Tuesday, August 21, 2007


In an article in July 'Plumblines and an eyeful of Pylarmids' I showed how the 1st verse of Genesis in Hebrew is 'reversible' or complementary. 11 characters are used to form the 28 character 1st verse, thus 11 remain unused. In time-honoured code tradition one may use the characters transposed to find 'hidden' talk. The English alphabet is also used to symbolize the Hebrew characters, though they don't really represent the sounds of those words, merely approximate.
Thus the 1st verse of Genesis-Berashit :
is the transposition
The 1st part of the 1st word BRA [203][ translates as 'created'] transposes into DOG [77]which synchromystically and hilariously goes some way to answer the question 'Is a God to be found in a Dog?' . DOG is the hidden force of creating, coupled with the Dog-star, the Dogon of Mali and their Sirian cosmology. DG[7] = fish in Hebrew and the O[70] represents the hebrew character OYN[130] - an eye; a fish - eye? - Piscis Australis. Is DogStar a mispronunciation of Dag-star , a fish star
Can earthquakes be caused by star movements, among other things?
BRA = 203 : the glyph of life [ ChYH, chiah = living=23] , pregnant with all possibilties - 0 added to DOG = 77 , this fish with its eye of opportunity opening conjoin to form 280 , the periodicity of the female 28 incarnated in Malkuth , the 10th Sephira.
The twin towers = 2 and 3 with 0 between them. they are struck by the 77 . the 77 cubes the 2 creating the 8-gonal tower and having 'crushed an Universe, nought remains' - 280
WhoWhatever created the Torah seems to have a keen sense of humour.
Slightly aside from that a few other interesting number synchs :
BRAShYTh = 913 = 11x83 ; ABRAHADABRA - Crowley's word of the Aeon = 418 = 11x38
The whole of verse1 = 2701 = 37x73 [ two primes, reversed]


  1. This works very well, especially if you also include the "magic word" or Hebrew blessing (as it were)


    What thinks you?

  2. You should go check out comments from Hoi Polloi on Bev's article "4 Brides and whole lot more" she makes some keen observations on Malkuth which might help to "bridge" some of these ideas

  3. I think Crowley's word stands aminly on its numerical basis, the 418 relates to the letter ChYTh[the 8th letter] which=418 and goes with the Chariot card.
    ABRAKADABRA = 433. I'm not penetrative enough to see why it might be a change, if it was.
    The word BRAShYTh is the first word of the Jewish Torah- Book of Law and ABRAHADABRA is Crowley's word of the Aeon , that's what rang my bell.

    BRK - the root for the word 'blessing' , it = 222. Carlo Suares claims this shows the want for stability as the 3 letters = 2 + 200 + 20 , all the 2s, containment , stability , shell. Strangely in Czech the word sound means a flat or home, and in English the same sound has become barrack, a home for troops.
    The word for 'curse' is AQQ [ 1+100+100] and represents Alef in its cosmic projection Quf penetrating our psychic and corporeal worlds. This kind of Truth , Suares infers, sends us running to the bomb-shelter to scrabble around in the mundane, robo-world so many vaunt as evolution.
    I doubt this answers your question but its where my thoughts meandered

  4. Caught Bevs article, yeah Malka the Bride , pretty fierce ad. Someone must have been doing a bit of research. Cheers for tip

  5. Thanks for going so in-depth for me. I was just curious if The magic word was at all related. It looks so close to ABRAHADABRA. All very interesting

  6. Can earthquakes be caused by star movements, among other things? I say yes. Most certainly. 1138 and the whir of the Aeon: ABRAHADABRA. Something my girlfriend said after reading Graham Hancocks 'Finger Prints of the Gods' comes to mind: "Breath of Isis" the photo of the star, storms, earthquakes, etc, etc

  7. F23
    I would say that they're related but I know only the similarity in spelling. I don't think AbraHadabra translates as well as AbraKadabra. Abra does of course.
    Why not Abrahamabra? I think that the similarity of the 2 words is deliberate , maybe be a bit of Golden Dawn marketing.
    I got into the star shaped earthquake breath boogie from the finding of that picture of Fomalhaut [ or Albemuth] The Fish - Mouth [ A mouths a kind of eye , an intaker of nourishment and information. Often the mouth expels what the eye has seen, as the anus expels what the mouth has consumed.
    Breath of Isis, the whispers of constellations

  8. Good finds all around AFERRISMOON...your insights ARE always interesting and come from a different place for me which I appreciate VERY much.

    what was the 1138 whir of Aeon? Immediately I think of THX-1138...

  9. 1138 Whirr of the Aeon is an article from here from July. Yes includes reference to THX-1138

  10. Damn sorry man...I have a hard time keeping up with past posts sometimes. I'll go reread it. Thanks!

  11. No worries, hardly slips off the tongue, and I feel the number articles are less tangible than physical events
