so pretty .........vay - kunt

The Dove - IVNH - Jonah = 10+6+50+5 = 71. The Dove is an ancient symbol of IShRAL - 541. 541m = 1776ft - the height of the Tower that will stand in place of the Twins.
71x71 = 5041
541x2 = 1082
182 = YOQB - Yaaqov - Jacob

Springmeier's essays on MK ULTRA give a lot of descryption of MKUltra programming while , ironically, providing 'creatives' in the music and film industries a wealth of 'inspiration'

G in Hebrew is spelt GML and = 3+40+30 = 73. Apparently in the dollar-bill pyramid there = 72 bricks [ I don't think they're drawn on though, haven't counted] which may represent the 72 names of God while the 73rd = the opening of the eye when 'god' has no name. Thus the G may rep the opening of the 3rd eye, a tabula rasa for Da Big G to reprogramme. Da really real God is not the biggest person as cults and religions would have us believe, God has no person-ality, nor giant hands with giant growing nails that angels pare, as angels don't exist.
G in one Tarot order = the Wheel at Numero 3. [ There are tellingly 3 figures upon the wheel in 'classic' packs]. The wheel = motion. The 3 represents Triangle. R.Buckminster-Fuller claims Triangle = Structure.

The number 3 gets doubled in the supposed 'highest degree' of Scottish Rite Freemasonry - 33. This converts to GL = 3+30 = 33, translates as 'wave'. DeQuincey-dentally the two letters spelt in full - GML and LMD total - 73 and 74 respectively.
74 - 73 = 1, which may infer that those with the 33rd degree are now 1 or 1st.
Tarotically G & L give -
G - Wheel - 3 - Jupiter
L - Adjustment - 30 - Libra
and as such the 33rd degree has ability to adjust structure and its motion.

The 'G' crops up in Ground zerO and for my purposes I'll transcribe it thus - GO. as standing for GML and OYN.
G = Wheel - 3 - Jupiter
O = Devil - 70 - Capricorn
The word OYN translates as 'eye', while GO = 73, the total of GML spelt in full.
GML + OYN = 73 + 130 = 203 = BRA - 'creates' , and the 1st and 3rd syllables of The Torah - BRAShYTH BRA..... In the beginning creates....
Of note is that 911 = RAShYTh , the 2nd - 6th letters of the Torah

Al Crowley makes this point in the 'Book of the Law' - Ch.2 v.7
'I am the Magician and the Exorcist. I am the axle of the wheel, and the cube in the circle.
"Come unto me " is a foolish word: for it is I that go.

INAUGURATE - ' interpreted as omens' [from the flight of birds]

The Red carpet on which monarchs and presidents waft along when occasion demands represents a sacrifice. In the past certain types got sacrificed at great celebrations. The sub-ject was hauled before the monarchs and beheaded or heart ripped out etc. The bloody corpse was then dragged off before the monarchs leaving a broad red line on which the monarch-priests , hand-in-hand walked along, breathing in the psycho-spiritual soul energy. These days they use a symbolic carpet.

Tarantino's 'Inglourious Bastards' also uses a swathe of red daubed behind the victorious heroes.

In 'Magnolia' Tom Cruise's character gives the 'V' sign, here indicating 'Vagina'. CELTIC REBEL provides a deal of writings on the subject of the V-sign.
Churchill's V for Victory sign was supposedly given him by Crowley, the sign of Apophis the Destroyer , to combat the swastika.
The 60's peace symbol - 2 up 3 down , Robert Anton Wilson claimed it as a 'secret' 23. Perhaps for the 23rd Yi-Ching hexagram 'to overthrow', which I guess would be Apophis' specialisation
The fingers down are 1,4 and 5 which reversed give 541 - YShRAL. Israel was created 'because' of the war in 1948.
CELTIC REBEL makes the connexion that the 'Love Heart' symbol and the 2 fingers up = a symbol of the vagina.
Perhaps mythologically the holy name ISRAEL-YShRAL has been taken from its human bearer , Jacob, who wrestled with an entity , possibly 'God', or 'Eesh'. It now represents a place on Earth - Adamah, the carnal female, who has now acquired it in the battle between Adamah and Yahweh for humanity and 'drinks its blood' through warring and killingry.
YShRAL - YOQB [ Israel minus Jacob] = 541 - 182 - 359 which spells ShTN - Satan. 300+9+50.

The dust proved a major component of the 9/11 death ritual. Dust and the breath of YHVH brought about the ADM


Burn-hard Bernanke
Banker Wanker
Covers up
A septic canker
Board 'em
Loot 'em
& raise the Anchor
[as well as the debt]
America,; 'Sank her!'

