Saturday, March 1, 2008

Twin Peeks

Accessing AMERICA'S WAR IN COLOUR or COLOR, a set of docus using colour footage taken by various Americans circa: WW2. Great early synchshot by ANON. He/She/It must have been standing on the Aircraft Carrier FRANKLIN as it limped back to port following a Jap-attack which it only just survived, in fact a KamiKaze attack, which involuntarily slynchs in with a double-K for the suicide pilots of 911. The lower pic deals with any lingering questions as to the guilt or otherwise of Libby Staat , the Stone-faced sun-ray diademmed ubergoddess of OZ. Here daddy takes a turn as a fiery triangle, neatly encompassing his daughter's idyllic frame.

One of the 911 WhoDunnit docus that catched both my ear and eye were/are those of HAWKS CAFE, apparently Forensic Economists. The narrator has a great voice, and they have ingenious abbreviations, idioms, and deep, twisted interconnections, that don't sound to unpossible. Among others they finger KPMG , a great move, understanding as they do, and as most don't the leeching tenticular operations of Auditors. Auditors can walk into any office anywhere in the world and get u to tell them everything, they can then use that to do what they will and send it all back to ZUG which due to its name goes straight to the top of the CT league [ Conspiracy Theory]. Anyhow most people have no real idea what auditors do and perhaps considering the vast amount of profit they accrue , one should have a smattering. KPMG increased profits by 17% last year which means they will double in size in 4 years, [td = 70/n%]. At present their profits is measured in billions.

Synchro-hebrew-mystically KPMG = KPh - MG which = Fist - Magus thus implying The FIST of the MAGICIAN. This ties in with the flying fist logo of KING KUPA who comes out of SuperMario film and has his logo slapped fair and square on the SuperMario Twin Towers, but you'll have to trundle over to The BLOB for that. This is an investigation I will go into later, but it reminds one and all, that no matter how powerful or dicrete u may be, no matter the complexity of the plan, and knowledgelessness of the madge-ority of the population, synchromystic clues are tricky to hide.

Any ways , a prog that's blatantly synchromystic, without even having to try, is the sensitively-animated FAMILY GUY. Here some of the GRIFFIN family sit beneath the Twin Peaks of some pleasant place , and their house abounds with these vulgar picturesks , for they are a vulgar family. Peter in this episode has his identity stolen by JAMES WOODS and in retaliation gives a live-TV interview about a new comedy that's coming out where James Woods [ but really Peter] acts as a window-cleaner who's just finished cleaning the WTC windows only to turn around and see a Plane. Peter remarks that this is comedy going back to its roots.

One of the ideas the HAWKS CAFE team infer is that the 911 attacks could have as easily been directed at Chicago. Tis would have had synchers going crazy as the biggest crash in US History occurred some years earlier at O'Hare when Flight 191 dropped out of the sky. Chicago was actually the base for many of the financial transactions, pump and dump and other offloading, buying up , by those who were in the know about financial fallouts initiated by the mob-attacks on specific companies located in the WTC. Flight 191 had arrived only a few hours earlier on a flight from PHOENIX. see post : THE BOWER OF TABLES. Notice the Taxi's wheel-arches, half-assed pyramids again.

FG deals with superheroes in its typically levelling style - Here Spidey comes too soon. ADAM WEST , BATMAN from the BATMAN TV series of the 60's voices characters in FG. Notice the Lampshade in this pic, it is NOT a truncated pyramid. I was beginning to think all lampshades = truncated pyramids.

The Spider-Arachnid- Nature thing links to a series from the BBC[ audited by KPMG]. Notice the B - it's constructed from a J and a B, thus invoking those Pillars. The programme deals with REPTILES which synchs in with Mr. Willners tendency to scaley creatures, Cthulians, snake-eyes; as well as the vague undercurrent of Lizard-People as attempting to win our hearts and minds with acts of evil sabotage and/or enlightenment. David ManhATTENBOROUGH, reptiles, J&B - the episode deals with AMPHIBIANS - those watery cousins who first hopped onto land and spend a lot of their time being on both land and water, and can half-develop etc. Maybe we will transforn into 'Cosmic Amphibians' where water = the Psyche and our bodies the land.


  1. Those damn Reptilians have stolen my namesakes! lol

  2. Its hiss and tell in this old world

  3. Cool syncs. There's probably some sort of transdimensional receiver planted in Libby - the whore of Paris. ;-)

    I've been seeing a lot of penguin syncs lately, which reminds me of the amphibian thing. Birds that fly in the other fluid - equal to or better than fish, and their b & w formal attire is provocative. Flying fish are the inverse.

  4. The Penguin has been making vague pecks at the synchrosphere, its Batman connexions, its B&W suit. I always h a fondness for the Rockhopper penguin and its brilliant way of leaving the water .

  5. Never really got into "Family Guy" all that much, but it's nice to see someone else realizing that Spidey's webs are ejaculatory. She may be disappointed (and stuck), but at least his anonymous lady friend had a fast initiation. You'd expect nowadays to see him with a red head, MJ, rather then a blond. A blond Spidey gf suggests Gwen Stacy, which is a bit necro-romantic.

    Despite sometimes being featured together in X-Mas cartoons and coke commercials the penguin is the polar opposite of the Polar Bear, popular lately as well.

  6. Arctic-Antarctic, sublime polar opposites. Cheers

  7. I noticed a black & white opposites sort of thing in the shooting at Wendy's yesterday. It was a black man in a suit who shot up a casual dining place called Wendy's (which means "white"). Remember on December 5 when a scruffy white kid shot up the upscale Von Maur store (Maur means Moor or "black")? There are 88 days between Dec. 5 and March 3. Does it mean anything? I really don't know.

  8. An additional detail about the two shootings: The shooter at Wendy's was Blake - which means very black or very white.

  9. I watched the film Youth without Youth and the lead repeated a few times he was 88
    Ther's 88 constellations and I guess that makes the sky a checkerboard.
    A Blakeman was a kind of ley-line surveyor.
    We're all on the move and so are the symbols , each time hey come around we, they , all have moved . It's slippy , like a fishy
