Saturday, January 12, 2008

Jack and Morg went up the Hill.....

Aquarius, the Water-bearer, and unless he holds it in his mouth for transportation , employs a bucket to carry water from here to there. Aquarius gives off Twin resonance as its the 11th sign of The Ozdiak. In Hebrew they call it DLY 44 [ D'Ly] which colloquially translates as ' bucket'. 44 = DM, Hebrew for blood. mystiflingly a star numbered 88 appears in the constellation pic above. The symbol for Aquarius is the dual-current wave form which with reference to this film indicates the dual current of BIRTH and DEATH, or perhaps Death and Birth. Stargate technology [ mechanical artefacts , mind control and myriad unthought-of things] seems to imply a different attitude towards our fleshy vessels as theyr'e freaked-out and freaked back in again on departure and arrival. Blood itself as DM 44 could be the medium within which we can effect transformation starwise, as the Alef appears A-DM [ Adam]. If blood acts as dual-current conductivitity medium then 88 constellations my have synchnifichance. DLY the Water or Liquid carrier, ELECTRIC BLOOD
The Hebrew word DLY seems to be pronounced as Dalai [ which means OCEAN} and the idea of the 2 little 'buckets' taken to the peak of EVER-REST [I assume] seems intensely synchromystic, connecting Hebrew and Tibetan Magic.

This is from Steve Willner's The ANCIENT MARTIAN DOORWAY video at Labyrinth of the Psychonaut. Considering his vid about Jumpgate technology and the small doorway atop a mountain as the last-resting place of Cole and Carter from the Bucket List , I wonder about the possiblity of Earth-Mars doorway-corridor routes that take but milliseconds to travel fetch a pail of water
Jack fell down and broke his crown
And Jill came mastabatumbling after.

As u r no doubt all aware a Bucket = a Truncated pyramid seen from another way. And pyramids = tombs=wombs, well, I hope so.

A Blue Hexagram , stretched top and bottom

The BUCKET LIST - Twin Cancer patients with death tempting them over the Threshold find a poetic way to deal with the last days. The film begins with an ORANGE clothed man walking along a Himalayan mountainside and ends with him palcing a Coffee Tin with Ashes in in the tiniest of tombs u ever did see, fair copy of an Egyptian Mastaba. Between the 2 Peaks a story develops flowers and returns to Earth.

Jack the Taxi

Encouraged by Cole [ Nicholson] Carter Chambers [ Howard Carter Egyptologist, famous for finding a king or two's chamber] takes off with him on a world-around trip. They visit Egypt, notably the Pyramids, bimble off to India which picks up on the Kandy theme and then they're off to see the Mountain somewhere in Himalaya.We find them waiting for a clear day in a Tibeto-Nepalese Cabin, all very Shangri-La though weather stops their trip to the top and they scoot off to Hong Kong [ Hugs and Kisses, Os and Xs]
Carter revels in trivia- general knowledge even watching Jeopardy in the HK Hotel. Early in the film another mechanic quizzes him from a book and one answer involves a lot of names with Hs, Harrison twice, and other illustrious historical figures

The film generates a great amount of Twin material, innumerable shots like those above and below. The Black/ White skin colour releases a checkerboard image and as the 2 have Cancer, the astro-sym that rules the Chariot we have this subtle undercurrent of the Chariot as bodily vessel carrying our soulselves
Bound to a life within the opening and closing mountain scenes, a dual current as we know the mountains = pillarmidamounts and one essentially climbs to the summit and then to the foot as a general rule.
The mountains relate to the pyramids they visit which both resonate strongly with the present K2K blizzard. In fact most of the film has them travelling to high-spots - a restaurant in Italy overlooks the sea, a pyramid provides a welcome seat in the hot climate of Egypt, the mountain cabin provides refuge at high-altitude while a penthouse suite in a Hong-Kong Hotel delights in their high-rise comfort.

In the photos the checkerboard is kept moving due to Cole and Carter swopping positions. Other opposites are Carter's large and loving family to Cole's estranged daughter and 4 divorces, which has made it easier for him to amass a fortune compared with Carter's comparatively paltry wage from Car-mechanicking.