Repeat - the money has disappeared!

The Heath Ledger JOKER from the film DarKKnight, burnards a whopping pile of dollar bills, reminding us that 'moneee' holds only the value given it by consent.
Neither human nor planet have lost any real wealth though feel that a lot of work has come to naught, But we will try to balance the books, aka the Ledgers. Our attachment to Bio-Survival tickets makes us feel that the loss is overwhelming. Once overwhelmed many give up thinking and become despondant, esp. savers
The Ledgers in the Fed we cannot peruse, check, balance or approve.

The timing of the film and its theme of bank-looting paved the way for the real heist.

Goldman Sachs while the Fed plunders

Atomic blasts mimicked as MediaMindBombs

Electro-Magnetic energy pulses into the Ionosphere mimicking the effects of Carbon emission

The number of the Beast - 666 - mimics Carbon's atomic makeup - 6 Electrons, 6 Protons, 6 Neutrons

When Carbon a Tax!!

No More dead man images central to organised cults

The end of the Avatar , the beginning of religion


  1. Sweet ihSHvh! I missed you.

    With the NIKorEa 100 to 1 "your dollars are now outlawed" crash the echo of ALP getting hammered on QOF must mirror in beehive soon.

    Those sons of Abram not worthy enough to belong to the "Synagogue of Satan" ... may Allah be with them, they are going to need it.

    The white mullets are being primed for the event especially since the the heart of the web got exposed this last week =

    Did you catch the news of the blue spiral in Denmark? It was accompanied by the leak in the dam about us, uk and denmark running secret signing for 2nd and 3rd worlders to give over to WB (Warner Brothers cartoon) aka EVElyn redShield?

    Parse the torch indeed. Shit meet fan.

  2. Cheers Eugene
    So have included it as it , like a Christmas present, was exactly what I wanted
    Saw the spiral, could be the Rus. Their missilee always go wrong meme.
    Its all magic I guess, distracting to the point that even they don't know what's going on.
    The Rorhschilds seem to have been broought into the public scope more via the deeds of Sir Peter 'Mandy' Mandelson, a dear friend


  3. What happens now. The scope of all this ... as I listen to christmas music, kids, tree around the fire seem all so far away ... and yet inside I know the misery of many, the blood of ancestors on the ground cries out, cries out, cries out. Over and over. Till this comes to its end the rise of the women who are real, the virgins who empower, the mothers of god as they are intended...I PINE.

    Nevertheless till then, my eyes fill with tears, feeling you and your sight into the words of magic, the heart of nature and the reality beyond form. Blessings to you. I was reading Suares again today, it strikes you how profound the words are of those who were before the "synagogue of satan" at how beautiful, how powerful, how rooting the words are. A world that seems so faraway from what is has become. Again, I PINE.

    In my own body, the ebb and flow of that same magic, is like water, sometimes frozen, sometimes flowing, always feeling the power of mem.

    One day the women of the earth will say enough and all the agitation of men will cease. May we make it through to see the day.

    May the devil bless you.

  4. Only the Scottish Pine!

    I often feel this 'new age' has only men down for change, it's as if sometimes the 'political woman' has contributed nothing to the present morass, merely sitting at home , oppressed, awaiting 'freedom day'.

    There's actually a site called 'Real Women' who decry the criticisms of their men, the labelling etc etc.

    Vociferous minorities [ often well-off, 3,5 washing machines and an eye for the prize].

    Media Royalty . m'dear instigates miasma vision, the world of the Tall-King Head, May-Cup and overflowing residue.

    Matriarchy tends to build walls to protects its KIN, Lovers tend to make holes there. Romeo and Juliet , Rome and Jew.

    If u get time try DR.FUTURITY by PKDick


  5. *Whew*! Quite a read. You're like JJoyce and PKDick and someone really smart who knows Hebrew all mixed together :D

  6. He brew. The drink of the "synagogue of satan" upon the world of language. They force one to acknowledge 'hebrew'.

    Its really Phoenician. Its really the magic language of sound. It has come to be petrefied by external writing and lose of use as sound nteraction/vibratory power with nature. Now its the meme of the dead ears.

    Phoenician. Most say bad, few say good. The child sacrifice story pursues them, overshadowing the fact of the theft of their language.

    Of course the synagogue of satan would want the original inhabitants of the 'promised land' to be oh so bad ... how else would you get opinion in your favor to eradicate them? Now its, ooohhh those bad bad muslim Palestinians. Theyre keeping Gods Chosen People from inhabiting their promised land. Is it not written in He-brew books?

    Fraid not!

    Their refrain...

