Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Walls Have Ears

Watching the FACup semi-final [onTV], April 15th 1989, I like many suddenly realised that members of the crowd were slowly getting crushed to death - 96 in all.
It happened at Hillsborough, the ground of Sheffield Wednesday, the logo above.

7 months later THE Wall came down, 9/11/1989 [ UK dating system].

Many have eyes to see but it seems that, often, only walls have ears

Last night Liverpool played at the Bridge


  1. Very interesting aferrismoon-as always! I had totally forgotten about the 4-15 oor 15-4-89 deaths-if memory serves-which usually it doesn't anymore;-) I think I remember another soccer spectator disastor in the UK in 1985-will have to look it up-best to you as always -I admit this one has me stumped (so it is probably simple for everyone else) and I will have to think on it -all the best!!

  2. I remember this as a news story back then. Followed the story up last night. The wall eclipsed it as an '80's benchmark moment though.

    I like how my name is sprayed on the wall in that particular pic. I used to spray cans and one of my main buddies at the time was the one and only Peter...

    Peter, who's still a good friend, has chunks of the wall in his posession hauled here (OZ) by European relatives...

  3. The one in 1985 was at Heysel Stadium in Brussels, a match between Liverpool and Juventus, 39 dead.

    I like the Wall sprayings as one says WALLY or maybe WALL Y [ why]

    cheers both

  4. Thanks aferris-I had made a note to come back to this -I finally had to stop asking so many questions on blogs and forget to come back I told someone the other day -again off of memory -maybe I shouldnt do this anymore -that in 1987 a British cargo/passenger ship went down -forgot how many died-it wasnt near as bad as the 1994 Estonian disaster-but I said the name of the vessel was "The Herald of Free Enterprise"-haha now I am afraid to look in case I was wrong -best to you as always!!

  5. Cool to see Stefan Js comment also-great stuff!
