Tuesday, January 22, 2008

V - Signs

Hey TC, Top Cat, he's the thingy thingy top cat, etc , TOP Cat, any how I often found myself shouting Hey Tee See and calling policeman Officer Dibble. But he was King of the Block, and had Synchromysticism got off its flinky ass back in the 60s we woulda bin ready for those....initials. We see TC above telling BENNY all about the Church's good vrx, mein liebchen.

further to Demi Moores specific V-ness SECRET SUN whipped in the comment box an invitation to check out the film above. In it DM [ Hebrew for blood- 44] plays a character called Abby Quinn, well hot , dang and doody bits, ain't she called QUINN in FLAWLESS. Not only that I commented about the Numero 17 at Secrets sight and he wrote -Read ReVelations 17. Well I haven't yet BUT this 7th Sign kinda revelationy.
Anyhow, get awarded a medallion and the accompanying ribbon round the neck Vees the upper torso - sick. Think of all those Lizard athletes touting their Vs on the podium - 1,2,3 - V-V-V. But I digress....

Michael at GOSPORN, master or mistress or Mastress of low-budge late night TV whispered a piece of friendly advice in my ear and reminded me of Earth -infiltrating-Reptilian-miniseries [ minisTeries, subtle] V. Disguised Lizards attempt takeover of planet, rather like the Miniseries of Slyentology and various rebels get themselves killed at the beck and call of enlightened 'good' leaders who tell them they have to FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT for their freedom

Should our earthly destiny ever reach the day we need V-necked leaders only one true leader exists in these alien-conspiracy-rat-faced-lizard-toothed vacuous smiling garbled times when clarity and truth clamber over rocks , corpses and past blogs- that human = Michael Ironside
Scientolo-G , Just say ze no!


  1. from a TC to U

    TC=23 as of Tyrell Corp. from Bladerunner

  2. Thats Cool
    Getting quite into these 'apparent' synchro-clusters that seem to nodulate around various shapes, forms, words, letters, films, actors, numbers and with an evolving ease. Soon I feel these synchs will reach light-speed as will our bodies, thus turning our bodies into bodies of light, rather than meditating 'out of the body' to be sucked up by various trumpet-mouthed suckers.
    Tyrell [ pronounced Tyrul] were a British F1 Racing Car outfit, must check them out again.

  3. actually I am 23x2

    my intials TWC

  4. A full complement of chromosomes and an anagram of those bitchen towers

  5. Michael Ironside also stared in stargate sg1 where he played a rebel leader in a different galaxy fighting the AURI who basically represent the Catholic Church..Instead of the Bible they have the Book of Origin..

    He was in possession of a device that allowed beings from 1 galaxy to inhabit the bodies of beings in another galaxy....

    The goal of the Auri is to capture people energy that they give up through worsgipping them in prayer called prostration...

    sounds familiar doesnt it....

  6. I saw a couple of SG-1 episodes which were pretty interesting like you said with psychic energy/prayers being sucked up as energy; like the medical catheter which moves fluids or the mideaval Cathedrals which move psychic energy along ley lines, St.Michaels line/Apollo Line.

    I love the original V miniseries. Reptillians from Sirius, Nazi parallels, and a cross-breeding experiment. Anything to force the world into a one world government like Independence day or Watchmen by Alan Moore which I just finished reading.

  7. How aboot Timecop by Peter Hyams (dir of Capricorn One, Stay Tuned, 2010, End of Days.. pretty insane line up) as a TC? Nevermind, pls dont watch Timecop on my say so...

    I might just

  8. Check this out

