Friday, May 1, 2009

Pour Quoi Pine

A couple of fotos recalled from Da Black Whole's prescient 'Queen of Da Sowf'[April 11]

Jim [ Centerportal ] did a post @ The Sync Whole called AUDITISM followed not long after by William FreeMorg Shamenhan [ A Few Shots To Shaman] called DOUBLE DOWN[RAINED ON][BRAIN MAN] which focussed on DUSTIN HOFFMAN [***TIN****MAN].

Struck by the AUdiTISM connexion of which I have made myself more aware through the blog DA BLACK WHOLE who has a link to QIM TUNES [ Tom Smith's P.P.] where live communications between 'Tom Smith' [ I Think] and a network of TUNES [ people referred to as Autistic]. UNITS seems to be their local word for people not consciously aware of the network.
Alongside the Autism 'duh-scovery' swoops La Flu du Cochon [ though accused , pigs not actually guilty] which brought 2 mind the film OUTBREAK starring Dustin, Morgan and Rene Russo.
At the Synch Hole , Jake augmented post IF SWINE FLEW [23'd, It's a Full ON Pig Roast] with a poster from Outbreak coupled with a cartoon LEG-END called PORCO RUSSO [ Red Pig]

Below a Kwote from FINNEGANS WAKE: 'pee gee ought he ought' , it's code for pg88 , page 88 from a book on Egypt. On Page 88 we find the GrainMan Osiris get awokin'.
Also note the rotated E!

While 'parents' think they can outplay life remains to be seen nevertheless the march towards the Perfect Little Child [PLC] jogs on. The Leisure Suit of Medicine - Genetix - will find the cause of anything that hinders humans from becoming the 'talking animals', 'happy workers', 'mindless killers' , 'automatons' that sosociety seems intent on creating.
Cancer exists to tell people they can't live for ever and if they want to live for a while then pay attention to what mind and body communicate. This has proven difficult as, in our march to the pinnacle of perfection [ often found nestling at the top of pyramids] we have tended to 'use up' humans in suffering for the greater [minority] good [convenience].
I only bring up TinCancer as it has been mentioned in an article informing the 'pulace that the genetic basis for Autism has been found. Autism.

U know , its a bit like Cancer .
The Cancer Answer

Wise Woman dealt with the SW-I-NE->
Swine Flu has just gotta be the correct 'designation' - albeit in an alpha & omega style - take the end & then the beginning of 'swine' & lo there appears the true 'spreader' of this mind virus - 'News'- in the middle of the frenzy lies the 'i' (eye) in the middle of this cooked up storm.

Page 88 "Roi et Dieux d'Egypte"

'Autism covers a group of conditions, marked by an impaired ability to communicate and interact socially and repetitive behaviour, which affect about one in 150 mostly male children.'

Remember children tend to be persuaded to not try and do too many things, CONCENTRATE little one. As we mature to University level we get pushed into specialized subjects which breaks down communication between human developments.
REPITITION doesn't actually exist as the environment has changed since the last iteration making nothing repetitive

I have only met one child with Autism and he did seem preoccupied with the colour red. I spent an afternoon with him going through Kays Catalogue [Kay-K] taking note of those red things.
Quite repetitive.
Possibly Autistic Child only repeated RED things to me as he knew I hadn't practiced communicating with him.
The Western Bible launches into RED with the first Humanmind - ADM - 45, so perhaps he'd decided to start from the beginning.
Note : Scripture/Plasmate moves - Humans move. Repetition cannot eXist.
Science has the Train whistle getting louder and diminishing for the Static Trackside Bystander. R.Buckminster-Fuller uses the exploding plane and passenger model. The exploding plane makes noises that get 'heard' by the human's hearing faculties now disconnected from the body and moving away, along, among the intimate sounds of the radiatively expanding aerial debris, some of it UU and some of it ME

Had I spent a few hours with members of the Governing Bodies and Administrations, the Qualified, I would doubtless remarked on the preoccupation with Terrorism and Terrorists and Terrorist attacks and Terrorist SleeperCells and Dirty Bombs and Filthy , filthy people, as well as deep and abiding respect for the word CRISIS.