    Were drunk on the blood
    drunk on the blood
    drunk on the blood
    pass the waifer, load the shell
    kill the mothers, will live well
    salute the flag, read the rag

    Elected, selected, were protected
    sing with me now, or else or else
    shalt not suffer a witch to live
    suffer a witch to live
    suffer a witch to live

    What will shut the mouths of all those in the 'synagogue of satan'?

  7. I second Violator - that was one hearty read.
    From an (alleged) woman's point of view, I sea a-changing in the gender wind, but do not feel for the most part that it is connected to something bigger or wiser - it has a much more media-ted feel to it. I do not doubt that change is needed but I get the feeling that much of the energy has been syphoned into something dead ended.


  8. wow AF trememdous post, the p. kindred/matriarchal lead is a knockout

    too complex to address here, i'll paste ovcr to my site

    few quick notes--

    maria shriver is the modern matriachal intergen link . . . the 19th century stream was carried by lucretia mott, nee coffin, who co-organized the seneca falls "womens rights" convention of 1848

    lucretia, like much of the womens movement in the mid nineteen century, was heavily involved in "spiritualism" (necromantic sorcery) -- feminism and occultism are a v old (and popular) marriage

    the dealey/daley twin is a fantastic catch dont know how i missed it duhhhh

    tigerwoods made FW!

    eugenics has always been v prominent in the US but cant find info on Keep It Normal (KIN) -- link?

    your red carpet/sacrificial rap reminded me of my Red Line posts on the district of columbia train crashes

    was that an authentic note from obie? or just a joke that fit?

    and ob-ama = "necromantic mama"?

    man and they say theres no dog!

    ok i'm gonna go watch "i am legend" again now all these coffins n shrivers have put me in the mood ;O)

    man you parsed the shit outta that torch

    sailing heartships through
    broken harbors
    out on the waves
    in the night

  9. I'm so glad you're back. And how!

    Great post.

  10. Patriachial psychosis is the current power equation. Matrilinial power was destroyed and co-opted many thousand years ago. I sometimes feel that you sometimes have a horse in the race. The world of men is at war or rumors of war. The female principal, at times demands some sacrifice. Which system kills more human beings? Some times the circle is broken. Things are too cut and dried in your system at times,IMHO. I would like syncro's to be noticed sans dogma.Embrace your shadow, know thyself. Shine forth brave souls! Dennis

  11. Synagogue of Satan - anyone who hangs onto a redundant lifestyle, perhaps building armies etc., to keep it in place.
    Vio - that's 'coz I rob a lot from then , and talented bloggers.
    AR - the matriarchy , as a name, is like an extreme mother [aka smother]- acquisition to feed the family and defensive structures to keep it. The repetition of lifestyle so that it becomes a monolithic anthill.
    Oddly there were ants found in S.America that no longer have males. The ant society is completely run by female ants. Bit like today.
    Matriarchy doesn't benefit the alleged men and women, just itself, all else roves fodder, even the supporters and detractors.
    The show must go on.

    Cheers Ray - ta for 'lucretia' , she keeps coming round.
    Notice we both posted on Dec 11th and used Obama's signature, plus pictures with a red-line in it.

    Ta! Suki

    Desmond - if u think that somehow I'm writing THE Truth u r mistaken. It's a story , a word-vessel. It carries things, don't get caught in the subject MATER or you'll get caught in the web-matrix.
    nevertheless The Jewish people are matrilinear and if u don't think they, among others, have power and influence then dunno who has.
    Britain has had QE2 for 50 years, the Empire was secured under VIctoria and begun with Elizabeth.

    'Cut and dried' - DENNIS , its a blog, with text, not a 3-hour documentary with multiple interviewees.
    Try writing your own stuff for once instead of flitting around with your special brand of criticism.

    Your dogma not included I assume. Plus I am not a 'synchro'. Labelling = dogma


  12. Ray - I assume the note's authentic. Obviously a schoolgirl's name but just imagining kennedy's transformation in a special room under the Rockies [ or Himalayas]

  13. oh i get it now, a school absence note, kid's name is kennedy


    the "she's with me" reminds me of

    1) kore in winter
    2) maddy mccann
    3) obama = necromantic mama
    4) the other weird kennedy shit you talked about

    "Notice we both posted on Dec 11th and used Obama's signature, plus pictures with a red-line in it."

    you also wrote (well) about adamah as i was posting my rubedo woman/mom-in-chief photos

    did i ever tell you i spent my days in the eighties a few blocks from PKD?

