Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Scores on the Doors bring a Babel of Blues

Over the past 6 days ARSENAL and LIVERPOOL have played 3 matches against each other. The rivalry , tangible, came to a head in last night's European Champion's League. The 1st match, also in the Champion's League, played at the EMIRATES Stadium - Arsenal's Home ground, ended 1:1. NEWSPACEMAN wrote 2 articles concerning Arsenal, their stadium, a nearby police-action involving 1122 officers, and a press-conference at the Stadium hosted by Gordon Brown and Nicholas Sarkozy -MAKING AN ARSENAL OUT US, CEREMONIOUSLY? and a 2nd article mixing the Emirates Stadium and the London Eye called SHOOT THAT POISON ARROW THROUGH MY HEART. he then linked a 3rd post GOING ROUND IN KUBES to an post I wrote on December 17th called KEYSTONE KOPS. Unbeknown to Newspaceman, he had written , in the comments to that post - Liverpool at Arsenal tonight, Rangers Lisbon tom[orrow]. The Lisbon also links to Newspaceman's 'Making an Arsenal...' post as he wrote about the LISBON TREATY. To cap that , Tod - FILMNOIR 23 also posted a short comment at 11:22.
1122 = 33 x 34. 33 = GL a wave, as well as the 33rd degree of the Masons. 34 = BBL, the biblical almost-finished tower
Well , the 2nd match , a league match, also ended 1:1, so by saturday evening the 2 teams had dealt a 1:1/1:1.
The 3rd match, 2nd leg of the Champions League graced Liverpool's ground ANFIELD ROAD. To keep the 'arab' synchs going, Liverpool owners , the Texans, Hicks and Gillett [ H & G = Hg -Mercury] have been approached by the investment arm of the DUBAI government to sell Liverpool.
The match went to the end, full of excitement and controversy. To cut a long story short the final goal was scored by Liverpools Dutch [ Orange] Striker, No19 Markus BABEL, pictured above. He shows his palms - KPh100 [Kaf] in Hebrew. Acc. to Carlo Suares and Sefer Yetsira K = the SUN card, and the showing of palms indicates something sunny. On the Rider-Waite tarot a couple of figures show their palms. Babel also invokes the TOWER card.
The last post I wrote involving football was the day after the school-massacre in FINLAND. Babel scored that night too.
Final score 4:2 and Liverpool go forward to meet Chelsea in the semis for the 3rd time in 4 years.
Liverpool played the 1st match in BLACK, the 2nd in WHITE and the 3rd in RED.
Historically Liverpool have been involved in 2 tragedies where many lives were lost - the 1st at HEYSEL stadium in Belgium against the Black&Whites of JUVENTUS - 39 died. The 2nd was at HILLSBOROUGH where the final death toll reached 96, Liverpool were playing NOTTINGHAM FOREST. 2 tragedies - 2 Hs
Football teams have 11 players each side , thus 22 on the pitch, ref makes it 23.

Last weekend saw the semi-finals of the F.A.CUP, the knockout competition for English clubs.
First through went PORTSMOUTH whose club badge I have had on my blog for some time. The mouth of a port seems an old;skool Stargate resonator as ships left to explore the 7 sea and find new lands. They got the design from a ruler of CYPRUS beaten by Richard the Lionheart, who then granted it to the city, thus the Islamic feel to it. The star is 8-pointed guilding the club with Stargate Oct-angularity. The club is nicknamed POMPEY , a Roman town destroyed by a Volcano - synonymous with craters, grails and bowls as well as Hephaestus/Vulcan.
Due to the history of football in Britain CARDIFF CITY, capital of Wales, play in the English league and thus play in the FACUP. They have made it through to the final. Cardiff, 'The BLUEBIRDS' sport a club badge with the Bluebird over the flag of St,DAVID - DEWI SANT, the patron saint of Wales.
Perhaps someone can remind me, but some Bluebird posts appeared not so long ago, perhaps included in Adam Star's 'BLUE' posts [ Apologies for vagueness].
Both teams play in Blue

