Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Bla K ' sun

A fuller explanation at
Tod's Through the looking Glass blog
and from his
to Bev's Exploring the Mysterious


  1. Wow, now that's quite a synch'. You and I seem to be riding quite a cosmic link.

    I've been swamped and haven't even had a chance to get back to The Foxes yet...I was overcome today to get something about Black Sun up (it had been on my mind).

    Great pictures of late...if I don't always post, please know I am reading and keeping an eye on all your amazing work.

  2. No comments = no probs
    the link to ExploringTheMysterious - cheers
    I am quite prolific in writing comments , I assume others might be eating , sleeping or taking part in some other spurious activity.
    All the pix are from the streets of Prague. When I got into these blogs I had to get a camera as there's so much imagery here

  3. Do you live in Prague?

    I have known a few people to visit there and have just been amazed by it. Often suggesting that I should go because of all the incredible imagery and symbolism.

  4. Its an fair old place, The Mother of Cities.
    have lived here since 2000. AD of course
    Almost undamaged in WWII unlike Warsaw,Hanover etc
    The Court of Rudolf II has a magical flavour and check the date of the opening of Charles Bridge - Karluv Most in 1359
    I might open a blog with only pix

  5. Didn't you guys have some serious flooding of your own a few years back? That threatened much of the historic sites?

  6. Yes, it was the highest its been. They have rebuilt on much of the flooded land incl. aglass triangular building belonging to Ford [ I think]. this glass building is the building Bond completes his 1st assassination in in Casino Royale.
    A sealion swam to Hamburg when the zoo flooded.
