Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Sugar Hill Gang

Filched this from Tod at Through the Looking Glass, and before that at Crop Circle Connection.
There are 4 x 36 triangles and 18 cubes. The Hexagram in the middle [ for those who don't know what a hexagram is , it's in the middle] invoked the 13 starred one on the dollar bill so 144 + 18 + 13 = 175. Another [h]airline connection[ Flight 175, a tower hitter] and also the number of the intelligence of Venus


  1. Each triangle row has 108 sides (3x36). The cubes sides (3D) are 6, therefore 6 x 18 = 108.

    Perhaps the three rows of triangles lead into the cubes.( and therefore the hexagram/star?)

    If one was learning something, then surely one would learn a small part, increasing up to the whole, ie the triangle's point up to the base. (a triangular learning curve)

    Yet we read triangles like they are the other way round, - conditioning ? - directional markers for example.

    Just a thought, will keep at it.


  2. "the number of the intelligence of Venus"?

    On another note, what say U about 66? Code 66 is what the Emperor/Ming gave to the clone army to destroy the Jedi/Templars. Just wondering.


  3. A triangular learning curve - certainly a lot more stable than a linear lurning curve, good only for tightrope walkers and specialists.
    108 = 2x2x3x3x3 the square playing with the cube
    If we learn something we learn holographically , the smaller = the larger ?
    We read Triangles as flat, 3 sides with no thickness, impossible for us humes. Triangles in our dimension have thickness thus = tetrahedra[ though incredibly thin]
    'Yet we read triangles like they are the other way ROUND' - interesting !
    In 777 - Sepher Sephiroth there is a dictionary of
    Hebrew words and their numerical attributions. For 175 there is a Hebrew word [ which I forget at present] that is translated as 1: an intelligence
    or 2: sphere of
    or 3: something else of
    It appears to be some entity allied to Venus, like an angel , or genius perhaps.
    Sorry I can't be clearer, will try to get some more info on it.
    Maybe have to write an article on 66. Not to knowledgeable on the Wars .
    6 = Vau VV[ the 6th letter]. This often = 'and' prefacing Hebrew words and thus has a copulatory nature [ male]. The word translates as 'nail' which strengthens its phallic character.
    60 = Samekh SMK [ 15 letter] complements Vau and can perhaps be seen as the archetypal phallic projection into this existential dimension, where it becomes the womb.
    ALLH - Allah written in a Hebrew form = 66
    It = 2 x 33 , and 33 = GL - a wave. So I propose the 2 waves = some kind of DNA frequency thang that creates the clones, of course they don't have the 3rd 'wave' or strand of DNA that humans have. Clones will never be humans, in fact I doubt they will ever have life, though many will be fooled by thier programming.
    I'll check for some more conneXions and try to get some Templar photos. They have Templar pubs and wine here in Prague

  4. Interesting. Venus, veiled in cloudy mystery, like Isis? Thanks for the 66 info.

  5. PS, thanks for the comment at gosporn.



  6. Hiya ferrismoon -