While WEMBLEY got a reconstruction the English FACUP finals were played in Cardiff [ KAR-diff], at the newly-built , 2K-celebrating MILLENIUM Stadium. U can see part of it edging onto ROALD DAHL PLASS [ Roald Dahl wrote WillyWonka's Chocolate Factory among other children's stories].
The 2008 FACup will be played on MAY 17

This part of Cardiff is famous for TORCHWOOD , a scifi spinoff and anagram of DOCTOR WHO, who have their underground base below the this spot. DrWHO travels through time in his BLUE Police-Box -the TARDIS [ Time and Relative Distance in Space]. The series started on 11/ 23 , 1963, twixt the killing of JFK and Lee Harvey OSWALD.

Because Cardiff has a time-rift in the city the Torchwood team spends most of its time dealing with lost and troublesome aliens. The series , while proffering sci-fi, also deals with pan-sexuality. The team leader Jack Harkness does not only find joy with human men and women but also aliens. His 'eye-candy' in the series is Yanto. The other male - Owen, who is not gay, is actually 'dead' now but somehow lives. I think Russell.T Davies, the gay producer, is having a little joke, implying that str8 men are essentially 'dead' - all very tongue-in-cheeks. RTDavies produces Doctor Who aswell, both programmes deal with timetravel and stargatey ephemera so I can't help but pay attention to his initials RT, which as he's quite camp-gay we now have a STARGATE QUEEN of Gosporn proportions. the CAR from Cardiff is Welsh for CAMP too, perhaps we can even have a gay chariot - ' Faster , Faster', the charioteer screamed at the animals pulling the chariot. 'You'll have to whip harder than that sweetie. G-up for god's sake' retorted the little animals.
Cardiff, a port, their Bluebird flying, home of a TV series time-rift will play Portsmouth, Islamo-stargate , volcano-disaster resonating team to a worldwide audience that could reach a billion. Not only will millions , from all over the world watch but a good deal will take on the passion of Football - a game of 2halves, 45 minutes each. 45 = ADM, via Hebrew letter/numbers.
Arsenal, Liverpool and Portsmouth all have strong links to Arab/Islamic world at present. Little is known of Saint David, though he was canonized in 1123.
This post seems to have little direction but may act as ground for emerging synchs. For trans-Atlanteans perhaps a lack of connection with the 'beautiful game' and its history make this post 'uneventful'. The synch with Newspaceman struck me as worthy of a little investigation and definitely worth noting.
Football grounds and their TV eyes act as electronic and physical links to the crowd and viewers , far surpassing the tired rituals of Religions and States.


  1. Another player bought for his name was MIDO at spurs. mido persia

    Then there is NANI at man utd.
    nan = breast or food...same thing.

    harry redknapp of portsmouth gambled over 16 million on football in the last few seasons. His teams are always involved in odd results..

    ac milan threw the final against liverpool in turkey when leading 3 - 0 ..they were implicated in match fixing the year b4 and had a board member alledgedly commit suicide by throwing himself out a window at the stadium..

    regards gav

  2. Cheers Gav ;
    The whole wierd football secret cabal thang emerged for me with the hezsel stadium tragedy, and from then on it's gone beyond anything that can be encapsulated in hese blogs. I mean 9/11 , that's simple , Premier league, Euro league , World Cup, serious money, serious history , depthless wierdness,
    ACMILAN - Silvio Berlusconi - godfather of Shevchenko's son, who transferred to Chelsea where Abramovich payed for a guy who ocassionly appeared at football matches, also great friend of Tony Blair; lots of gas contracts inthe Ukraine, lest we forget.
    Sacrifices have been made for United and Liverpool, Rangers , the eternal flame at Anfield for example , and this years memorial to the Munich Air Crash in 1958.
    A game built on how many weekly brawls over years ?
    A strange , intangible energy belies football , seeps just out of the way, regular, periodic, enamoured of numbers, passion, disbelief, seen the world over.
    Who protests the World Cup?

  3. I'm not a soccer fan but that was a bloody good read.

    I looked into bluebirds a while ago while on a rainbow theme - from the Wizard of OZ angle - didn't go anywhere with it then.