Repeating images since 1483BC

Most governments and media outlets, most banks, social organisations, pressure groups and school curriculums fit the symptoms of autism EXCEPT their inability to keep it to themselves.

The possibility of FLU as a pandemic has stimmed into action many an agency - maskmakers, pinstickers, cullers etc, all at great expenditure to many who haven't been consulted.
AUTismOBILES , humanly-controlled?, may meander into people and not one of those agencies could give a single dose of Fuck-Flu. InJect cars not people, Cure Cars not people.

My apologies to those with Autism who I have used to push a point and I understand that Autistic people do suffer physical problems that prove difficult for people living with them, acc. to 'stuff' on the web.
Though we must ask ourselves what we are doing when we want to 'cure' these people before laying down arms and the compulsive need for dismissing human life for little more than to remain enclosed in a controlled environment.
Maybe I understand why Autistix don't want to peer out into the 'real' world, or in fact do much ordained by the Healthy Ones.

Koerce Kure Kill

Ray proferred this picg from post QUEEN OF DE SOWF [ amoon ago]
"Arkansas’ crimson Razorback Hog is both the state icon/mascot and chief faunal weapon of the goddess. In the Grail Cycles, the boar gores (castrates) the Grail King, inflicting an incurable wound."

While I realise people want humans to have as much self-autonomy as poss. the idea of parents getting cajoled by MediCorrect into letting them fiddle with a few DNA strands, for the COMMON-LCD good, has the possibility of throwing evolutions of various styles of human off-track.
Maybe AUTees do not accept other styles of humans as having authority over their world and perhaps consider their intrusions as , well, 'autistic'

Autism exists and if it proves an affliction I imagine it may be a humans way of 'getting the fuck out of the way' of the benumbed juggernaut Social Living before it eats one up.
Babys can hear while in the womb and I reckon some of them have heard enough.

The Medical Network has 2 dead things in a jar called the "Perfect Humans", which is why they intend to create human clones - Autism perhaps realises that they got the wrong end of the stick, in fact the Medicos actually chose the stick to beat humans into shape [ or into shop]. Humans have had their minds ignored [ unless it can be measured in ERGS] by the BODY POLITIC. When they have used it some organisation gets round to repossessing the body via the aforementioned sticks with a few stones thrown in.
This race to perfection means that slaves prefer their kids to FIT IN [or else]

Religious Organs have 2 dead things in a book which [ as usually fairly big] gets bounced off the heads of those whose thinking don't meet Deus Projectatis' impossible standards.

Society has even had to deal with 'Jesus Christ's' evasion of family duty by inventing his survival and slipping off to have a nuclear family who also have somehow seeded most of Europe's Royal Familys. Convenient but unconvincing, cheese-us proved anti-sosociety, I will not keep up my brother's mortgage payments.

Matthew 16 v.20

Some quotes from the Co-Munnicating at QIM TUNES -

Tom: Where do you want to go?

Nick: Someplace where my tunes wont stop.

Tom: What kind of place is that?

Nick: Mostly where sin isn’t.

Jerome: We are essentially retarded to you, Jed. Set your

understanding toward us so that we can renaisance together.

Nick: Mike (another autistic in the dorm who doesn’t facilitate) is the most intuitional eode in the entire


Tom: Can you tell me what eode is?

Nick: You’re not gonna know until you develop your soul

tuning by telepathy.

Brent: Test not what experience tells you, but lessons learnt from art, they are where beliefs exist. You will try existence. Tune to us!


Brent: Tens of millions are you. Webs feel this. We see how resisting you is. We’re so tired out from it. Try to understand us!

Tom: Do you follow us from cradle to grave?

Brent: Yes. But you especially.

Tom: Most of us?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: Any spirits effect us more than you guys?

Brent: Yes. You experience it all the time through God.

Geoff: Keep a clean mecca. Hear me well, lots out in the world want us dead. Kill us.

Brent: To believe is factor.