    that was before i had a long distance carrier :O)

    mondo post, cheers skylark sortie


  14. I am remiss Aferris, the Germatria you use is of a Jewish Q nature. English is the univeral language, 26 vs 22 letters. You are not of a syncro nature? Surley you jest?. I do not flit anywhere. I can not subscribe to any blog of my own. I can barely understand many of the syncromystic blogs as it is. To do my own blog is far in the future me thinks. I do feel your take on things relies on many variables, some of which are pure speculation of an xtian nature. To quote the bible and rely on the lesser Demigods of the Jewish Q is of a dogmatic nature. Too cut and dried! The madness of nbrs have taken you in, take a walk in in the woods and clear your mind. Dennis(87)HG. Hail Isis! Shine forth brave souls. Your knowledge of Hebrew is not an asset. It clouds your minds eye.(my special kind of criticism)

  15. ray, Nice one on the Rubedo.

    It interesting how certain ideas 'collide'. The Red Earth reiterated, the signature, the redline.

    For me these collisions = 'the thing'.


    Dennis, you exhort others to change yet you don't.
    Please refrain from pointless criticism and judgements about things u know very little [ eg me].

  16. For me these collisions = 'the thing'

    :O) thats how PK saw it too!

    after the initial shocks he went with VALIS (lol, but a good if objectivist description)

    later he got closer (divine invasion etc)

    ta to pra ha, ray

  17. Just picked up the 'exegesis' on line.

    Collisions seem to create an abundance of energy that cracks open. Mmmm maybe a new energy resource.

    KIN , I made up, but then remembered it was also in KIN Tunes. Perhaps those otters's gittin' playful in their ode age.

    Praha , supposedly, comes from the word meaning THRESHOLD.


  18. aferrismoon-very brilliant article!!
    I began "skimming" and completed skimming so will probably have to come back several times to grok everything:-)
    I am glad you are back in 'full force' and was so happy (altho-it is a horrific series of events-but one that I feel needs to be talked about by intelligent people) the Dutroux affair!
    There were many things that really stuck me on this first skim through-What is completely amazing to me is to see the bit about Crowley-I have done just a tad about him at my place-and have felt I am walking on very thin ice doing so-I simply cannot decide if he was indeed the "Devil/Diablo" incarnate-or some misunderstood magus!
    Oh-another thing-before I forget-I wanted to wish you a very very happy coming holiday season and a beautiful 2010-and that comes from the heart (hopefully not a "tin man" heart:-)

    I have "won" my disability case -I do not think I will see benefits until March or April-but was wondering if you would mind (and it is fine if you do mind) if I printed this article off-and some others if I can indeed afford printer ink again!

    I am also glad to see you are still discussing Dealey Plaza, Lady Bird, the whole "enchilada" so to speak-I thought of you the other day when I was reading a book about prime numbers-as I always find the way you talk about the number/name relations to these events so fascinating!!

    This is a beautiful article -and I will be back (not Terminator style:-) as it will obviously take me some more read throughs.
    I also enjoyed the bit about our first "simulacra" prez-and your continuing to mention the great PKD
    Obama is indeed a "phony"-and I would like to talk a bit about how much of one to you-and others-from a purely political article I read the other day in our statewide free mag "New Times" -but I do not want to needlessly clog up your comment space -so maybe should gather my thoughts and put a short piece up at my place soon (again it is political-no synchmyst-but I think the information from this recent article was incredibly revealing about just how much of a phony/simulacra our 44rth Prez is!

    As I do at Alex's place-I so enjoy the comments at your blog also-you people are way beyond me -but I really do hear that "whisper behind the door" -I think as Goro used to put it-when I read you, the "two" Michaels (neither a simulacra:-), C Knowles, Alex Robinson-who is more like the "sister I never had but wanted" maybe I do in this alternate PKD type reality we inhabit:-) and a host of others -I just don't say too much anymore-as I feel I do not add much at all to the debate/discussion-I am always and forever in "look and learn" mode!
    Thanks for mentioning Sargent Shriver too! I am unware of your age -but you certainly have a feel for the "players" of that time period-at least what I know about them from reading.
    The reason I ask for permission to print articles-and I will prob be doing this at some other sites too-with the long articles especially-is that my "bad" back days are about three quarters of the time anymore-and it is so much easier to read long bits of information propped up in bed. Like I say no harm whatsoever if you don't want me to-again beautiful and very very thought provoking article aferrismoon-and I hope a beautiful (and thought-provoking) 2010 is headed your way -assuming whoever is running our Matrix doesn't hit "Turbo-destruct" on this thing we think of as planet Earth.
    a final note(finally:-) doesn't that "tenner" look like its been burnt or something?:-)maybe a preview of where the USD is really going-although I am long out of the prediction biz-as none of mine have come to pass in the last years-major ones anyway!!