    Judy Garland who sang 'Somewhere over a Rainbow' which refers to 'happy little bluebirds' was born 10 June 1922 & died 22 June 19(69).
    I noted the 96 people killed at Hillsborough which brings to mind again the 69 cancerian symbol from previous comment.
    The bluebird of happiness has a long history

  4. Cheers, I was talking a bit about blue birds in my most recent posts. Fascinating stuff. Love the wikipedia link to the Bluebird of Happiness. Ever see the very strange 1940 film The Blue Bird? Shirley Temple's answer to the Wizard of Oz.

  5. Cheers ,
    I was thinking of including ....bluebirds over, the White Cliffs of Dover
    but its great that Judy G sang it. Come to think of it i remember the Uncle Remus cartoon with Bluebird telling him stuff and tweeting off every tree
    GARLAND and TEMPLE, the offering and the place of offering
    96 at Hillsborough, Diana and Dodi died in 96. Diana was born in 1961 which slips it 'tween an 11

    Strange, that ACMilan threw one final and then when they should have been banned they win last year against Liverpool.

    An odd world often motivated by the odd goal

  6. I was just reading Just Me's post on the Black & White Conspiracy thread at the synchro forum talking about the White Cliffs of Dover. Then I read your comment here connecting Dover in Bluebirds, literally in less then a minute within one another. I should be used to this I guess, but these synchs always flip my lid.

  7. Nice one Adam. I guess synchromysticism has to work at all levels but these 'tiny' ones that perhaps one could just be put by, not reported, act like hinges - may I say making it all worthwhile.
    Psychic surfing, the subject matter acting as temporary destination within the psyche, defying the 'nouning ' of life.
    Bucky - Fuller wrote that God [ and I think he also] is a verb .
    I think U just did that

  8. Hiya Aferrismoon, thanks for the mention etc.

    Easter Road, Hibernian FC, last Saturday. Massive blaze next door in new building development. Development is called Hawkhill.

    Streets around stadium all called Albion.. Road Etc

    A crows fly away from Holyrood.

    I will try to post about it, quite strange maybe in view of Olympic torch - Europre/Scotland/back to roots.

    Also, was thinking more about Olympics. If - and a big if - the magick was in order to ensure there are no games in 08 (hence leaving 2012 for William with massive hype) then, why not have a coloured lady at No 10 with the torch

    Think Obama?/ Clinton as similar . When America collapses then either woman or coloured gentleman in charge. A reverse type "spell"

    I hope you follow this - all black magick ?. I have been reading up on MPH and the pythagoras numbers, you may have read it ?


  9. That Blue Bird movie looks exceedingly strange. I noted that Gale Sondergaard who plays the cat (catwoman?) in the movie was originally cast to play the wicked witch in The Wizard of Oz -interesting with the name Gale, being Dorothy's surname in the movie

  10. Football fans in general in the UK emante one of the ugliest evilest energies ever. Anyone unlucky enough to live nearby an area near a football stadium, where the fans walk through, will know exactly what I mean.

    If it were measured with a Dead Orgone measuring device, the device would break.

    I'd so delete the whole thing. There's nothing up with the game, it's the cult and mental focus and the behaviour around it.
    Take any other sporting events, I don't think any of them attract or create quite the same type of energy at all,

    some noisy rugby fans now and again, that's about it.

    What is it about football that the fans aren't even able to be seated in the same areas? Can you imagine that at the Olympics or Wimbeldon for example - people smashing each others heads in and damaging property, and acting the drunken breach-of-the-peace lout because they both backed different swimmers or tennis players? Wouldn't happen.

    Football is a great big blight on this nation.

  11. Unrelated to this post..

    if you want the news toolbar which shows the latest stories from your favourite blogs (obviously mine will be included LOL)

    go to Blogger in draft. Just type in blogger in draft in to google and sign in as normal. Then go to your layout tab in the normal way. Now you should see add a gadget at the top right bar under your header.