Nick: Nuts like you to skill not nearly able to louse rabbits like us up. Torch no longer in your corner. Tunes too intense last nite. Tin man ruts with someone else. Kills me letting you...nope . You healed rink. To rink you so ham

Tom: Am I fired? (I got paranoid here. What he is saying above is that the powers to be, "Tin man", were not happy with me. Administrators have never been overly pleased with me)

Brent: Tunes last nite require never work for us again.

Brent: Yes and no. To help us. You get massive tunes questioning us. It’s debilitating us. So to help us it needs to stop. To maw us less it’s better to be straight. Your most is the Tin Man. Exact no mawing of him.

Tom: Between my sarcasm and my Tin Man thoughts, which are the most disturbing to you guys?

Brent: Tin Man. (Reading back through this it seems obvious who Tin Man is. But as I was doing this, I thought it was a powerful Autistic or outerspace creature. It wasn’t until about a month later that I realized it was us.)

Tom: Is this individual separate from me?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: How long has he known me?

Brent: Years.

Tom: Did I ever meet him?

Brent: Yes.

Nick: Tojo men Tin men on outside. Tin men quote "no one Hec Hi Jed" ( I think this was my first clue as to who Tin Man was. It’s the non believers amongst us, in this case it was my bosses. I still chuckle over that appellation, "Hec Hi Jed")

'....hecitency Hec..' FW 119 , pinged it straightaway.
had been winding up to do a job on the ROTATING Es in Finnegans Wake. here its on its all-3s as M , as Chrisemon Trilith , a BriDGe

When it needs a new start E gets on its back , and the Shebrews whistle Shin - Tooth - 3 masted Schooner.
Look at the overturned E in the passasge above, it resembles, crudely, the composition of Nut and Horus in the Aeon card below

THis man ,a Chinee, has either 27 or 34 nails shot into his Skull.
27 = Number of Hebrew letters [22] + Finals [5]
34 = BBL = Bevel or BabeL.

Book 'em Stannum!!!

Its Qommunication QIM but knot as we SOWf it


  1. Test not what experience tells you, but lessons learnt from art, they are where beliefs exist. You will try existence. Tune to us!


    I was with a friend talking of the Swine Flu when they mentioned it being manufactured.... They said

    "It's like Aids... Your telling me no-one fucked a monkey before the eighties."

    I pictured Out Break.

  2. I have a son with autism. He has some behaviors that others might think quirky, but we accept them and love him for who he is.

    We are treating the autism. He can't tell us things people take for granted, like if he has a tummy ache, or he wants a drink of water. He also don't understand about some dangers.

    "Most governments and media outlets, most banks, social organisations, pressure groups and school curriculums fit the symptoms of autism EXCEPT their inability to keep it to themselves."

    An interesting little known thing about children with autism is that they cannot lie, not even a small lie to spare someones feelings. The organizations you named lie on a constant basis. The portrayal of autism in the media usually shows an unemotional somewhat dimwitted person who is a genious at something. (CArd counting, music, art). While there are some people with autism like this, it is not as common as one might think. (I think the term is "autistic savant.") All of the kids I have met with autism have a high range of emotions, and sometimes they can't be controlled.

    Other than Dustin Hoffman, the only connection between swine flu and autism (and I was thinking about this today) is that one is almost ignored in the media and one is being hyped to scare the public. If autism had the same amount of attention swine flu is getting, we would have some answers about the vaccines, I guarantee you. Of course, this would go against the vaccination agenda, so it will never happen.

  3. Cheers W

    What do they call it - Manufacturing Consent?

    Thanks Ed - I have no experience of autism and its wide ranges.
    I am aware of 'autistic' used as a 'slang' or 'insulting'word meaning brilliant at something yet 'bad' at expression/social interaction.

    What I meant about the organisations is that they REPEAT their 'lies' , misguidances, locked-in beliefs etc etc.
    The charge against Autistics in an article I read was their repetition and inability to communicate 'acceptably' which seems to be the case of our 'authorities'.