  19. Aferris-sorry to come back so soon-I just had to say I found the Zapruder/9.11.2001 thoughts very striking -and I am also not saying Zapruder was there to "document" the event. Then the contiuing tie-in with the Liberty incident was wonderful too.
    Looking at the JFK "event" after all these years is always so interesting to me-as someone -and you just did with this article with me-comes up with a fascinating new angle involving Diem being Catholic -and JFK perhaps helping in a certain context -the Catholic Church to lose ground in what had to be-even then by far the biggest population explosion area of the world-Asia.
    I would beg any and all to never underestimate -of if Dubya ran it "misunderestimate" the power/tentacles of the Catholic Church (this is not a broadside against Catholics-simply that of politics inside the Vatican itself.
    I will always believe that John Paul 1 (Nostradamus -maybe-"of the half moon" ) was assassinated by people whom he trusted inside those walls. If I am not mistaken-whoda thunk it? JP 1 "ruled" for 33 days!-I should look that up.Thanks again for wonderful and fascinating article-I so love to think along PKD lines-this article reminds me a great deal of that one you did from months ago that I left like 20 comments on:-)
    dont worry-wont do that this time! the one with the atomic bombs-Little Boy/PKD?Garland-I am sure that article is still saved to favorites. will look up JP1 rule time and let you know if that was a mistake or not-all the best to you!!

  20. aferrismoon-sorry this is the last-said I wouldn't do this-JP1 did indeed rule for 33 days. the only reason in his case I think it "might" be important is that the "P2 Lodge" people-who were said to be in the Vatican -especially finances to a great degree-were or are said to be Masonic-and I think Cardinal Villot-the one who "found" JP1's dead body belonged to this shadowy group-otherwise I would prob think the 33 was meaningless in the whole affair.
    JP1 according to wiki-was also the first "double-named" pope in history -he took the names to honor his two direct?-I believe predecssors-John XXIII and Paul VI
    He was elected on the fourth ballot on 26 August 1978-and "died" 28 Sept 1978
    Only one other thing "struck" me that I didn't know -and the man did indeed have a beautiful smile-but I guess Italians referred to him as "Il Sorriso di Dio" or "God's smile" actual name -this sorta caught me "Albino" Luciani-but of course the Albino would only sound somewhat "different" to an English speaker.
    I didn't mean to go so off to left field in regards to your article-and if the JP1 information is utterly meaningless to you please just delete the comments!

  21. Cheers Devin - the 33 days of JP1, a terrible affair. Acc. to some he had intended to do a bit about the financial inconsistencies of the church - not popular obviously.

    Matriarchy , at present , is the state of the nanny state gone 'smother' , something that affects men and women equally. They may be smothered by it or use it legal tentacles to wrap others up and keep them in plac - a sort of uber-safety.

    I've stolen a lot from PKDick this time, he wrote a short-story about abortion raised to puberty. Short but memorable.


  22. Praha , supposedly, comes from the word meaning THRESHOLD.

    doesnt sound v supposed to me, take it from ray romanio

    KIN , I made up, but then remembered it was also in KIN Tunes. Perhaps those otters's gittin' playful in their ode age.

    you touched them so yah
    thatd be the way
    say hello to praha and PK!

    i'll be stealing liberally from this post over the holydays, enjoy, ray

  23. I am enjoying yet another read through aferrismoon!!-thanks for your comment -I also meant to say the first time thanks for the RB Fuller quote-he was one of the first "original" thinkers I ever read when I was in high school-something "possessed" me-can't think of any other word for it because it was not the type of reading I was into at the time to buy "Critical Path" (at least I hope like hell that was he so I don't look like an idiot:-)
    the "Clementina" effect just happened again-she must want to say hi to you so Ciao and Meow:-)
    I didn't get the J Carter being first simulacra prez on first read-interesting.
    "Clinton Hill" also fascinating as of course "Hil Clinton"
    Great pic of "Phony Tony" too!
    I agree with your points on the matriarchy-first we had the worst possible patriarchal society possible-now we are going to get the worst possible matriarchal combinations.
    I am also shocked -and am so glad there are others out there who are-about the hold over society that the Mu-sick and "Sin" terntainment industry has over people.
    I mean with all thats goin on now do we really need a Jonas Bro getting married and to never hear the end of it (and the rest of the bunch of course-Miley all of 'em)
    I was going to mention "Twilight Language" to you-and then saw a comment you left there!
    JP1 was indeed all financial I believe-had the poor guy not wanted to dismantle Vatican Finance Inc-I think he would have been around much longer!!
    all the best to you and again wonderful and wonderfully thought-provoking article!!
