Sunday, October 7, 2007

Its , Its, .......

...full of Bees
Bees have now decided to go multicoloured.
After remembering Tod's nod to the watchmen fallout symbol, another cover upturned to give a butterfly design on Rorshach's mask.[Unpictured at present] Rorshach has been related to Travis Bickle of Taxi driver. Newspaceman offered the Red Bee Creative production wing of the BBC. I came across the rain-sodden cardboard relic a couple of weeks ago
The Sun acts as a resistor , resisting the electrical flow-currents of Universe , it glows, and the attracted energy builds as if radiating, but merely swarming.Like the bees at the hive the heat radiates bringing light . The Sun - a plasma reaction , plasma = honey.
So a photo of sunspots , black and yellow, a fair sprinkle of orange, a bee
Universe changes the electrical flow and another light bulb takes over the solar activity. Solar comes from the greek for Sirius implying an energy-change interstellar move. Perhaps one of our larger planets gears in as we sunbathe for electrical universe circuit change


  1., where does it end?

  2. ALLOUT HELTER has some ramifications

  3. Love the latest thread.

    To add...Travis Bickle = T.B.(T=20 B=2)= 22.

    Travis wears a patch on the shoulder of his army fatigue jacket. King Kong. KK=11+11=22. As Kotze has pointed out, King Kong is the Cynocephalus shadow companion of the Magus.

    Da WWWiz

  4. Yeah I saw the Allout helter , maybe links with Frater.Willners Marilyn Manson-Alice
    22 seems to have upped its appearances of late
    Travis resurfaces in next article

  5. WIZZZZ is back in da house!

    There you go Mark, that's why we need you in the game my man.

  6. Aferrismoon,

    What is happening with the bees indeed. Did you know that ancient Egyptians used honey as a mummifying agent? British explorers would enter ancient burial chambers and find vats of honey there. They would then put a few dollops in a cup of tea before realizing there was a human head in the bottom of the vat.

    Happy Halloween!!!