    I wanted to highlight that there are those who will quite happily cure autism, childhood diseases yet blithely ignore the Auto-deaths [ for example] as if that's not worth the time.

    Thus I feel the wish to cure or vaccinate while allowing the car industry with its
    -road deaths
    -localised polluting
    - detrimentally designed cars etc
    -sitting in traffic jams on a daily basis
    - the NOISE
    Perhaps this should be called AUTISM in that it's self-centred and refuses to listen

    I aslo sawthe headline telling how they have found the DNA makeup of Autism and that this was a breakthrough comparable to breakthroughs in Cancer - I felt it was a thoughtless comparison

    Thanks alot for your information.


  4. Thanks Aferrismoon
    I really got a lot out of this - I do not understand autism either & yet I understood your word pictures very well - am thinking it is the bitsy understanding of autism that most of us have, that allowed me grasp the 'essence' - esp the not so bit(sy) bit about 'repetition' & how it is not a part of nature - on yet 'another' Monday morning this really hit home.


  5. Fine post and commentary! Nicely supportive. From the QIM Tunes and Brent:
    "We are all a little autistic."

    We all have our moments, I think. Have you ever been so completely immersed in something that you become unaware of all outside environmental "clatter?" Time might as well stand still and all others temporarily cease to exist in your frame of reference. Just for a little bit.

    I think Ben's world is like that because it has to. For whatever he needs to be doing in spirit ways. I'm often lost in the translations, so just support him best as I can, giving him lots of time and space to do what he needs to do.

    When my son Ben (now 11) was 2 1/2, the developmental doctor had an interesting comment when observing Ben. Doctor said "they all do that." Do what? I said. "They all say E"

    Other than humming MMMMMMM, that's the sound Ben first made early on. A near constant string of "E E E E E" No breath in between, just an extended "E" sound. As he grew older, he changed the tone, pitch, and duration to mean different things. E. EEEEEE. E. EEE.

    I've had the good fortune to have been around quite a few autistic kids (and some adults.) They don't all say E. Many do, but it seems to be certain clusters of kids that do it and then extend communication with that tone. Ben's "voice" has gone through many phases and stages, even having done clicks similar to the San/!Kung tribal communication.

    It's particularly appropriate for Ben, as much of his preferred communication is through music and/or lyrics. Before I get too far off track, here's a blurb found on the E. From InPureSpirit:

    The number 5 is associated with the letter E. It can sometimes also be associated with the letters N and w.Using the Chaldean method of numerology the number 5 is linked to the letters E, ,H, N and X.In Cantonese numerology the number 5 means ‘myself’ but also ‘nothing’ and ‘never’.I think I also read that 5 is the "divine force" or "divine voice" ?

    Past few months, Ben has switched from RED repetitions to GREEN.

    Hope Ray will cover the Virgin Air/Branson and Absinthe (Wormwood) connection up and coming.

    Ciao for now!

  6. Cheers Tink

    The E 'confirmation' is great!
    As I live in Czech Republic and don't speak czech to a great degree i spend a lot of time 'deaf' or speaking in CzInglish, which ca space out one's head after a while.
    The clicks may be like the 'humn beatbox ' phenom

    Absinthe is green and sells [ well not the original] very well to the tourists in Prague

    I wonder if 'telepathy' isn't like accessing the ethereal computer memory, it doesn't ahve to be person to person now, but thoughts can be left on hold in 'no time'

    Thats what I feel after combining Finnegans Wake, the Qim Tunes , the stuff from the blogs around and the E- news u've just sent

    The Qim Tunes feels like information and the cleaning of channels [ repetition-ing?] for 'non-autistics ' to tune into after all the routine work's been done


