Thursday, July 10, 2008

Butter wouldn't melt....

This dazzling set of silver-screen beauties belong to a group called WAMBAS Baby Stars. Started in 1926 the most talented 14 gals from the movies got chosen to be a Wambas girl. Fay Wray of King Kong and Kaleidoscope in K fame graces this the original group. Within the present MK context perhaps this group acted as more than just an advertisement of talents. The WAMBAS lasted until 1934, oddly missing out 1933 when Fay Wray starred in the two KK movies, also the Reichstag fire false - flag event occurred [ see Pseudooccultmedia - It shouldn't happen to a human]
Below a statuette in Secessionist style for sale in an antique shop. I snapped it on July 4th, Dependence Day

Then I filched this one off the net a couple of days ago. The 1920s saw the expansion of movies into the world psyche, Hollywierd gained influence with its style of movies. Considering the possible links between The Monarch programme [ should we believe it] and the Film Industry [ should we believe it] it's telling that we see so much butterfly symbolism from the Art Nouveau/Deco inspired 'look' in the decade the industry 'took off'.
Makes me wonder if Monarch evolved from looking at Rorschach Tests, which leads into The WATCHMEN

Float like a butterfly.........


  1. Var-dy Inter-esting (in my best German villain accent)

    Right on with the "should we believe it"...or could it be that those that instilled it "believe it" and it thus effects us in one way, just not directly like the victims...

    More food for thought! Thanks Aferris!!

  2. I added the 'should u believe it' as the nature of the subject proves so twisted I have to objectively ask myself if I'm 'getting programmed' for some far subtler agenda - the twizzling path of paranoia !!
    Nevertheless i shall move further on using the subject to investigate the starlettes.

  3. Roger that. Should we believe it yet again...I tend to not feel as paranoid now though seeing it, I like Icke's saying of "take a step back, take a deep breath, and look at it again." I kind of feel like I am outside the cage now looking it at the World seeing the MK/MC prevalent in most mediums. BUT, like you said, it could be a more twizzling path...guess we'll have to wait and see what happens! Cheer!

  4. Pappillion Nebraska uses the Monarch butterfly as a city logo. This is where the Air Force, Army & Navy share a big underground base, which is the center hub for military activity.

  5. Cheers James . I notice that the Monarch is also the state insect of West Virginia.
    " Saw a butterfly today,
    Had to use my AK"


  6. Excellent - I think this era needs a closer look - the formative years of the movie industry.

    I thought of the 70's show the Bugaloos the other day & your post reminds me now of them again. Did you ever see it - four characters wearing winged insect outfits-a bumble bee, lady bug, grasshopper & of course a butterfly (called Joy).

    The grasshopper (IQ) recalls to mind Kung fu - "I seek not to know the answers, but to understand the questions"


  7. I've been compiling an extensive list of butterfly images for an upcoming video compilation. Thanks for opening my eyes to them going further back then I was aware...
