Wednesday, December 31, 2008

N[O]ew Y[Z]ear

Caught these 2 twinning 'up' at 5.30 this evening after loading this post, though half an hour later the clouds covered the sky

all peoples divided against one another are
in their digressions
equally inverted
and self-deceived
in their respective
tampered-with standards.

The degree of self-deception
is proportional
to the width of the angle
of disgreement,
and the greater that angle of stress
the greater the anger.
The greater the anger,
the greater the susceptibility
to further propaganda -
a cancerous hate growth.

And all propaganda is false
if merely by misemphasis.
It is false because
it approaches diametric unbalance,
which scientifically speaking
is chaotic.

Chaos is erosive , explosive, shattering,
and therefore the antithesis
of the only potential survival means
of homo sapiens:
through the harmonic integration of knowledge
whose kinetic is uni-versal.

ISTOLETHIS [think X-Files]
from Richard Buckminster-Fuller's collection of thoughts:



  1. This was great aferris! I remember reading Critical Path when I was a sophomore in high school. As always love your thoughts-and once again I will expose you to another happy new year:-0)

  2. happy new year to u , Devin.- enjoy the 2009 reincarnation

  3. A charming post.
    'No more 2nd hand God' - absolutely love it!
    2009 'reincarnation' - Great way of putting it

    Happy new or recycled year to you.

  4. Saw the Moon's Freckle tonight as well... Hope the dawning of your new year was full of celebration!

    ~Welcome to 2009~

  5. aferris -just had to say i sure as hell hope 09 is not going to be a 'reincarnation' of 08-actually any of the last 8 years:-) best to you as always!

  6. Hi Wise - No More 2nd hand God = the title of the book.
    Devin , mayb e reincarnation is a shedding of 'yesterdays skin'

    H_N_Y 2 ALL

  7. Interesting thoughts as always aferris-can't wait to see your next post-believe it or not I am still looking at Tooth marks the Apple and other posts that Michael S and wise woman have done. H_N_Y_2_U also:-)