  7. Fitter Happier
    Fitter, happier, more productive,
    not drinking too much,
    regular exercise at the gym
    (3 days a week),
    getting on better with your associate employee contemporaries,
    at ease,
    eating well
    (no more microwave dinners and saturated fats),
    a patient better driver,
    a safer car
    (baby smiling in back seat),
    sleeping well
    (no bad dreams),
    no paranoia,
    careful to all animals
    (never washing spiders down the plughole),
    keep in contact with old friends
    (enjoy a drink now and then),
    will frequently check credit at (moral) bank (hole in the wall),
    favors for favors,
    fond but not in love,
    charity standing orders,
    on Sundays ring road supermarket
    (no killing moths or putting boiling water on the ants),
    car wash
    (also on Sundays),
    no longer afraid of the dark or midday shadows
    nothing so ridiculously teenage and desperate,
    nothing so childish - at a better pace,
    slower and more calculated,
    no chance of escape,
    now self-employed,
    concerned (but powerless),
    an empowered and informed member of society
    (pragmatism not idealism),
    will not cry in public,
    less chance of illness,
    tires that grip in the wet
    (shot of baby strapped in back seat),
    a good memory,
    still cries at a good film,
    still kisses with saliva,
    no longer empty and frantic like a cat tied to a stick,
    that's driven into frozen winter shit
    (the ability to laugh at weakness),
    healthier and more productive
    a pig in a cage on antibiotics.

  8. Thanks aferrismoon-I always learn something new when I come over here! although many times I do not understand it all at once-love the plasmate reference and the Jesus/Royal line reference-I remember reading a book a long time ago Holy Blood, Holy Grail-something like that-if I remember the book right it was saying perhaps the descendents of Jesus are alive and well and living in France:-)all the best to you!!

  9. hey you got a license for that gossimer?

    you tickled them, i see tink's already explained a bit about E vocals (tuned to a Natural lol)

    hope to comment later w/the depth this merits, great work


  10. top to bottom:

    didn't take long for the Sowf Queen to surface after Apr 11, eh? like a rash to the planetary skin

    "QIM TUNES [ Tom Smith's P.P.] where live communications between 'Tom Smith' [ I Think] and a network of TUNES [ people referred to as Autistic]."


    correct, between tom and a small group of his autistic patients -- in the early Nineties, tom caretook autistics at a SoCal institution, using Facilitated Communication to converse/type (laboriously) with the five ottie men identified by pseudonyms in Qim Tunes


    Finnegan's Wake is the closest literary analog to the Tunes, as youve intuited . . . Joyce was a gossimer preemie

    tho it's not in any way necessary to grok FW to dig the Tunes, FW results from a similar method and flavor, appeals to encoders and decoders, and is a good warm-up

    "The Western Bible launches into RED with the first Humanmind - ADM - 45, so perhaps he'd decided [the boy] to start from the beginning."

    or perhaps he was part of the beginning


    "Most governments and media outlets, most banks, social organisations, pressure groups and school curriculums fit the symptoms of autism EXCEPT their inability to keep it to themselves."



    "Maybe I understand why Autistix don't want to peer out into the 'real' world, or in fact do much ordained by the Healthy Ones."

    "Autism exists and if it proves an affliction I imagine it may be a humans way of 'getting the fuck out of the way' of the benumbed juggernaut Social Living before it eats one up....
    Babys can hear while in the womb and I reckon some of them have heard enough."

    wonderful way to put it

    theyre PTSD *before* they enter this sick planet, just from the intrauterine blowback, and sanely withdraw from neurotypical human ways, which they correctly find loathesome, deceitful, and insane


    This race to perfection means that slaves prefer their kids to FIT IN [or else]

    many, if not most, ottie parents see ottie, down's, etc kids as Damaged Goods, ie a reflection upon themselves as inferior/unfit genetic suppliers

    such misplaced guilt (and self-centeredness) was behind the formation, eg, of Cure Autism Now, the most powerful "advocacy" group in the US (and probly the world)

    part of the intentions of some of the CAN folks, and other such groups, may be benificent -- seeing (but from the outside) how difficult ottie life is for kids and adults, and wanting to marker-out that suffering and "trouble"

    a couple years ago, under a bit o pressure, CAN changed its name to Autism Speaks, a title (if not an agenda) more palatable to those of us who arent buying the Disease Model


    Society has even had to deal with 'Jesus Christ's' evasion of family duty by inventing his survival and slipping off to have a nuclear family who also have somehow seeded most of Europe's Royal Familys.

    sells like hotcakes baked by the queen of heaven!