They write this list of the things they will to do before they take the next step. This appears on a yellow piece of paper and within the context of the film comes over as a 'Positive Confession' complementing the 'Negative Confession' used by the ANI to gain entry into Heaven within the Egyptian Theosophy. The list gets finished after their death by their excellent priest, reminding us that our death can move men to mountaintops and beyond.


  1. ooh great post, I was thinking of doing one on that movie but I havent seen it yet and I'm not at my house and on my computer :( jack Nicholson, Jack being a name for the Sun, Union-Jack, etc. And Morgan Freeman who played god, so we have God and his sun/son getting ready to die, to make for the new age!

  2. Jack was also the devil in "The Witches of Eastwick" which is pretty great, God and the Devil sitting on a pyramid. It sounds like the start of a joke. Really, do you get an actor who more strongly resonates 'good' then Freeman and 'evil' as Nicholson? All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy as an underlying theme of The Bucket List has a rather sinister undertone considering The Shining. Jack of course was also Randal MacMurphy in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest for those following Viø's MK-ULTRA line. In The Shining little psychic boy Danny Torrence has a spirit guide named Tony who "lives inside his mouth".

  3. As is usual in this game Steve mentioned the Bucket list at jakes comments and a friend inloaded it the following evening, The same thing happened with Tinman, never thought I'd see that, but my friend had inloaded that too, and thus and only then could I join in.
    Dont know about trips to the top of pillarmids , but those guys were too old to climb it, even though they both had laboured breathing, I noticed. The stone between them led me to accept they were at the top.
    Stonehenge was for a while off-limits and is now open to registered ritualizers. Places where churches and cathedrals, mosques and synagogs are built, certainly noone owned that land before. Yeah u can go in but as a tourist or one of the flockettes.
    Now I think of the mountains [of snow] as like Sand or Snow castle buckets.
    I hope there are toilets on Mars. If they want to build the Golden Arches they'll have to install toilets first so they can make us pooburgers. I want the ones with doo-doo from Earth, not that Martian Doo-burger.
    Morgan-Jack - Good-Evil, yea , when Morgan's evil he's good, and Jack just can't. CHINATOWN was a goody when he tried to be good.
    One Flew..... Milos Forman, Czech Exile. Nurse Ratchett etc , so many great actors from that movie.
    Candy-covered pillarmids to u all

  4. As is usual in this game Steve mentioned the Bucket list at jakes comments and a friend inloaded it the following evening, The same thing happened with Tinman, never thought I'd see that, but my friend had inloaded that too, and thus and only then could I join in.
    Dont know about trips to the top of pillarmids , but those guys were too old to climb it, even though they both had laboured breathing, I noticed. The stone between them led me to accept they were at the top.
    Stonehenge was for a while off-limits and is now open to registered ritualizers. Places where churches and cathedrals, mosques and synagogs are built, certainly noone owned that land before. Yeah u can go in but as a tourist or one of the flockettes.
    Now I think of the mountains [of snow] as like Sand or Snow castle buckets.
    I hope there are toilets on Mars. If they want to build the Golden Arches they'll have to install toilets first so they can make us pooburgers. I want the ones with doo-doo from Earth, not that Martian Doo-burger.
    Morgan-Jack - Good-Evil, yea , when Morgan's evil he's good, and Jack just can't. CHINATOWN was a goody when he tried to be good.
    One Flew..... Milos Forman, Czech Exile. Nurse Ratchett etc , so many great actors from that movie.
    Candy-covered pillarmids to u all

  5. Great, so I guess most of you saw the movie! It ties together Giza and K2 again. You guys noticed the checker cab also, right?

  6. I'm an Aquarian archetype to the point of boredom dedicated to destroying the Union that encases Jack.

    My Uncle Jack died. His funeral was held at Bluebell Hill near Kits Coty. I arrived at the crematorium hours before the funeral. Heard music, pushed through woods to top of his to see the sweeps conducting a ritual in which the Old Jack died and the New Jack was born. And people wonder why the fuck the English Hoodoo movement was born.