    Click add gadget,then click blog list and you can mess around with what you want to show. Add it as normal to your side bar. note that some web pages dont work and will not add, for instance goros site doesnt work properly in this side bar but standard blog formats work fine.

    note available in Blogger In Draft mode.


  12. Hiya Zukocomputer, whilst I appreciate the sentiments of "Football fans in general in the UK emante one of the ugliest evilest energies ever.", surely there are reasons for that.

    Is it not perhaps that people are so internally angry that they require an outlet of their aggression, the aggression being a by-product of the society we inhabit.

    Therefore, if it was not football, it would be another sport, maybe rugby, snooker - I mean where would the disenfranchised go to release their pent up negative energy.

    Perhaps we should be concentrating on why people are so internally angry ?

    It is not about the football


  13. Living near the odd football ground and seeing football violence doesn't diminish the game tself. If we talk about violence there's nothing , it seems, that people, in fear, will not fight over.
    the game offers a great deal of symbolic doodah , I can't stop the actions of others and their take on the game or whatever.
    Rage requires an outlet , it seems not to care about the form

  14. My blog is my outlet. I used to be a very angry person before I started writing. It still comes out in me but these days i pick verbal fights and keep me two hammers in my pockets..

    Saying that though if someone ever outright puts it up to me i will still act first and drop the fucker.all the usual ego bravado and whatever else you want to describe it as immeadiatly rears back up from deep inside me..

    I have struggled with anger most of all the human emotions.

    I still think that most sports matches are fixed for the benefit of the Magic sign ladbrokes and the likes.I have studied gambling and its effects. The first ever derby was fixed, nothing has changed.

  15. Nah I wouldn't say so; there's loads of other spectator sports the same kinds of mentality could be attracted to - but like I wrote, they don't use those, for some reason it's concentrated in football.
    (I think the problem might be that some of those 'in control' of the football enjoy the male fight-club theme around it, and they regard aggressiveness/competitiveness as a normal part of being a man.

    However - if you go look at tribal methods of determining what a man is, you'll find very different systems in place. And they are way closer to nature. And then all civilised systems too, wouldn't have anything to do with the kind of violence and aggression that is played out regarding football.)
    If someone tried to act that way with regard to other sports, it just wouldn't happen.

    True, they *maybe* are angry to begin with - or, maybe if they had other things to occupy their minds it wouldn't encourage thinking bandwidth to be spent on team support. Maybe if those around them encouraged thinking about important topics, practical and intelligent issues, then they'd put their minds to those instead.
    What I mean there is - why would they be angry about anything?
    Because - things in their society are messed up, they don't get the chances they ought to in life, etc.
    And why is that? - because generations before them squandered their heritage, and let the area go to ruin, didn't spend their time and money etc wisely....they were distracted by irrelevent things that consumed their time.

    Maybe conscription would get rid of it. Doesn't mean the economy is based on war, doesn't even require a standing army, to have conscription in place.

    It's another of those things I've seen all my life seeded into young minds by their families and those they're in school with. That one actually happened to me for a while, I wasted a bit of my time concerned with the outcome of football matches.
    And there's all the rules: you have to like the right team, if you wear x colour in the wrong place you're in danger; it's like the worst kind of gang mentality.
    There's still loads of situations where you can't or really shouldn't wear certain team colours - where else does that occur, but in the likes of areas where gangs control peoples lives.
    And without condoning that - at least in those cases (being in something like Crips or Bloods) it'd be something you are in fact a part of, and it gives something back.

    I'd agree the outcome of these things are likely fixed in advance though (re: previous comment). So if you're going to gamble, think like a bookie.

  16. Just meant as a condensed (hopefully) version of what I was getting at there:
    I don't think it should be understood or condoned, if violence or some type of disruption is taken out on someones/somethings else other than who is the actual cause or source of the pain,

    in the same way I don't think anyone would be sympathetic or understanding towards anyone who got infected with a disease, and knowingly spread it to others out of spite or anger at having been infected themselves.

  17. Ok sorry to be a bit of an anorack about this but TARDIS is "Time And Rerlative Dimensions In Space" Not Distance. Thats all :) Thanks
