Friday, July 25, 2008

The Wabbit Conspires

The symbol of Aqurius provides the lead-in to a flux of synchs percolating here and there, possibly everywhere. Over at CONCRETE JUNKYARD , the post of July 16th [ OPENING THE STARGATE VIA HELLBOY : GOLDEN APPLE] ends on this pic. Much of the article consisted of snapshots from Hellboy I and II. Mr. Junkyard had obviously peered into the future and 'borrowed' a load of my shots from July 19th post [ the dates give a 6 and 9 synch].
Whatever, the fact is that both posts shared similar shots from Hellboy II, though I hadn't seen CJ's shots until he told me in the comments.
The STEPHEN COLBERT REPORT SHOW of July 16th held the first TV Performance by RUSH in 33 years. Below their new 'symbol' , a wiggly arrow inside a golden Ouroborous, for their new album ' Snakes and Arrows'

Quickly returning to the Hellboy synchs - I posted the July 19th with pics from Hellboy II, while THE BLOB had already posted WORLD TRADE GALACTIC CENTRE flush with pics from Hellboy I. The BLOB commented at my post that he had taken screenshots of Hellboy II the same day he read my post.
Below we see a pic of the proposed NATIONAL LIBRARY [ tres controversial] aka THE BLOB. Yesterday it was decided that it will not be built at the original site as it'll block a view of the castle, and will have an overview of the Israeli Embassy, who , apparently , felt it a security risk [ oy veh]
alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5226883644986355250" />
On May 8 , 2008 Todd Campbell posted IN SEARCH OF THE MARI-TIME SIGNALS with a the 'mark' of BLACKBEARD. The image + an assurance from Todd that he would be 'back soon' taunted regular visitors to his site. [ Soon = 2 months 13days, in Georgia].
Imagine my surprise when I caught rocker GEDDY LEE of Rush sporting this remarkable symbol on the July 16th Colbert Repore, the same day Concrete Junkyard posted his Hellboy pics. Then Todd relaunched his blogging with " I CAN'T GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD" THE MARITIME SIGNALS REVISITED Pt.1 on July 23. WOW! Todd gets his blog hiddenly advertised by a big-time show and band. The post begins with an AQUARIUS symbol [ but not the one above]

Not only that my last post dealt with Rabbits a great deal and mentioned the WARREN Commission. Tod informed me that his middle name = WARREN. This makes his initials TWC [ anagram of WTC ]. Also Todd is another name for a Fox while a Warren = a whole bunch o' wabbitholes.
The post takes the reader to North Carolina's coast, through storm and speeding ticket, even unto the CAPE HATTERAS Lighthouse. Stephen Colbert , below, can't get Rush off the stage so he camps out wearing a HAT, or NIGHTCAP that resonates with the CAP[E] HAT[TERAS] lighthouse on the same show as the Blackbeard mark which seemed to have impelled Todd's Maritime Mission.

Below we see some MK Barbie Puppets adoring the 'live set'

The last frame = NEIL PEART, the drummer.
What do you reckon - COY or WINSOME ??

A quick recap -
July 16th - Concrete Junkyard post with HELLBOY I & II pics + Aquarius symbol. Colbert Report hosts Rush with Blackbeard symbol
July 17th - Blob post with Hellboy I pics
July 19th - I posted Hellboy II pics, some v.similar to CJs. Michael at GOSPORN posts IN THE SHADOW OF GIANTS with stuff about GIBRALTAR and HELIOS which both appeared in Todd's July 23 post
July 21st - Todd relaunches after a while off.
July 23rd - Todd writes a a longer post that links lots up.

'what are u thinking Dave?'
' It's full of ....rabbitholes, Hal, and they're all lit up'
' Is it beautiful Dave?'
'It's very beautiful Hal, I think you'll like it'


  1. Very cool post my friend. Love the jabs at my LONG delay...well done, and I deserve it.

    The Colbert b&w cap is off the hook!

    Oh get roommate/ex-girlfriend was in NY (OZ) on June 16th seeing Colbert live accepting his Peabody award at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel.

  2. Cool, I didn't think you'd mind, still doesn't beat Vapo's R,B & W marathon wait.
    I saw him with his Peabody Award, he made sure the viewers knew, it popped up every night for a week.
    The Lighthouse /Night Cap had to wait for u to post.Though I'd already got the blackbeard l delayed the post until today, so nice extra synch.

    Anyhow it's great that the synchs flow from 'us' as well as out there in Movie/Media land


  3. Sweet! You conjured HAL 9000, who sings 'Daisy, Daisy give me your answer do...' as he's being powered down - synching with the daisy image in the Giants post.

    ...on a bicycle built for two". Saw just such a beast a few minutes ago, on this morning's synchrowalk with Oliver the transdimensional terrier.

    RUSH fears the Red Star - no Heini for them!

  4. Quick! Right now, go to your vinyl Lp collection, dust off Frank Zappa & the Mothers of Invention's album "One Size Fits All" and play the very first track, "Inca Roads", which goes:

    Did a vehicle come from somewhere out there?
    Just to land in the Andes?
    Was it round?
    And did it have a motor?
    Or was it something different?

    I think that you, Mr. A. Ferris Moon, realize that what some flying saucers are, are in fact stargates opening up into our dimension from elsewhere. Just thought that I'd throw that out there ( ;-)}

  5. Aferris!

    Great work my friend and some wild energy synching up I see!

    Hmmm...I will try and refrain from following any rabbits...though H.A.L. tends to stick his one good eye into my business every now and then.

    Nicely done, original spots that I would have NEVER seen.

    CIAO for now bro

  6. Anadae - I had that album, but had to give them all away , too heavy to carry. Nevertheless will have to find that track.
    Albums act as both spaceship and stargate - One may throw them through the air , watch their mesmeric flight to a state called smithereens. Or the classic, listening to it and harmonically moving through the mental universe[s]
    Michael - nearly fell off my seat when I saw the Blackbeard mark, and then everything seemed to appear. I'm sure if I looked a bit further out there would have been more.
    Even after Michael at Gosporn had to point out a hal synch in his post I would never have found.
    So now Hal corresponds with Daisy [x2] on a bicycle made for 2 while Day-Z seems to impel us towards 'end-times', or trance-end times.


  7. The circle with an arrow inside is the same logo that the "above the influence" anti-drug commercial uses. It's also tattood on the back of a little girl in Waterworld, pointing the way to the only dry land left in the world, a new Atlantis, perhaps?