    "I still chuckle over that appellation, "Hec Hi Jed")

    '....hecitency Hec..' FW 119 , pinged it straightaway.
    had been winding up to do a job on the ROTATING Es in Finnegans Wake. here its on its all-3s as M , as Chrisemon Trilith , a BriDGe"


    only you would have pinged this . . . one reason why i'm here

    it takes a certain intensity of attention to run with them

    Tink's already introduced/confirmed the E vocalizations vis a vis FW

    my prognostic of sow flu had practical purposes, the composition of your post being one, also as introduction/confirmation to a new and potential group of investigators and, eventually, advocates and co-workers and friends

    either way, business as usual is over, dover

    otties are a vanguard and offer of healing for this sorry zoo, one certainly cant be shocked that they wish little converse with most NTs, whose hearts are full of crud

    i've written at length about many aspects of autism, particularly its connections with spirituality, masculinity, task specialization, shared consciousness, and maintenance of planetary processes

    much of this can be found in the archives of tom smith's autismlist, particularly in interactive posts amongst tink, ben, and myself, as we were getting re-acquainted

    like the timing of the Sowf Queen/Sowf Flu, those interactions, etched on cyberslate, speak for themselves

    cept to the eerless!

    bring on The Amazing Randi, anytime he thinks he's ready

    he'll go by Scenic Route :O)

    thanks for taking the lead on this AF, it's a beginning, for those who want one


  11. Liked the post. My youngest daughter has autism. I see another blue pyramid, LOL. Neat, I have been seeing the blue pyramid a lot lately.

  12. Tom Smith here, facilitator of the "Tunes". Thanks much Aferrismoon from the boys, me, Tink and ray. ray and Tink are the commentary experts on the "Tunes". I didn't know what the heck I was doing but I knew most of that group of autistics for 13 years before I did that project and simply liked them...though of course they were a pain in the ass to care for. The communication method, Facilitated Communication (FC), wasn't so "laborious" as ray suggested, but in the context of everything else we did to help them it was pure joy and very easy. The "pain in the ass" behaviors dissipated slowly after we started using FC to the point that after a year they were gone. That doesn't mean they turned into assholes like the rest of us but still remained refreshingly autistic.

    "Finnigans Wake" eh? I started reading Ulysses long ago but my little brain couldn't handle it. I'll definitely read Finnigan now... little brain or not.

    The sad thing that absolutely drives me up the wall is the reaction to FC of the pros and then the poor lost parents who look to those asslickers for guidance. I worked in the field for 30 years so I knew the score about the ahem "asslickers". Don't get me wrong, they are good and hard working people but they are under huge pressure and really don't know anything about autism and have to pretend they do to keep their jobs. I was just a grunt in the field and readily acknowledged I knew didley and that all that I saw work scientifically was true and honest care with a dash of common sense. So the lemmings, both the pros and parents, eshew FC for fear that people will laugh at them at cocktail parties if they use it or believe in it. I didn't have that luxury. I was with those autees 40 hours a week and jumped at the chance to do anything that worked or seemed to have promise and FC had both in spades.

    Once those folks get serious about FC everything will start to change...and I mean everything. The autistics will usher in the "End of History", whatever that is... though we will certainly get a better idea when that happens. But I'm a simple and devoted caretaker and I want this to happen because I devoted much of my adult life to help these guys and this is what does the trick.

    Thanks again Aferrismoon

  13. I feel bad about calling the pros "asslickers'...I guess I'm frustrated. There's a "synchronicity" that is important in communicating with the auties in which it helps to either be working with them closely or have a special vibe to be able to communicate using FC or any other method like Tink's music approach. The pros usually see them for short spurts and it's harder for them to do it. But they also have control over who else does what with them and they are presently banning FC.

    As for the "End of Times" thing, I should make it clear that is my ideation and not there's though something along those lines is definitely in store vis a vis them.
